Submit Blogger Sitemap to Bing and Yahoo without Errors (2)

bing yahoo blogger sitemapSitemap submission to Yahoo was previously done using Yahoo Site Explorer but just last year on 21 Nov 2011 Yahoo completed algorithmic transition to Bing. Yahoo merged site explorer into  Bing Webmaster Tools with a partnership contract. From then onwards webmasters were requested to submit sitemaps to Bing in order to expect quality traffic from both yahoo and Bing. Site Explorer was launched in 2005 by Tim Mayer and it was a pretty handy tool to keep a close watch on how your site was performing at yahoo search engine. You could get detailed info on how many sites were linking you and could also count the total number of internal links within your site. But since now Yahoo has joined hands with Bing search engine by Microsoft, our job becomes even more easy, because submitting your blog at Bing will set it live at two search engines, i.e. both Bing and yahoo. Previously MSN did not required sitemap and you only needed to submit your link to them by pinging them but with the replacement of MSN search engine by latest BING, Microsoft is now openly following Google's footsteps.


This is part2 of our series.


Part2: Submit Sitemap to Bing and Yahoo without Errors and Ping them

Submit Your Blog URL To BING and YAHOO

Follow these easy steps:

  1. Log into Bing Webmaster Tools using your hotmail account
  2. Once logged in you will see a dashboard with several options. Click the button " Add Site"  next to "Remove site button".
  3. add site to bing



    3.   Submit your URL.

submit blog to bing

       4.   Click Submit. Now you will be asked to verify if you are the true owner of the website or blog you submitted. You will be provided three standard methods. Choose the second option which is "Copy and paste a tag in your default webpage"  Click option:2

verify ownership

         5.  You will be given a short HTML code. Simply copy it and paste the code just below <head> inside your blogger template. To do this go to:

  • Blogger > Design > Edit HTML > Backup your template
  • Search for <head>
  • Just below it paste the code you got from BING
  • Save your template. All done!

        6. Now go back to BING webmaster page and click the "Verify" Button. If you pasted the code correctly then your sitemap will be successfully added to the list.

         7.  Normally it should take at most 3 days for BING and YAHOO to start showing data for your newly submitted site but it can even take 5 days. So be patient and expect your blog links appearing in BING and YAHOO search engines within 3-5 days.

You will then be able to track organic traffic to your blogs via your webmaster account which is almost similar to Google Webmaster tools account. You can find who is linking and what posts are trending high and a lot more!

Ping Yahoo and Bing

Sometimes you want to inform about a quick update at your blog to Bing and Yahoo, so that they may send crawlers to index your newly added content before time. Don't ping search engines too frequently for it can be taken as overloading the servers which can even get you penalized from search listings. Do it only when you feel that your links are not appearing at Yahoo and Bing page.

Just after blog submission you may also ping the search engines to draw more attention.

Do this:

  1. From the links below , replace with your blogspot links or custom domain links. (Example:  or
  2. Paste the following links in your browser address bar one at a time and hit enter. You will see a message "Thanks for submitting your sitemap." indicating that you have successfully pinged Bing.

For Bing:

LINK#1 For Posts between 1-500


LINK#2 For Posts between 5001-1000

LINK#3 For Posts between 1001-1500



You don't need to do this. Pinging bing will do the job


Test to see if your links are appearing

Simply paste your latest post URL inside Bing and Yahoo and see if your blog is appearing in the search results. If it did then say bingo and chill but if it did not then there could be two reasons:

  1. You need to wait for at most 5 days after first submission of your Blog
  2. You blog has no sufficient posts. Your blog must contain at least 15 posts


yahoo search results







bing search results




Solution: If despite waiting for 5 days, your links are still not showing up at Yahoo and Bing then do this:

  1. PING them again and wait for a day. If things did not work then try step#2 below
  2. Remove your Site from BING webmaster tools and resubmit it.
  3. PING them just after blog submission.

Need help?

I have explained the steps based on latest updates related to sitemap submission. You should apply this new method even if you have submitted your bogs to site explorer before 2011. I hope you found this part of the series useful. Stay tuned for more. Peace and blessings pals! :)

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We have Zero Tolerance to Spam. Chessy Comments and Comments with 'Links' will be deleted immediately upon our review.
  1. thanks for this information
    give a try and really got best result

  2. thanks for the tuto;
    by the way Mohammad bro, i am always waiting for your help :D
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    Thanks & best wishes for your sister !

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  4. Thanks Aloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot Mohammad Bhai

  5. Done!!! thanks for This post :)waiting for Pro blogger series and last step of this series :)

  6. nice article

    thanx friend.........

  7. Done :)
    People should even add sitemaps same as we learned in the Part 1.

  8. thanks bro, i wait this tutorial so long.. now i already submit my sitemap to bing & yahoo.. thanks man.

  9. Bro Sorry For Talking Off Topic but i need help.. i m creating a multi-coloum-footer but i need help...
    i m getting this type of fotter----

    But i want this type of---

    plz help bro.... plz :P :p :P

  10. Awesome :)

    You might be Single in your home after ur Sis Wed but you have many Bros and Sis around :)

  11. yeh! great .........

    very easy way you explain it am trying for my blog

    tks MBT

  12. What's the benefit of google bookmark?

  13. thanks for this post

  14. can't I add my feed directly


    like above

  15. nice man...

  16. wow really great article admin.........keep it up !!!!

  17. Thanks for very nice info...

  18. It worked for me. Great work! Thumbs UP!

  19. Thnx buddy I have submitted my sitemap succesfully to google and bing but there is some probloem with yahoo can u explain yahoo proccess in details.

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  21. Ur site information is very valuable for blogger noob like me.Thank u so much Sir!

  22. Thanks so much. this is a must visit blog for every blogger. thanks again. i was able to submit my blog to the search yahoo and bing.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. thanks Mohammad, u rock!
    this is my site for which i had taken Ur help. thanks again!

  25. Thanks i use your instructions for this blogger

  26. i have a in search shows only two url from my blog but actually i have 50 posts...why bing is not showing my all blog's all url.....please help me !!!
    mu blog url is

  27. Please tell me, if blogspot blogs may also be able to submit the sitemap.

  28. Sir,

    This process has become quite complicated now . Can you please post another post on How to do this in the new interface.

  29. i got more advanced options from

  30. oh my dear it giving error
    The sitemap needs to be part of the site. Please enter the full URL of the sitemap and make sure it is on the same domain/host as your site.

  31. thank you for sharing, it's very usefull...

  32. Thanks for the info.. Bing is indexing very slow

  33. please help cannot find my web.i do not why.please help me

  34. error in this line, LINK#2 For Posts between 5001-1000,,,it is not 5001,it is 501

  35. nice......

  36. thank you for the useful informations , I just tried to submit my blog : , But it not works , please could you help me.

  37. Thank Man, it worked, God bless you

  38. it has been very helpful though my blog has not shown yet. am waiting on the five day period.

    request to other bloggers, please, kindly help me make my blog better. all be greatful

  39. that was really helpful i am adding this and got good result.

  40. thax for usefull article Tech news and latest updates

  41. Thanks bro,my site is very new and this info helped me.I hope my site too wil get indexed on bing..

  42. Hi,
    Thank you for sharing this , i have submitted my blog succesfully after reading this post and one more request it will be very helpful if your provide , i wanted to submit my sitemap to chinese search called “” but i am not able to do that it will be very helful if you provide tutorial on that , will be waiting for your response ..

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. I have a doubt,should we submit the sitemap again after verifying the account or just leave it after verifying the site?

  45. Hi, nice information here.

    In our website we set custom crawl rate 4 months ago but still it says "Your site has been assigned special crawl rate settings. You will not be able to change the crawl rate" and the custom crawl rate is valid for 90 days only then what is the matter.

    Click on this link to view screenshot of Site Settings :

    Please check our Crawl Stats and let us know if there any kind of problem you found.

    Click on this link to view screenshot of Crawl Stats :

    Homepage :
    Platform :

    Waiting for your reply...Thank you.

    Regards, Softfully Team

  46. Tried all you said still my blog is not showing up in bing and yahoo.My blog address is
    Please help!!

  47. The stuff written in the blogs have allured me!!! book a room medina

  48. do i have to upload sitemaps frequently ?

  49. i submitted blogger sitemap to bing webmaster tool use same google webmaster method atom.xml 500 post tk...jb bing ko submited kia to 15 post the 25 feb 2015 ko submit kia h.. google webmaster mn ur bing mn bhe. mgr aj 18 post lge hn google webmaster mn 19 url submitted and index 19 lekin bing mn whe 15 url submit hn bing mn kitna time lgta h index honay mn next post url jb new post lagty hn to?

  50. Hello,

    I have submitted my blogs sitemap to Google and Bing. My question is that is it really necessary to submit sitemap on yahoo because I don't think people are using yahoo as search engine. Most of the people uses google as primary search engine.
    Any help will be appreciated
    My blog URL is

  51. Thanks Mohammed for making my day!

    Your post was very simple, however I wonder why you did not mention entering the "Sitemap" which is asked after the site has been added.

    I've now submitted myBlog sitemap to Bing (and Yahoo! also) and pinged it using your simple instructions. Let's see how much time it takes for my forthcoming blog posts to index in the search engines.

    Thanks and regards!

  52. please i need an assist on how to make search engines find my posts easily and fast
