"Pinterest" Step By Step Guide For Bloggers

pinterest guide for bloggersYesterday, we introduced visual online pin-board; Pinterest. As it is a new social networking so we felt it important to write tutorials to explain and ease the use for you. Today, we will focus on how to present your blog in this sensational showcase. Taking MBT as our example, we have carved out the following layout for our blog. Allow us to explain you step by step.

Creating Boards:

Before we proceed, it is important to understand what is a board?
A board is a set of pins. A board can be created on any topic, such as Cool Posters, Recipes For Dinner, or Wish list. You can add as many pins to a board as you want.
Creating a board is simple. Click on Add ->Create Board
It will display a dialogue box which will ask for Board Name. We are creating “Blogger Templates”.
It will then ask to select the category. We selected “Technology”. This category will drive traffic at your board. Remember? So do not opt “Other” but find the possible closest category.
You can then authorize who can pin at your boards. If you are promoting any community, you may prefer “Me + Contributors” but for a blog owner “Only Me” is a better choice to assure quality.

Adding Pins:

This was creating the board, now you need to add pins to it. How can you do so?
Click on Add->Add a Pin. It will ask for web address. Enter url and the following window is displayed:

You are then required to enter the url (I do not understand why they are asking it twice).Select the category and a brief description for it which can grab others’ attention. You can select a proper display image according to your pin. Note that it automatically “find images” at the web page mentioned by web address. One thing is problematic here; it does not capture all the images but is selective. We have also commented web addresses at in the comment box because it does not take you to the web page when clicked on the image.

Editing a Pin:

You can edit a pin to edit board cover. This will be the larger centralized image. And the rest of the pins are displayed as smaller thumbnails. You can click on the edit option, if required. If you have, by mistake, added a pin to a wrong board; you do not need to delete it and add it again. All you need to do is click on edit and select the right category.
As in our example, we wrongly pinned “Turning Bloggers into Entrepreneurs” on “Download Zone”. We simply changed the category to “About Us”.
Save the pin.pinterest edit pin

Rearranging the Boards:

Of course, you need to review your design and you will find some imperfections. Rearrange your boards by drag and drop. Bring the most important in front or at the top; prioritize them and arrange them accordingly. For doing so, click on “Edit Profile”.edit profile 

What Boards Should I Create?

This was all about creating and editing a board. Here comes the crucial part…what will be the best layout to display our blog perfectly? Everything should be “Showed Off”. As our first attempt, we have decided to create a separate board for separate categories in our blog, just like we have separate tabs in our navigation bar. But, we repeat, you need to prioritize your boards.  
We have created separated boards for About Us, Blog, Widgets and Plug-ins, Download Zone, Mbt Lab, Blogger Templates.
These boards are your categories. Now when ever a new widget is developed, we will pin it to our widget board. Whenever a post is written, pin it on blog board. This is the basic structure we have fashioned.
Since I tried all this on my personal profile that’s why you are seeing my name. Else you can design one for your blog and do not forget to add a description for it. creating boards in pinterest

Linking Accounts:

Pinterest links your Facebook and twitter accounts. This is of great benefit, since many of us have well established fan pages and we do not need to add or share everything at three separate places. Pinterest works with the updated timeline layout and here’s how it shows your activity:linking facebook to pinterest
It is quite prominent as you can easily observe. You can add “Pin It” buttons at your blogs to allow direct sharing. We will be sharing a tutorial on it soon.

Your Say:

Don’t forget to share with us how you find this newly pin world. We will definitely be sharing more tricks related to pinterest. You can post your queries here and can request for tutorials as well. We will try our best to help you and find out solutions for your problems.
Stay tuned! Stay blessed!

Note:- Mohammad is stuck with studies and as soon as he gets free he will provide your with Pin button codes that you can add inside your blogger templates. The plugins will be provided very soon.

Guest post by Rahmeen Ahmad Khan. She is MBT"s Gold Star Contributor

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice Post Sis .... I just finished research on it and finally got how to add the Pinterest Button on blogs .....



    Comment Changes forgot to see who written it lolz

    Hmm suberb post from you sister.well explained i wana ask when i go to pin something it is redirecting me again and again to the home page is there any problem with my browser or what....please do explain me...other then that job well done/////thanks you///and Mohammed sir my guest post///what happen to it///

    yes, i am getting the same problem whether i pin it from my blog or anyone else's.I am also waiting for mohammad's post so that he can address the issue.

    thats great haider.I have also added in my blog but it is not working correctly.Have you tried pin any post of yours?

  5. please help me to increase traffic on my site.
    please contact me
    email : abhi.03.bhattacharya@gmail.com

  6. I just created a Pinterest account and am eagerly waiting for some cool Pinterest buttons that I can add it on my blog.
    And thanx for the post. Its really nice .....

  7. Ok here I come now...

    1. I am yet to understand exactly how traffic is driven to our boards because when we search there is no title, only description is there. So may be its kinda search description with keywords in it.

    2. Adding Pin - When adding a pin, for me it doesn't ask me to put the url again as you mentioned. You may have mistaken something or if they ask again then it can be like first url to find images and the second url should be for giving credit or somewhat from where that image came from.

    3. Linked Accounts - Pinterest link to FB profile and not fan page. Not good :(

    4. Those who are in hurry for a button you can find them in the goodies section.

    @Faizan and Rahmeen
    Can you guys explain a bit more about the redirection. I mean did you tried pin with bookmarlet or button. Where you are redirected.. Your homepage or Pinterest homepage? May be I could help if you give clear details.

    I don't think I missed anything or left anyone :p

  8. Excellent! Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  9. @Hamza
    There is a big chunk of code you need to delete. So backup your template first.

    Now Check in the layout page that any widget is causing such error or not.

    If not then go to edit html mode -> expand widget template, find

    <div class='widget Blog' id='Blog2'>

    with Ctrl+F and delete the code including the line you just found till this line

    <div class='widget HTML' id='HTML3'>

    and save the template. Remember do not delete the second line you find.

    Lemme know if the problem persists.

  10. @Hamza
    Please send me your template on info[@]plentyofebooks.net
    This is off-topic question so can't discuss here further.
