5 Must Follow Principles for Bloggers

follow-traits-successful-bloggerWith the hype that has been created in the world about the best online ways to make money, Blogging comes on the top. There is no doubt about the power of blogging at this time of stage, yet there are some ethical principles that a blogger must dissolve in his career and drink to maintain his business smoothly. What happens is once the blogs start generating revenue, bloggers find themselves, somewhere out of the world, often neglecting the fact that it was their readers who contributed in taking the blogs to such successes. In order to grasp your customer’s attention consistently, Here are five simple principles to keep your readers happily bonded with your blog and enjoy making money online!


Being creative is one of the most important things. You cannot always be direct; you have to be creative, making things interesting for your readers. If you are running more than two blogs at the same time, then you need to take care of that all of your blogs must be unique and different from others; good enough to take your readers away into an amazing world of your words. Even the slightest innovations can bring people to your blog and make them your captives. Try bringing out the reality in your words, keep them light but effective!


Blogging requires patience and passion to work. You have to be determinant and consistent in whatever you do. Even if your blog isn’t doing well, you cannot just stop working on it. However, We know that it might get pretty depressing when you aren’t getting the desired feedback but that is not the end of the world. You need to focus and work on it more. You need to work with passion and more determination. Blogging in the true spirit of making a difference will surely make your way. Don’t stop! Just work your heart out!


Although the primary emphasis is given on writing quality posts and driving traffic, there are other factors contributing in a blog’s success. Blogging is like a double road where you have to blog and keep yourself updated in your social circle. You need to have a social spirit. Walk out and join other networks, meet bloggers, share your stuff, learn new things and broaden your horizon. You cannot keep yourself in a nutshell, especially when you are earning your livings from an online source. You need to socialize as much as you can and develop new relationships. This socializing plus the quality of your blogs will make things easier for you.


Arrogance is one thing that people dislikes the most. Whether you are a newbie or a famous blogger, this is intolerable in both the cases. The blogging community eagerly welcomes passion and opinions but closes the doors for humiliation and ego. You should opt for some better ways of advancement instead of demeaning other bloggers. Just keep in mind, you are a blogger like others and you should use it as a tool for success rather a weapon to humiliate your readers.


Are your stories to the point? Does your blog actually relate to what you have in store? Do the news and events depict the clear picture of what you are? If yes, then you surely are on the right track. Follow your paths; do not deviate from it just because you aren’t getting much traffic. Don’t do what others are doing. Keep your posts unique and concrete. Look up what popular stories are relevant to your blog, make them precise and then post!

Creating a blog and writing a quality content is somehow much easier because that is what depends on you only, however, attracting the traffic and adding an X-factor in your tone to keep the readers bonded is something that demands a real hard work from you, because public dealing is itself a huge subject to understand and when you decide to become an entrepreneur, you should be ready to take care of all the aspects that are a part of any physical world business.

All the Best,

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  3. Amazing and invaluable principles, thank you so much for this post. About point #5, being precise and clear means going right to the point, not dragging a post just to make it long and avoid the google panda effect (which many bloggers do). Thanks once again!


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  13. Well there must be some strict principle for every thing. Blogging is not a child's play and this needs attention with self discipline.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

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