Launching The First User Powered "Blogger Help Forum"

Blogger Help Forum

For the past one year we were busy in giving the biggest surprise to the web and exclusively the Blogger users. We were busy in building the first ever 24/7 Help Forum for Blogger users with a Cloud hosted system introduced first time to Blogspot community. We are now premium customers of Civilized Discourse Construction Kit, Inc and Alhamdulillah bringing you the most advanced Forum technology called Discourse to Blogger users, developed by the founders of Stackoverflow, and maintained by its co-founder Jeff Atwood aka codinghorror.

We are officially launching and releasing the first version of "Blogger Help Forum" V1.3.0 today. This is probably the biggest contribution by STCnetwork to BlogSpot Community and the happiest news for all users who were badly in need of quick help and support. It will be the only place where you will get replies within 24 hours and where you will find real bloggers and developers helping you out for free!

This marks our 5th Project Online Alhamdulillah.

*No Registration required! Login with Google, Facebook, Twitter or your Yahoo account!

Is it Just another Traditional Forum?

Of course not!

"Blogger Help Forum" is the first Discussion Forum of its type that is hosted on an extremely fast Cloud Server and uses the latest Discourse Technology which is the 100% open source discussion platform built for the next decade of the Internet. Discourse is the new big name for Forum software just like WordPress is for blogs.. This application is powered by JavaScript, AJAX, HTML5, Ruby on Rails and Ember.js. 

Blogger Help Forum's huge Database, enhanced  Mailing and Chatting environment will  let Blogger users to help each other in Template Customization, Monetization and SEO and offer 24/7 Free Help and Support without waiting for hours. It will do what Official Blogger Help Forum failed to do inshAllah.

Blogger Help Forum Interface

The Forum has extremely strict TOS and Policy and is built with sole purpose of keeping spammers away. Unlike Blogger's weak Comment Spam Filtering system, the forum has a strong community Flagging system that suspends users and deletes policy abusers within seconds. We surely believe in civilized community behavior at all times. Users achieve credibility and respect through an automatic mechanism of Trust Levels which differentiates a ninja from a newbie.

User Profiles

The Forum works as a:

  • Mailing List!                      powered by MailChimp
  • Discussion Forum!          powered by Discourse
  • Long-Form Chat Room! You will forget whatsapp!

Joining it would be to discover a modern, sustainable, fully open-source Internet discussion platform, where you will not talk to walls, anonymous users or spam bots but you will actually interact with real people and expert pro Bloggers.

notification system

Read below the story which personally forced us to build this new environment for all of you and read also who actually owns this Forum!

Forum Access Points

There are a total of 4 access points using which you can visit the forum to post your questions and ask for instant help.

Forum latest topics can be viewed live from the wooden drop down menu towards the right of secondary navigation menu as shown in the screenshot below:

latest forum topics

It can also be accessed from a link in the Header and footer menu and also through a button at the bottom of every post.

Humble Request

Our dream of a user powered Blogger Community has finally come true. Together we can make it the biggest Blogger Online Library inshAllah and It will be our self-built Encyclopedia for Blogspot blogs.

We created this forum to help people like you for free with no service charges and no advertisements on the site. The site maintenance and hosting charges per month are extremely expensive and we are bearing them all so that people like you and we may contribute comfortably to the forum and help one another. Lets help the generation ahead with this new Blogger Encyclopedia and never abuse it. At Blogger Help Forum you can document your knowledge so that you could be remembered forever. It is as much yours as it is ours. We don't claim to own it as we have mentioned several times, all that we expect is to thank you for all your love and motivation that has been the sole driving force that keeps us alive.

I accept the truth that I could not provide honest support through the commenting system of this blog but I promise to answer personally each query posted on the forum within 24 hours inshAllah. This is what I expect from those of my readers who have excelled in designing and developing blogger templates and widgets, to share their skills with new comers and never reserve skills learnt to themselves alone. Knowledge is good only if shared with humanity, else what good it is if reserved to oneself. 

Thank you for being a strong source of inspiration, we certainly could not have built it without your feedback and help from God Almighty Who is always with us through good Times and Bad.

Join it now and also invite your good friends and family to the Forum! Peace and blessings buddies! =>

If you don't want to get yourself into Serious Technical Trouble while editing your Blog Template then just sit back and relax and let us do the Job for you at a fairly reasonable cost. Submit your order details by Clicking Here »


We have Zero Tolerance to Spam. Chessy Comments and Comments with 'Links' will be deleted immediately upon our review.
  1. This is really a delicious news for all Blogpost Users where will resolve their site issue within 24 hours.

    Splendid place finally reveal for blogspot users, Time to move on!

    Thanks bundles

    1. I am thankful to users like you who explored the forum long before it was launched and contributed heavily. Thank you hafeez

  2. Salam brother,

    Amazing project this is. I hope this becomes a huge success and helps up coming bloggers InshaAllah.

    My prayers are with you. Jazakallaah.

    1. W.salam Alaikum Dear Hassam,

      All praise surely goes to Allah for making it possible and special regards to friends like you for their consistent feedback. Do join the forum hassam, there are many who need to learn a lot from you buddy :)

  3. Thanks bundles for creating this type of Blogger Help Forum that Help Newbies to get there questions solved! Thanks a lot!

    1. Thank you a lot my sweet little brother! I am so impressed of your intellect and dedicated contribution at the forum. Thank you for all the kind prayers :)

  4. Wow great , you guys doing wonderful job .great love u all.specially mustafa.

    1. Love you even more anees brother. I would be more than pleased after I have helped each one of you and satisfied you all inshAllah. That is our aim at this moment

  5. Awesome Job done again by MBT.

    1. Not an awesome job unless I am accompanied by skilled bloggers like yourself in helping out new comers! :)

  6. Congratulations and Thank you Mustafa. I am sure this forum will help many. :)

    1. I hope the same dear rohan. Thank you for sharing your precious wealth of knowledge with fellow bloggers on the forum and thank you for being amongst the first to have joined it! :>

  7. Replies
    1. Says thanks only to yourself and bloggers around the world who made it possible with their consistent feedback. I take no credits because I am surely not capable of making this dream come true

  8. I wish that be true and that's what we aim for dear faizan :>

  9. It is another great motivation from you Mustafa. Certainly these days, when wordpress discussions are on the peak, talking about just Blogger blogs is pleasing. I believe, success will be yours again in this way. Regards!

    1. Nida wordpress is something which students can never afford and neither they can afford the time to learn PHP and the advanced functionalities, Blogger is the simplest platform which if used properly can leave behind several wordpress blogs. At the forum we have now some users who even ask us questions about wordpress seo like YOAST and we love answering them too =>

  10. Dear Mustafa I have learnt a lot by MBT and hope that this forum will be recognised like a light of hope for all disappointed and helpless bloggers.

    1. That is what we all hope for kisoni. A single platform where we can all share what we have learnt so far

  11. raised one question waiting for answers:

  12. Awesome thing developed :) ....

  13. This is really great .. Nice work..

  14. Assalamualaikum !! Mashallah MBT- Team, Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai Good to hear about Forum. I do Follow you since 2011. :) You are the source of motivation for me !! Keep Blogging :)

    1. W.salam Dear Sharfuddin

      It is no less than an honor receiving a feedback from a senior reader and contributor. Thank you for always being there :)

  15. Congrats bro

    Here! I had published my words officially :)

    1. Thank you umer for the kind review, It is favor that you guys are spreading the message across the web. Thank you again :)

      I just shared it with my Facebook followers!

  16. Asslamualaikum Bro,

    You created an amazing forum which will be really helpful for newbies thanks and may Allah grant you success in this world and as well as hereinafter

    1. W.salam Dear Munawar

      May Allah bless you more for such a pleasant prayer. Thank you sincerely dear brother! :)

      Make sure to share your knowledge with us on the forum

  17. Great news for us,all the best Mustafa bro.

    1. Thank you dear Madan, hoping to see your participation in the forum :)

  18. Wow! That's great news Mohammad! Congratulations on this. Will try to check it out after work.
