Create Floating Bar For Pinterest & Other Sharing Buttons

floating share bar for bloggerThis is one of the few social sharing widgets that took a lot of my time in designing it. You have seen the trend of floating sharing count buttons on popular blogs. The traditional icons are now replaced with auto incremented counter buttons that are updated in seconds.  We created different versions of this bar applying both Jquery effects and CSS3 styles but this widget is different because it contains custom twitter, pinterest and an Email button. Services like Addthis and Sharethis are both doing a great job but they still need to work on some of their plugin integration conflicts. Pinterest pin it buttons are causing great trouble and it badly fails in fetching the correct thumbnail image. In most cases it does not even select a image thus making the entire pinning concept tasteless. We however redesigned the widget provided by shareThis to create a new one by correcting all flaws. This sharing bar would float  to the left of your blog posts and would float as the visitor scrolls up or down. This widget contains counters of important social networking sites that has the potential to bring you traffic by circulating your content to a wider audience. We have tested the widget on major browsers like IE7+, Firefox, Chrome etc. and found it working just fine with no compatibility issues or design conflicts.
Developers and bloggers are requested to link back to this post if in case they wish to share our code with their readers. Lets get to work now!
Did you check the previous version? Floating Sharing Counters

Which Social Networking Buttons To Use?

Your first priority should always be Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Linkedin and Now Pinterest. All these sharing counters play well in circulating your content over a wide range of visitors. Social Media is a non-stoppable engine, which if driven correctly and carefully can bring tons of valuable traffic each visitor worth a dollar. Since displaying too many count boxes could surely effect your blog load time therefore we have added a AddThis share button which provides visitors with over 330+ social sharing options all at one place.

Why not use JQuery?

Ignore JavaScript and its library which is Jquery as much as possible. Browsers like Internet Explorer still lacks support to all functionalities offered by jquery. Moreover JavaScript is responsible for a great percentage of your overall blog load time. We therefore did not add a smooth sliding effect to this plugin as we previously did to Jquery Sliding share widget
To learn more about blog load time optimization Please read:

How it works?

We have integrated both Addthis and ShareThis service in it. In order to customize the twitter button and others we took the Sharethis default code and customize it to change the button image, bubble size and count text. The widget that we initially developed looks extremely attractive compared to this one. You can see the first designed draft version in the screenshot below:
float bar for sharing buttons
You can observe that both Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest and Stumbleupon are displayed with custom shapes, same sizes and different count colors. I spent a lot of time trying to make all buttons of the same size by using a common image linked by a sprite but the only problem with this plugin is that the counts wont show the official numbers registered at Twitter, Google and pinterest servers but they will show increments registered at ShareThis. If you add this sharing bar to your blog, you will see zero on all counters unless someone clicks them and circulates your content.
To correct this issue I had to unfortunately dropped the idea of sharing the above designed version and share this tutorial widget instead. However the widget on our blog still contains the twitter button which wont display official count but that of ShareThis. If you would like to replace it with the official big size twitter count box then you can surely do this by customizing the code shared below.
Adding Floating Bar To Blogger
The steps are kept extremely easy to apply. All you need is to copy and paste the long chunk of code we developed and tested all day. Follow these friendly steps:
  1. Go to Blogger > Template
  2. Backup your template
  3. Click Edit HTML
  4. Click Proceed
  5. Then Click Expand Widget Templates
  6. Search for
<b:includable id='post' var='post'>
      7.   Just below it paste the following code:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot;'>
    position:fixed; bottom:10%; margin-left:-60px; float:left;     width:60px;
    background-color:#f7f7f7;     padding: 5px 0 0px 0px;
     border-top:1px solid #ddd;
border-left:1px solid #ddd;
border-bottom:1px solid #ddd;
z-index:9999px !important;
.mbt_social_floating .mbt_side_social_button{
.mbt_social_floating .st_twitter_vcount, .mbt_social_floating.st_plusone_vcount, .st_email{
.mbt_social_floating .st_fblike_vcount{
.mbt_social_floating .stButton_gradient{
    background:none !important;
    height:21px !important;
    padding-left:0 !important;
.mbt_social_floating .chicklets, .mbt_social_floating .stMainServices {
    background:url(&#39;;) no-repeat !important;
    height:19px !important;
    width:45px !important;
    padding:0 !important;
.st_email .chicklets{
    background-position:0 -77px !important;
    background-image:url(&#39;;) !important;
.mbt_social_floating .st_twitter_vcount .st-twitter-counter{
    background-position:0 -58px !important;
.mbt_social_floating  .stButton_gradient{
    border:none !important;
.mbt_social_floating .stBubble_count{
    width:44px !important;
    font-size: 15px !important;
    font-weight: normal !important;
    padding-top:7px !important;
    height:23px !important;
    background:none !important;
.mbt_social_floating .st_twitter_vcount .stBubble_count{
    background-color:#f8fbfc !important;

    margin-bottom: 0px;
    display: block;
    margin-bottom: 3px;
    display: block;

    margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 3px;
    display: block;
.mbt_social_floating .stBubble{
    background-position: 21px 31px !important;
    height:35px !important;
}.mbt_social_floating .st_pinterest_vcount{
.mbt_social_floating .st_pinterest_vcount .st-pinterest-counter{
    background-position:0 -19px !important;
.mbt_social_floating .st_pinterest_vcount .stBubble_count{
    background-color:#fbf8f8 !important;

.mbt_social_floating .st_pinterest_vcount .stBubble{
    background-image:url('') !important;

    margin-bottom: 0px;
    display: block;


<div class='mbt_social_floating'>
    <script type='text/javascript'>var switchTo5x=true;</script>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script type='text/javascript'>stLight.options({onhover:false, , doNotHash: true, doNotCopy: true, hashAddressBar: false});</script>
    <!-- No more works properly so removing it from mbt list<span class='st_fblike_vcount' displaytext=''/>-->
<div style='margin:0px 0 0px 10px;'><div id='fb-root'/><script src=''/><fb:like font='' href='' layout='box_count' send='false' show_faces='false'/></div>
    <span class='st_twitter_vcount' displaytext='' st_via='mybloggertricks'/>
<span class='st_pinterest_vcount' displaytext=''/>
<div style='margin:0px 0 0 5px;'>
    <span class='st_plusone_vcount' displaytext=''/>
<div class='addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style ' style='margin:5px 0px 5px 8px;'>
<a class='addthis_counter'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var addthis_config = {
     ui_cobrand: &quot;MY BLOGGER TRICKS&quot;,
ui_header_color: &quot;#ffffff&quot;,
     ui_header_background: &quot;#0080FF&quot;
<span class='st_email' displaytext=''/>
<p style=' line-height:0px; font-size:10px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;'><a href='' style='color:#CAC8C8;'>Widgets</a></p>

Just replace mybloggertricks  with your twitter username.
   8.  Save your template and you are all done!

Optional step:

If in case the facebook like button did not work then add this Javascript SDK code just below <body>

<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script>(function(d, s, id) {
  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
  js = d.createElement(s); = id;
  js.src = "//";
  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>

Got Questions?

This floating bar would display on post pages only and wont display on homepage. The widget has a white background and floats to the left of blog posts. If incase you want it to float to right then all you need is to edit the part of the code bolded in black. You can surely ask for my help which would be no less than a pleasure. Please post any query you may have in the comment box below. Till then take good care of yourselves and your loved ones. Peace and blessings pals! :)

If you don't want to get yourself into Serious Technical Trouble while editing your Blog Template then just sit back and relax and let us do the Job for you at a fairly reasonable cost. Submit your order details by Clicking Here »


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  1. what great are you we are waiting for such posts like this mohammed i want to have more and more plugins please man double the posts daily

  2. very nice m8, is there chance to add Dig Button?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great Post....But I have one query ,How we can measure the usage of this widget .Suppose In MBT, face book like button is given at two place ,tweet button two places. So We would like to know number of clicks of each of share widget so that we can decide whether it is useful for a Blog or not after testing it over a period .
    Thanks in advance

  5. Why does chrome doesn't show the correct padding. When I adjusted the padding to make the widget bit more above, chrome didn't show any effect whereas firefox showed. Ghosh!!!

  6. Twitter count showing zero for posts already tweeted before. Also I think you forgot to add that you need to change "MY BLOGGER TRICKS" in share button.

  7. Wow,

    I'm impressed with this and that you are openly sharing with us all. I've seen other gloating toolbars but they flicker when the user scrolls, this however does not suffer that problem!


  8. Thanks a lot buddy... Now my blog is looking clean


  10. I Got What i want.. Finally Thanks Muhammad..

  11. how i can add facebook share button to this tuto... hehehhe..

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I tried it and it worked perfectly well. Good job Man...

  14. facebook count is not working whenever share is pressed means it showing count as 1 but if we refresh the page it is not showing anything again the same f share icon come wat to do pls reply with solution pls i am searching for 1 week

  15. Hello dear Mohammad,

    Sorry for my bad english, i'm portuguese!
    I wonder if it's possible to change the "Like" title from Facebook share button?

    Thanks you my friend!

  16. Visit my blog

  17. Thanks man, THAT HELPED A BUNCH. Thanks, I owe you one.

  18. Thanks Brother, this Post Very Important to me, like it.. happy Blogging, i already take this script to my blog Http:// , i will bookmark your site on my browser cause its very2 important...

  19. Thanks so much for this!
    I've been looking for one that's working for almost a day now and finally I have one that works perfectly!
    Thumbs up!

    Check out my blog, I've added your floating bar :)
    I've also featured you in my post

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. @hackingpalace
    Looks like you are an idiot who don't know how to respect others and their work.

  22. And guess what!!!
    The same person named "Jayadeep km" is saying thanks as well. lol

  23. Thanks for this tutorial now i know how to add floating social bookmark

  24. but how can we add this widget in the home page :(

  25. really need this widget on home page of new blogger site... n can we customise the we choose what buttons we like to have on the floating bar...

  26. Hi Mohammad,
    This Is William Here..... Very Nice Floating Bar Work Of Yours.... I Would Like To Ask You Something Related To This Floating Bar.... I Want To Even Display This Onto My Home Page Too... So Kindly Let Me Know..... I Will Be Very Glad To Here From Your Side... Mail Me On

    Awaiting For Your Reply.... Take Care .... GOD Bless You .... :)

  27. Can You Please Tell Me How To Use This On Wordpress???

  28. Can you make a new script including Digg and stumble button?

  29. Thank you sir... very helpful.. i just used it in my new blog and it work. once again thank you.

  30. Thanks Mohammad for the floating bar widget. It's just what i needed for my blog. I love this comment editor of yours. Can you please guide me on how to add one to my blog?

  31. Thank You so much for this code :-)

  32. Hi,
    I just tried to add your widget on my blog and it's not worked. I followed instructions as you described. Please help, my blog is Maybe you can assist?

  33. Hi, thank you for this floating/slide bar i placed it in my blog and it is great.. my blog is .. I just want to ask how can I also let it appear on the home page? my email is

    will be waiting for your reply thanks...

  34. Nice work Man. Keep Sharing... I am also working on my Site
    Will wait for some feedback from your side as it needs lot of improvement.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Assalamualaikum, brother i wanted to ask how do I shift the floating bar More towards the left of my page because for some readers, its annoying. however i think shifting it to the left would solve the problem.

  39. Awesome! Another great post! Thanks a lot!

  40. Sir floating bar is awesome but i want to hide it when reach to my blog's footer "just like in your blog" looking for help from you.

  41. @Remen RajLook on this post of another share widget how to move this share widget to the left by making the number bigger. The widgets are very similar.

  42. does not work in the actual blogger version
    I had all done how it is written in your direction
    on an usual template of blogger, but nothing happens

  43. Great post.But I have problem. facebook like button not working.
    hey please please help me waiting for your reply

  44. wow..thanks for sharing mister

  45. thanks a ton bhaiya :) I've added this to my blog and its looking very pleasant!

  46. HOW DO DELATE PIN IT, SHARE,EMAIL BOX and widget sign???

  47. I had this on my blog and it worked great. But then I switched to a different template and it wouldn't show up anymore. I thought maybe it just got lost in the switch of templates, so I went back and found and removed where I had the code before and saved it, then went back and pasted it in there again, and it still won't show up. I know it's on the post pages only, but it's not showing up there. Any help? Thanks!

    (I'm also having a hard time getting the images in my sidebar graphics to be centered. The text is fine, but the images are sliding off to the right. I put the center codes on both sides of the code too, and that didn't fix it either. Arghh :)

  48. Oh, by the way. I switched from "Basic" template to "Awesome Inc." in case that matters :)

  49. I am getting problem can you help me my blog name is

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Assalam o ALaikum
    Sir, can you please tell me that how I may show the number of comment under each post. Just like your blog?
    I mean #82

  52. Assalam o Alaikum bhai,
    You are really Proud of Pakistan,
    Really Really Good Work
    and yours widgets are every where over the internet.
    Stay Bless

  53. Thank you very much for this. For those wondering how to move the widget a little more to the right edit this line of code:

    position:fixed; bottom:10%; margin-left:-60px; float:left;

    Change the value for 60px. Increasing it will move the bar to the left while decreasing it will move the bar to the right.

  54. Hello sir Mustafa, I am a loyal reader MBT but I have tried this widget time and again but it isn't working for me.

  55. thanks a lot this widget is now beautifully working at my site thanks a lot

  56. Hello, I really like this floating media bar. But I need for it to go a little more down on my page, more in alignment with my posts, as it is now covering up my Header and my Page titles.

    Another question is how can I get the numbers updated from past "clicks" who have Pinned, Tweeted, Liked, etc.?

    Thanks for providing the bar.

    my site is

  57. See the long thread of comment, on how lots people saying it didn't work for me while they aren't giving the actual problem. I tried this floating share widget on my site, it displayed but the problem is wasn't aligned well. I tried editing its alignment but didn't succeed in doiing that.

  58. Thanks alot for the code, it tried to install the code on my blog but it didn't work, i had to remove it from

  59. nice widget on my blogspot.. tengkyu...

  60. The hardest thing for me was finding the darn code, I didn't remember the shortcut. After that all I did was paste and change my username and done!! I could not believe how easy this was and how well it works. I PIN alot of stuff and it's always been such a hassle to log into Pinterest, now I can do it straight from the post. I also can't believe I finally have a FB like button on each post. AMAZING!! and so easy, I can not thank you enough!!

  61. If you want to shift the box a little left then, change the value of - margin-left:-60px to margin-left:-80px, or increase the size until you get the right position.. :)

  62. After my Post ends..there is the DISQUS Comment box..and since I run a Physics blog..comment and discussion goes on there often..!!!

    Is there a that the share bar vanishes once it crosses the normal post height and is just entering the DISQUS comment box region ??..

    Thanx a lot for this widget anyways..

  63. installed this on my blogger blog a few weeks ago and have been very pleased- until the day before yesterday when the pinterest pin it button stopped working. Any idea how to fix that?

  64. What if your home page is your posts page in Blogger. At this point, I need to have a Pin It button for each post and don't care if it's floating or otherwise. I just need to find something that works and the Posts page is the Home page. Thanks greatly. The Floating Bar that you put the code in an HTML widget works great, but it doesn't have a Pin It button. Thanks.

  65. I tried to implement the floating share bar with no luck I put in the code just like you said and the bar don't show is there any way I can check this?

  66. Easy and effective! Thank you so much!

  67. Mustafa I don't Find The above code in my blogger

  68. nice post mohammad , but there is one problem i implemented the above code it works only for the posts , not for entire website . Plz reply

  69. Awak code awak x jalan la dalam blog saya knp ye? saya dah tukar twitter akaun kepada saya punya.

  70. Thank you , long time have serched for it !

  71. Love it! Thanks so much. Any way we can add it to the homepage too?

  72. Having trouble though.. when I hover over the buttons they dont always become clickable, and the facebook one doesnt work. hmm.......

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Hi Mohammad,

    Thanks for all these tutorials. I tried using this floating bar but to no success. I was able to encode it but the result is not working well. Immediately, I have 7 FB likes and this applies to all my posts. Is it because of my template?

  75. Absolutely fantastic bit of code, thanks for creating it and also sharing!

  76. Seem to be getting an issue on the twitter function. When sharing it produces a link but this is timing out with a 404 not found error.

    Any thoughts?


  77. this really help me
    thanks for this amazing and helpful post

  78. Mohammad Bhai Love you :)

    Thanks for updating the code :>

  79. It works Properly but it takes lots of time to load.....!! What to do ?

  80. Hi. I just installed it on my blog.. works great... but i have a problem with the facebook like button. When I click on it the facebook box that appears is kind of TRANSPARENT, so its interfering with the texts of my blog... like for example if the box opens adjacent to an image, the box goes behind the image and can't be seen. When when it opens next to texts it interferes with them... i dont't know how to explain properly. please see my blog and tell me how to fix it..

    Actually the same problem can be seen on your blog too... for eg when the box opens next to the comments or adsense ads... but other than that it works fine here.. but in my blog it's not working properly anywhere... please help

  81. Thank you so much. I just had it on my blog and it works fine, but I was wondering if you could help me make it fade in like the scroll up button. Thanks.

  82. If u can help me. I didn't know what's going on my blog. just did like the instruction and have try many code before. Fb button will hidden in post page. Any idea? hope u can help me. Visit my blog if there any solution soon :)

  83. Nice tips about create floating social bookmarking!

  84. Thanks for posting this widget. I was looking for a working pin widget.

  85. Hi ,
    Your Widget was very useful for my blog. But I would like to show some logical mistake(not affected for the user experience at all). Assume we clicked the "Pin it" button and didn't pin anything. Still it counts that click , regardless of checking whether the picture was really pinned or not.

    Apart from that I have another request , Could you please instruct a way to add our own suffix to the description automatically for every pin ?

    Thank You.
    Love You.

  86. I want to make it invisible after reaching lower wrapper, how can I do it. Please tell me. Subscribed for reply.

  87. hello dude..
    i am new into bloggers world.
    need some suggestions for my queries..

    1. der is no floating baar appearing o my blog after pasting the desired code after the said line..

    the procedure i adopted is that---
    templates--edit html-a text box appeared
    there i searchd for ''
    and then pressed enter and copy paste the above body and then corrected twitter username and saved..

    after that i am luking on my blog and there is no floating bar..

    suggest me where i am doing mistake bro..

  88. Thanks for a wonderful post.
    After installing the widget, it looks great on computer but the view of the site within the iPad looks distorted. Why?
    I'm from Israel, Hebrew writing is from right to left, so I installed the widget on the right.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. I am useing this in my Blog. Thanks

  91. it works fine for me!

    Where can I find the code after installation if I want to edit it ?

    Naturly I was looking for it exactly where I placed it but there is nothing now..
    Can someone help me please?

  92. I can not get this dumb thing off my test blog

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  94. I tried it but it does not work, the reason maybe is the template I use, which is the " flipcard " in blogger. Do you think that's correct ?

  95. It's great but you should add more social buttons. On my webpage, it only showed pin it and facebook.

  96. I get this message... The widget with id "Blog1" cannot contain element: "b:if". A widget can only contain b:includable elements.

  97. Also, they removed the "Expand Widgets Template" option. I'm getting hung up on what to expand.

  98. I dont know why but when i click Save template it says:
    The widget with id "Blog1" cannot contain element: "b:if". A widget can only contain b:includable elements.

  99. So far so good..working 4 me...Thanx buddy!

  100. hi, i followed the steps as u mentioned above,but i am getting the error message-"The widget with id "Blog1" cannot contain element: "b:if". A widget can only contain b:includable elements."
    after that i changed b:if to b:includable,and got the following error-"The widget with id "Blog1" contains a b:includable element which has no id attribute. All b:includable elements should have a unique id for a given widget"

    why is it not working? can you look into it?

  101. How come I can't find:
    when I go to my template HTML? I'm not sure where to add the code.

  102. Thanks for the wonderful widget. I appreciate your hard work.

    May Allah bless you...

