AdSense's "Ads by Google" Link Replaced By "AdChoices"

adsense-label-changeYou might have observed this latest discovery that that Google Adsense Icon label "Ads by Google" changed to "AdChoices" . Previously in unexpanded form "Ads by Google" was often shortened by the letter "i" but the same "i" was replaced with a triangular label icon. Google had announced about these latest development on Adsense Blog . According to Google this change is made only to more proactively give users notice and choice about the ads they see.

According to Adsense's team on their last update:

In a few weeks, we'll begin to show the new icon and label on most ad formats across the majority of English-language sites. Over time, we’ll expand the notice to ensure that all English-language publisher sites in the Google Display Network come within the Self-Regulatory Program (until then, these sites will show the existing “i” icon and “Ads by Google” label). This will be the single most widespread rollout of the "AdChoices" label to date, and we're encouraged that others in the industry are similarly adopting it. We’re also looking at ways to increase transparency and control in other languages and countries. In the meantime, those languages and countries will continue to see the “i” and “Ads by Google” notice.

Just like before, users who click on the "AdChoices" label will be taken to a page where they can learn more about online advertising and the ads they've just seen. This page will also provide a link to the Ads Preferences Manager, where users can control the types of interest-based ads they see. Our tests of this new icon and label showed that they should not have any effect on ad performance. We think this rollout will help users better understand the ads they're seeing, and we look forward to seeing widespread adoption of this label throughout the industry.



This is how the ads previously appeared,

ads by google old look


ads by google old look


This is how they look now,

Adchoices new icon label


Adsense Ads replaced with adchoices


Personal view:

I personally think that the arrow icon will encourage users to visit the Ads more because of our natural habit of following the arrow direction. I know this would sound funny but couldn't they use a better icon? :p The Icon for me personally looks dull and bore in appearance. What do you think about this latest change? Do you think this can increase our average CTR? I would love to hear from you. Peace.

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  1. i dont like adchoices i like ads by google

  2. Yes saw this. Can you please tell me how do you always get an image ad next to your title and never text ad?

  3. @Abdulsalam

    I surely agree brother. :>

    Dude for that you will have to create an Adsense for content ad palette by logging into your Adsense account. Choose the "Image only" option and grab the code. You can then add the code anywhere you like in your template. Hope this helps :>

  4. @Mohammad: Thanks :)
    The real reason behind changing the caption of Google is high adoption rate. This is indeed a great effort from both Google and Online for Life team :)

  5. friend i want to share something.. with this update .. New thing also happened. now when i open my site in mobile web or opera mini then i can see the google adsense in my site, Previously this was not like this.. This has increased my CTR with 4 %. thatz a worry for me..

    Please view this share for your blog.

  6. @krishna
    Oh that is surely a great news then! Thanks krishna for bringing this new info into light. :>

    I do humbly agree pal and always welcomed. :>

  7. Actually like your web sites particulars! Undoubtedly a wonderful supply of knowledge that's extremely helpful. Keep it up to hold publishing and that i’m gonna proceed reading by way of! Cheers.

  8. How can I add adchoices or ads by google on my blog.Please tell me..........

  9. My website '' still shows Google ads with 'i' and 'x' icon, instead of 'Adchoices' option. Please let me know how I can show the 'Adchoices' options.
