Age: - 37
Source: - Co founder of Google
Qualification: - Ph.D from Stanford University
Worth: - $18.5 billion

richest men 2011The world of internet was a revolution and this revolution has seen many revolutions in itself. Those who had nothing but few dimes in their pockets in the past are now enjoying luxuries that only Royals can afford.
It may be a little bit humorous that some people, we have in the list are those who are without degree or couldn’t afford the money to do so. However they now have funds enough to build and establish colleges, universities and can even grant scholarships to others for degree. Strange isn’t it?

So the Top Ten Richest People Online in the year 2011 in order of Income are:

1. Larry page

Standing first in the row of internet marketing giants is Larry page who is ph.D and co founder of Google. In 1998, Brin and Page founded Google, Inc. Page ran Google as co-president along with Brin until 2001 when they hired Eric Schmidt as Chairman and CEO of Google. In January 2011 Google announced that Page would replace Schmidt as CEO in April the same year. Both Page and Brin earn an annual compensation of one dollar.

2. Sergey Brin

Age: - 36
Source: - Co founder of Google
Qualification: - Ph.D from Stanford University(PENDING)
Worth: - $18.5 billion
This guy has same worth as of his’ partner Larry Page. The main reason he is on number second is because he dropped out from Stanford during his Ph.D. Nevertheless he is still a wealthy man. With Larry he wrote a paper known as “Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine”. They both in their Ph.D studies worked on the Search engine which later on was implemented by them on the goolge website. Hence the problem of searching over internet was made easy.

3. Jeff Bezos

Age: - 46
Source: - Founder of Amazon
Qualification: - Graduate from Princeton University
Worth: - $8.7 billion
Jeff Bezos worked as financial analyst before founding Amazon. Bezos' salary as CEO for 2010 was only $81,840, in addition to $1.6 million paid for his personal security. He owns 20% of Amazon's stock. Bezos is known for his attention to business process details.

4. Pierre Omidyar

Age: - 46
Source: - Founder of ebay
Qualification: - Graduate from Tufts University
Worth: - $6.7 billion
Omdiyar is founder of ebay. He founded it when he was 28 . During his holidays he planned to write original computer code for an auction site which he named as “echobay”. As the name was already registered by some other person he changed it to ebay. His father was a france immigrant and mother was Iranian immigrant.

5. Masayoshi Son

Age: - 52
Source: - Controls Japanese Telecom and Internet firm Softbank  
Qualification: - Graduate from Tufts University
Worth: - $6.7 billion

Son is a 52 years old Korean-Japanese businessman. He is the founder and current CEO of Japanese Internet and telecom firm SoftBank.

6. Mark Zuckerberg

Age: - 26
Source: -Facebook Inc
Qualification: - Dropout of Harvard University
Worth: - $6.8billion.

Mark Zuckerberg  is a member of a Jewish American family though he claims to be atheist. He is one of the Youngest billionaire. People equivalent to Bill Gates are rarely born. But this person in the recent decade has made himself a bone of contention for other Entrepreneurs and Marketers .He has dropped the Harvard College. At the age when kids play video games he used to create them. He himself recalls that his friends were artists and during holidays they used to come and draw stuff and then Mark created game out of it. During his High School years he created media player with artificial intelligence named as “Synapse” and received 3 out of 5 from PC Magazine. Microsoft and AOL tried to hire him but he went in to enroll himself in the Harvard university. When he started the project  facebook it spread like a virus in just two weeks at the Harvard and 2/3 of the majority of Harvard population joined it already. Recently because of Facebook his shares rose from $1.5bn to $6.8bnAccording to forbes magazine he is hot on heels  and shoot up from 135th to 35 place in the richest people of the world.

7. Eric Schmidt

Age: - 54
Source: -Google Inc
Qualification: - PhD in Electrical Engineering Computer sciences
Worth: - $5.9 billion

An engineer, a former member of the board of directors of Apple Inc and the Executive chairman of the of Google. Schmidt also focuses on "building the corporate infrastructure needed to maintain Google's rapid growth as a company and on ensuring that quality remains high while product development cycle times are kept to a minimum." He was also elected as Apple’s board of directors but shortly had to resign because of the conflict of interests and tough competition between Google and Apple. He is also a member of  President Obama advisory board.

8. Mark Cuban

Age: - 52
Qualification: - Bachelors in Business administration
Worth: - $2.6 billion

Cuban or Chabnisky “Org. name”.  He is the owner of the and also Dallas mavericks.

9. Jerry  Yang

Age: - 54
Source: -Yahoo! Inc
Qualification: - M.S in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University
Worth: - $2.3 billion

Jerry yang born in Taipei, Taiwan. He is one of the founders of Yahoo and was also a CEO but was stepped down because of allegations by many people and companies which also include Microsoft. He was criticized of not increasing the stocks of yahoo. Many shareholders criticized him of rejecting the $33 Million offer by Microsoft in 2008. But he is still made it to the final list and is standing at number 9.

10. Omid Kordestani

Age: - 48
Source: -Google! Inc
Qualification: - B.s in Electrical Engineer and MBA
Worth: - $1.9 billion

Do not be confused by his surname . He is not from Kurdistan. He is an ethnic Persian. He was Google’s Senior Vice president.
“Short on information” 

What do you think?

Please let us know if you know anything interesting about these Top Ten great people. Any interesting story will be cheered. If I made any mistakes in estimating the ranking based on my personal research, then kindly forgive me.  The purpose of this post is to keep you updated with the Big Daddies of Online Media in order to get a soft inspiration. I hope you liked it! :)

About the Guest Author:

Fahad is a energetic young guy, pursuing his degree in Mechanical Engineering. He has an ambition to play his part in Mechanical Industry. He is loves public speaking and enjoys sharing his random ideas with people around. During leisure time he enjoys writing on tech related stuff.

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  1. My Dream is to have an name in these top 10 persons.
    Anyways i hope you will publish my demanded article by today as i am in big trouble and also loose my rankings and results too.

    karan chauhan

  2. Wowwwwww,, Online can be Richest.

  3. Thanks... It was informative...

    Nice job Fahad!

  4. All credits goes to Fahad. I am glad you liked his work. =)

    As you command sir! I will post it tonight InshAllah. :)

  5. Very interesting...all educated in the USA.

    Any Muslims on the list?

    I challenge anyone without an education from the USA to change the status quo. Come on! You can do it!

    p.s. Michael Dell, a UT drop out, is also a billionaire.
