Fix Structured Data hatom Errors in Blogger

structured data errors

Last year we wrote a comprehensive post on understanding what Structured Data is and how it is used to better display your site on major search engine result pages. Today you will find the first tutorial of its kind for Blogger blogs where you will learn how to fix Structured Data errors in BlogSpot templates. In your webmaster tools' Search Appearance tab or while using Google rich snippets tool, you must have come across two or all of these famous microformat markup errors:

  1. Warning: Missing required field “entry-title
  2. Warning: Missing required field “updated
  3. Warning: Missing required hCard “author

Both wordpress and Blogger users are facing this trouble. We will be covering blogger troubleshoot guide today and will cover wordpress Genesis platform as soon as possible.

UPDATE: This method fixed all errors on our network sites and those of our clients. Dropping errors by 100%. Check the prove here: Remove all Structured Data Errors!

Structured Data errors before and after

What is

Schemas are simply html tags, that webmasters can use to markup their pages in ways recognized by Bing, Google, Yahoo! and Yandex. All these search engines rely on this markup to improve the display of search results, making it easier for people to find the right web pages.

In Blogger the errors of missing fields are a result of inaccurately placing the schema tags or absence of these tags causing two famous errors in hAtom which are a missing Author and Updated fields.

What are Rich Snippets?

In 2009, Google decided to reshape the way search results are displayed. This was a good step and search pages got a whole new look to help users find more information on a large variety of subjects including people(Authorship Markup), food recipes, events and Product reviews. See some examples below:

Rich Snippets for Author

rich snippets for author

Rich Snippets for Product Reviews 

Rich Snippets for Product Reviews

Rich Snippets for Video

Rich Snippets for Video


Fixing Missing Fields in Blogger

In order to fix the missing entry-title, updated and author errors, we will introduce some schema tags inside your blogger template that will tell search engines how to pick the correct title, Author name and published date of the post.The hatom items with errors that you see in webmasters tool compose of author and updated fields which we will fix here.

Lets now add some well defined schema classes that will clean up all errors that you see in your webmaster Structured Data tab.

Fixing hCard error

  1. Go To Blogger > Template
  2. Backup your template
  3. Click "Edit HTML"
  4. Search for this code

<span class='post-author vcard' >
                <b:if cond='data:top.showAuthor'>
                  <b:if cond='data:post.authorProfileUrl'>
                    <span class='fn'>
                      <a expr:href='data:post.authorProfileUrl' rel='author' title='author profile'>
                    <span class='fn'><></span>

The above HTML DOM could look different in custom blogger templates. In that case only make sure to locate the yellow highlighted codes. You just need to find a similar code as shown above. It does not need to be exactly the same.

        5. Replace the above chunk of similar code that you found with this one:

<span class='post-author vcard' itemscope='itemscope'  itemtype=''>
                <b:if cond='data:top.showAuthor'>
                  <b:if cond='data:post.authorProfileUrl'>
                    <span class='fn author'>
                      <a expr:href='data:post.authorProfileUrl' rel='author' title='author profile'>
                        <span itemprop='name'><></span>
                    <span class='fn author'><span itemprop='name'><></span></span>

If you observe clearly, we simply introduced an itemtype, a class of author and a name. All these three important classes do the magic of fixing the missing hcard error!

    6. Save your template

    7. Visit the Rich Snippets testing tool, insert your URL and you will find that the hCard error is all gone!

author field

The author field is blank because fn inside a Vcard stands for full name and provides much better information about the author. See an example below for our co-author, Qasim Zaib.

author field

Isn't that cool?

Fixing updated error

Lets now fix the problem of Missing:updated error. Google must know about the publish date of your post. For that we will enclose the post timestamp inside a new class of updated. Follow this:

  1. Inside your template search for this code:


    2.  You will find the above code twice.  Replace it twice for both occurrences with the code given below:

<span class='updated'><data:post.timestamp/></span>


    3. Save your template and you are almost done!

Visit again the rich snippets tool and amazingly you will see that updated filed just works fine now:

updated field in structured data

Fixing entry-title error

PS: Ignore this step if you are not getting entry-title errors

This error only occurs with custom blogger templates which are designed carelessly and are not well optimized. If you are facing this problem, then here is the solution.

  1. Inside blogger search for this code:

<b:if cond='data:post.title'>
      <h3 class='post-title'>

It could be h2 in your case.

   2. Replace the above code with this one twice:

<b:if cond='data:post.title'>
<h3 class='post-title entry-title'>

    3. Save your template and you are all done!

Rich snippets tool will now surely show your entry title correctly:

entry-title field in structured data

Items with errors

Within next 24 hours, webmaster will update your Structured Data and will show zero for items with errors. The number of these items actually indicate your post count. This number would be as large as the total number of posts and pages on your blog. Since we have cleaned up the schema errors inside your template, therefore within next 24 hours or more Google will start showing a green signal for your structured data!

items with errors

Need Help?

I am sure this tutorial would be helpful to all our readers and potentially productive in helping Google better index and crawl your sites. Please feel comfortable to ask us anything where you may need help. Peace and blessings buddies :)

Troubleshoot Guide

These errors will surely not fix if you are doing one of the followings:

Author info and Timestamp

  1. Not displaying author info in Post section causes Missing:author error. i.e. "Not mentioning the author name with class Fn"
  2. Not displaying date or time in Post section causes Missing:Updated error. i.e. "Not mentioning the published time of the post"
  3. You are displaying author info and published time on Homepage but not on subpages
  4. Not adding the class Updated to timestamp.

This solution is first time introduced by MBT blog. Replication of this tutorial in any way without attribution would be a serious Copyright infringement.

If you don't want to get yourself into Serious Technical Trouble while editing your Blog Template then just sit back and relax and let us do the Job for you at a fairly reasonable cost. Submit your order details by Clicking Here »


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  1. thanks for sharing awesome info

    1. Let me try this one, I have 29 Items with Errors on 29 pages, im gonna follow this tutorial to see if its work on my blogger blog.

    2. can any one clear my hatom errors pls requesting

  2. Finally My Search Ends Here !!! Shukriya Mustafa Bhai :)

  3. Thank you so much Muhammad for sharing this. I'm facing this problem for a wordpress site. Looking for a solution. Could you please guide me where can I get this type of information for a wordpress site.

    1. Just give me time, I will post that too asap I am free. Wordpress has many different builtin frameworks like genesis and thesis, they work fine except for updated one. therefore we need to write a php script to make it work.

  4. Thanks alot Mustafa Bhai for giving this precious tutorial. I was also facing the same error but unable to find any solution. But now I am able to fix this error.

    Bro I am facing error in Google search results that my blog and many other blogs are showing "updated=max" like tags links by which it shows duplicate meta description error!

    How I can resolve this error??

    Stay Blessed!

    1. updated=max is a URL query extension that wont harm a site SEO if it is giving duplicate meta description error because there is no way we can edit blogger's .htaccess file to avoid it. But if you are seeing that in your search results also then I guess you have written a custom robots.txt file from search preferences. Please switch your settings to this one:

  5. Can we put author name instead of "name" ? plz reply...Coz it is not working for author..

    1. you can try doing that also but the structure above must work. You can also place the author class in a separate span tag. Do this and see if it works for you.

      Are you displaying multiple author box below posts?

    2. Replace twice this

      <span class='fn author'>

      with this

      <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''>

      Let me know if it worked for you

    3. Thank you So much...Let me try first,,,,

    4. Dear Ahmadzai .. Here is the site link...
      Its still not working for author... ???

  6. I could not find this ,

    plz help

  7. Replies
    1. your blog URL please?

      This is a tag every blog has if you are on Blogger

  8. brother,
    my author picture can be seen only who have added me in their circles.......
    or who are using google search in different language like BANGLA.

  9. thank's a lot, it's helps me fix the error...

  10. Thank you for such a wonderful tutorial

  11. please share for wordpress users also.. Here is my website and i got so many errors to build google authorship..


  12. The author code doesn't work..... Please help. Still I can see the missing author error. Updated fixed successfully.

    1. Replace twice this

      <span class='fn author'>

      with this

      <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''>

      Let me know if it worked for you :)

    2. Mustafa bhai still not working by replacing the code twice

  13. I follow your tutorial and updated my template with your article. But still showing errors in structured data tools please help me.

    1. you mean webmaster tools or rich snippets tools?

      Webmaster will take 24 or more hours to detect that you have corrected things

  14. it's still showing errors.,,,not fixed

    1. Why would it work when you have not even added the hcard and updated class? :)

      You must add author name and post time below post title for it to work

  15. love you bro <3 you're the true king! most of us were facing these errors and none of us couldn't actually find a true solution. thank you.....

  16. Hello sir, didn't worked. :( still the error is same. But something changed. When I checked my home page's rich snippet, it showed me extra things like name and it is showing my name but in the hatom entry its still giving error.

    1. I checked your blog. You have not added the code correctly

      You forgot to add the complete code for hcard that I shared above. You must add the first line of code which has this class:

      class='post-author vcard'

      Else of course why would it work? :)

  17. Replies
    1. you are making the same mistake as lilesh. :)

      You forgot to add the complete code for hcard that I shared above. You must add the first line of code which has this class:

      class='post-author vcard'

  18. I had changer code but not fix :(( Please help me. Demo

    1. Working perfectly on your homepage

      How would it work on a post page when you have kept the data and author name hidden there? :)
      Simply remove the conditional statements across the author and timestamp code by following this tutorial:

      Show and hide widgets in Blogger

    2. Thanks @Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai. I will fix it.

  19. I didn't noticed this errors before reading this post, thanks again MBT!!

    But after doing you steps is still not fixed, I exchanged all my cod from step 1 (Fixing hCard error) to the one you present, then search for "" and only find one that I changed for your code, and finally I confirmed that my code for the title is already "h3 class='post-title entry-title'" so no need to change.

    But as I said the errors are still happening :(

    My link is


    1. You have no author info on your blog. You must add the hcard code that I shared above.

      for the updated one, find this code in your template:


      replace it with this

      class="date updated"

      Save and this will hopefully change the updated missing error. About the author, you must display author info below post titles first.

    2. Still not working :\

      Erro: Missing required field "updated".
      Erro: Missing required hCard "author".

      thanks anyway

  20. It's awesome Bro; the codes (entry-title, updated, and author) worked just like a charm on all of my blog POSTS (Breadcrumb-

    But, I still got Error warnings on my single blog PAGES (hatom-Markup: follow:

    Error: At least one field must be set for Hcard.
    Error: Missing required field "name (fn)".
    Error: Missing required field "updated".

    Is there any solution to fix this issues?
    This is an example from my blog pages:

    Thanks 4 ur kind reply Bro.. ^_^ (Indonesia)

  21. Hi Mustafa ,

    i am facing this Error -- > Error: Missing required hCard "author".
    please give me some suggestions. -->


  22. Hi, thanks so much for this. I followed your suggestions and made the changes and hatom and hcard errors seem to have been resolved. But if I scroll down to the page
    I can still see some errors like this:
    Error: Page contains property "image_url" which is not part of the schema.
    Error: Page contains property "blogid" which is not part of the schema.
    Error: Page contains property "postid" which is not part of the schema.
    Can this be corrected?

  23. still facing author error after the replacement of above code..
    please help me out

  24. Hi,
    I tried the codes in my template but I still got 11 missing updates though it seems that I solved the author error (when I clicked one of the item error, the fn clearly showed my name so I assumed I did it correctly). What's confusing me is when I tested its live data, I got this "Error: At least one field must be set for Hcard. Error: Missing required field "name (fn)". I really have no idea what's wrong, since I got no "missing author error". could you please help me solve this problem? my blog is, thank you very much. :))

  25. I have done Warning: Missing required field “updated” for my blog...... but it's still showing Error: Missing required field "updated" in Data Testing Tool after editing the code. i am getting same issue. what should i do ? wait till webmaster update it?

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Hi Mohammad,
    I change code but author error is not fixed. it shows Error: Missing required hCard "author"

    plz check it and give me solution

  28. I already tried this,
    but seem my site is not yet accessible to public
    Do I have to wait for 24 hours.?

  29. If I change the entire theme, will this solve my problem?

  30. What about post that has been deleted and now showing not fund error? please guide me how to solve.

  31. Hcard author code is not working for me :( please help

  32. nice post

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Everything is okey but author name is not showing after making given changes what to do now...?

  35. Dear my blogger template is not showing this code.

    How i find it plz reply me.

  36. Salam Muhammad Bhai
    im huge fan of your Blog and i visit your blog daily ..
    i got these errors please tell me how to fix them..
    Authorship is not working for this webpage.
    Cannot verify that rel=author markup has established authorship for this webpage.
    Error: Missing required field "updated".
    Error: Page contains property "blogid" which is not part of the schema.
    Error: Page contains property "postid" which is not part of the schema.

  37. Trying to update Missing: Missing Updated. but the code you asked to look for is appearing only once. What to do?

  38. how to fix "Missing:Updated" in pages of blogger blog

  39. Mustafa Bro, i can not find the second piece of code instead i found h2 class='post-title entry-title

  40. mustafa bhai i follwed this article its very helpful all my errors are fixed but the hatom author error is still here in my WMT.. even i replaced the code u advised up here.. what could be the problem..

    1. Same thing here...
      I think, it'll be removed after sometime as soon as google crawl my site.

  41. span class='post-author vcard' is missing in my blog template, where do I place it?

  42. @Dear Mustafa Brother

    I have a Blog and When i open any page of my blog or any some posts of blog then sidebar goes down.please help to to remove this error reply plz plz bro

  43. Dear,
    I try to do this with Structured Data,You are right everything is ok but Structured
    data not updated and error will not gone it shows in Structured data plz. help me
    to remove this error

  44. i did same according to the instruction but this error keep coming
    Error: Missing required field "updated".
    i also added span class='updated' twice on my blog but.. not working..Please my blog link-

  45. hello dear brother .. i am suffering for struction data error :(
    i am newbie dont know how to fix this problem ..
    please check my site first ..
    then tell me where is the problem & how to fix .. thanks in advance .. waiting for your helpo

  46. dear brother .. i got same code on my blog 1st what u post .. then u replaced code by copy pasting what u post then ..
    error not fixed .. then i got 3 times this code on my blog >>
    another 2 codes is like that >> class='published' expr:title='data:post.timestampISO8601'>

    so cant upadted there.. dont know where i put "updated"
    still Error: Missing required hCard "author". are showing ..
    Note: in my blog code has >> h2 class='post-title entry-title'>
    & h3 class='post-title entry-title'> too
    now what can i do ?? me should replace h 2 class='post-title entry-title'> to h3 ??? please help me

  47. HI Dear
    I had changer code but not fix
    Error: Missing required hCard "author"

    my bloge url is

  48. Dear Brother, Assalam aley kum! When I tried using above codes in template and making more some changes as suggested by template and when I previewed the template the whole home page post are invisible, but still the errors are showing up mainly Missing: author and Missing: updated.

    Please can you fix this error for me, my blog is

  49. All the info is showing in 3 different lines. like Author name in first line, then date and then time.
    I want to display all that in single line. How to?

  50. Thank master i use your tutorial to my 2 blogs. In all is ok but in second is something wrong. I try all methods finally i copied and repleced whole HTML Code from 1 blog and... still nothing. Anyway thanks.

  51. Hi, i have faced the problem of "missing author" error in my blog,even after following your steps it remains same how to fix that one pls suggest any other way.thanks in advance.

  52. Are this will be problem in blog online store????

  53. Extracted structured data
    name: map
    rel: tag
    Error: Missing required field "entry-title".
    Error: Missing required field "updated".
    Error: Missing required hCard "author".

    I have follow your advised but it was not solve this problem.
    Please advise.

    1. @Kim Cue
      Sir google WMT will take some time to fix it. Plz wait for 24hours hope every thing will be fine.

      Thanks :)

  54. hi thanks for this, I followed all your instructions and it working fine on blog posts but not on homepage I still have update and author error please help

  55. bro, i have error like this....

    Kesalahan: Missing required field "name (fn)".

    please, how to resolving this? my blog

  56. Dear Sir,
    I've checked as you said and it gives msg as:

    name: Trekking places
    rel: tag
    त्रुटि: Missing required field "updated".
    त्रुटि: Missing required hCard "author".

    Please Help me out.

  57. Hi @Mohammad,

    I followed all the steps in your tutorial, and now I'm waiting to see the results in Google webmasters.

    By default my template doesn't show the author name and date/time stamp under each post tittle, so I was wondering how can I implement them. I was just searching your blog for any suggestions, but couldn't find anything. I'll be happy if you can help me.

    My blog url:


  58. Thank You So Much,, it's helpfull (Y)

  59. it's just perfect :)
    Thank you very much sir You helped me to fix it :p

  60. sir even after following the above steps very carefully, I'm facing the same problem for
    Missing: author, Missing: updated in webmasters on my blog .................. what to do?

    1. Wait for my tutorial explaining in detail some new methods which will help you add them successfully. The reason why it does not work for most of you is becaise microdata is set of HTML5 and unless your template is upgraded to html5 the mirodata tags wont work. So I am writing new tutorials for it

  61. hi.

    How can I remove structured data in blogger tempates please help I don't want google to put dates on my post page. I know how to remove dates but it triggers updated error in WMT. Can you help

  62. Thanks man, i have fix the time stamp but the author wasnt fix, my site
    can i shear this your post on my blog?

  63. Really a brilliant solution! my blog was new with 42 errors! and You just solved the biggest problem! Thank You so much

  64. I follow your tutorial and updated my template with your article for updated errors. (two days ago) but still showing errors in webmaster tools, structured data tools please help me.

    1. All errors fixed, thank you very much for your article. There is one more problem; when I check my blog on I got six errors about itemprop attribute. it says "The itemprop attribute was specified, but the element is not a property of any item." is there any way to solve this problem?

  65. sir i,m Add html vcard code and save after saving templete error show
    Please help me.

  66. thx for sharing i really was looking for it !

  67. Thank you so much mate, I'm new at this SEO tools and still learning, I got this errors and were completely lost, but your post helped, and it's very instructive leaving no doubts for dummies like myself :D
    Thanks a lot.

  68. I tried your recommendation for my "Updated" issue and it worked. thank you.

  69. Hi!

    Firstly, thank you for your post and for your site, it helps me much!

    Secondly, I don't undertand why in Test Live (Structured Data Testing Tool) there are no errors after I made changes and in Structured Data there are tems with errors (224), even there are 3-4 days after I made the changes.

    Thank you!

    Best regards,

  70. wow !! Thanks for this. I have completed task for Author Error and Updated. After 24 ours I see Error solved or not ? But i'm sure it will done. thanks again Bhai.

    1. image: missing and required
      how do i fix this problem?

  71. I am going to use Missing: updated trick in my blog , i have 29 errors only in missing update error. Thanks for information.

  72. One thing to watch out for: the timestamp occurs TWICE in the blogger template--once for mobile and once for desktop. You have to apply the "updated" fix for the desktop copy (although it won't hurt to do both). Otherwise you'll make the change and wonder why it had zero effect.

  73. it is very good i like it, and it realy help me out thanks very much

  74. Does structured data errors affect adsense approval?

  75. nice job my friend!
    Finally I can fix this error items

  76. I have change the code as you have mentioned above. Now I tried to fetch a link in Rich Snippets testing tool but no result appeared no warning, no title or author name nothing. Only i see custom search result filter.

  77. All of the above errors that you fixed in this post, are very good. Except Blogger has updated since than. And all of these errors are fixed by default.

    My problem is that i get NEW errors. And i din't know how to fix them.

    author: missing and required
    datePublished: missing and required
    headline: missing and required
    image: missing and required
    name: missing and required
    publisher: missing and required
    dateModified: missing and recommended
    mainEntityOfPage: missing and recommended

  78. structured data testing tool gives no results at all when I enter my URL. It might be a stupid question, but why is that?

  79. Hy i need help. Please help me . How can i fix this error in wordpress ?

    What kind of problem is this ?
    Can changing theme or using child theme fix it ?

  80. Hi sir, How to fixed Error image ? i'm used template default blogger. Please help. Thank you

  81. Mustafa bhai please help mein apne blog ko Google par search karta hun to meta description show nahi hota balke mix content show ho raha hai post ka 150 mein meta description bhi add kiya hai please help bhia

  82. Hey its not my website structure data errors

  83. i have tried this method, but unfortunately not working at all, i've read n done exactly like u said in this article, i mean, i just copas your code.

  84. Everything is ok in my posts but i have these errors in static pages. How can i display author name and date in static pages? Please answer to me

  85. Error my blogger blog Missing: updated data structure. But explain 2nd title: I try to find it but 4-time present, So what to change...

  86. How do I fix for missing "," or ":"
