Why Description Meta Tags Not Showing In Custom Templates?

Search Description bloggerUpdate: Kindly read this updated post

Meta Tags for Homepage, posts and pages wont display in custom templates if you view the browser source file for your blog.  This is because custom templates are coded by third party designers and therefore we would manually need to insert the necessary code to make this feature of latest search preferences work in your customized blogs. The method is really easy. We would delete any existing Meta Tag for description inside your templates and would replace it with a dynamic code that will act as a meta tag both for homepage and as well as for individual posts and pages.
You will also like reading these related posts:

Enable Meta Tags in Blogger

First and foremost you will have to activate the meta tags feature. To do this follow these steps:
  1. Go To draft.Blogger.com > Settings > Search Preferences
  2. Click the Edit link
  3. Choose "Enable Search Description?"
  4. Inside the box describe your blog in no more than 150 characters. Use our Character Counter Tool
meta description
      4.   Click Save changes
This will automatically add meta description for your blog homepage and you will also activate the Search Description option inside Post Editor.
post description in blogger

Add some search description for any of your existing post and then publish it. check the Browser source file for it and you wont be able to see the description appearing. The meta tag for description is not showing because you might be using a custom blogger template. In order to fix this problem and add the necessary code follow this:
  1. Go To Design > Edit HTML
  2. Backup your template
  3. Just below <head> add the following dynamic code for meta description
<b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != ""'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>
</b:if> </b:if> </b:if>
    4.   In order to avoid repeated use of Meta Description you will need to delete the static meta tag code that you added previously using old traditional way. This code is located somewhere below <head> and can look like the following:

<meta content='YOUR BLOG DESCRIPTION MENTIONED HERE' name='description'/>
or like this:

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta content='YOUR BLOG DESCRIPTION MENTIONED HERE' name='description'/> </b:if>
Instead of the text "YOUR BLOG DESCRIPTION MENTIONED HERE" you will find description set by you for your blog.
      5.   Finally save your template and you are all done!

What does this Dynamic Meta Tag code does?

It will present homepage description to search robots when the robot crawls your Main blog page and it presents description for post or page when any of your post or page is indexed. This simple three line code represents description for every single post for which you may have written a search description.

Why Write Search Description?

Search Description or Meta Description for post, if written well can rank you higher by providing search robots with a brief summary of your entire post. Robots love brief and precise snippets of texts that describe the entire concept behind the post. Therefore write one or at most two liner descriptions for every post that you write so that it may attract more visitors by providing the visitors as well as search robots with a brief summary of your post content. Peace and blessings brothers. :)

If you don't want to get yourself into Serious Technical Trouble while editing your Blog Template then just sit back and relax and let us do the Job for you at a fairly reasonable cost. Submit your order details by Clicking Here »


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  1. Im using custom template, so thanks very much for this info, Bro..

  2. thanks for this tutorial. i am waiting for this one because my template is custom that's why my description was not showing on search results.

    i have edited my code like this. i can't post html code in comment so please see here


    please check and let me know that i have done correctly.
    my blog is http://www.mediafirebuzz.com/

  3. finally, a way to solve this! Thank you! =D Then how about the custom robots header tags? I think, custom robots header tags also not showing in custom template.

    *Btw, i aready drop a comment in "why google indexed only 26 pages of your blogger sitemap" post. i hoped you can reply it cause i really really need a help from you for this sitemap issue

  4. Thanks bro you are the best in this field luv you!
    Keep posting for us!


  5. Dear Mohammad,
    I have a query. Please clarify.

    We should undertake action given in para 4 above only when we have added individual search description for every post which has been published so far?

    Am I correct in appreciation. Looking for your expert comments.


  6. In google searches, my specific post's first paragraph is being displayed as the description :/

    Although, firefox's "view page info" is showing proper meta tags

    why? :/

  7. One more query (off-topic):
    is there any way to fetch and display the individual post's view-count?

  8. Hi Mohammed

    <meta content= ..... name='keywords'/> ,Need to delete it ?

    One more query

    After publishing Post using live writer ,I try to add Meta Description For Posts through Blogger post editor. then my post contect alignment is changing. How to solve this issue ? Please help.

  9. Was looking for this info for a long time and wasted a whole day i.e. yesterday to search for this but didn't get a proper info on meta tags.

    Thanx for this valuable piece of information and that too at the perfect timing.

  10. Also if you can view my blog's source and tell me if everything is in its place, then I will be really thankfully to you.

  11. Thanks MBT for ur wonderful post. I am using your monop template.how can i remove "your adsense code goes here" from this template...

  12. @faizan

    Mention not brother. I am glad you found it helpul and your sticky Menus are great! :)


    Yes you have pasted the code at the right place. Did you delete any previous meta description?

    @Akid azami

    You will find the answer related to header tags in my next tutorial. :)

    Oh sure I will check and reply there.

    Google robots can choose whatever it indexes first. If you have added the meta tags after publishing a post then it wont display, instead the opening paragraph would display.

    @indian share tips

    You can take action right now without waiting for anything. Just carefully follow the instructions given above. Remove your static description and replace it with the dynamic one. Also update your search preferences as instructed. :)

    @M.Rizwan Memon
    Google Takes meta into consideration only when it can not fetch a good description from your opening para. If it finds some good keywords in the opening para then it would instead display it.

    For the view count we can use the HTML5 property of counting pageviews but it is not very correct. So far blogger has not shared the API for post views. as soon as they share it, we will be able to create a plugin. :)

    Yes meta keywords should not be touched. They though make no sense these days but you can keep them intact.

    Since Blogger editors and Live writer have different formating algorithms therefore problems do arise. I would recommend that you should not touch the text in blogger post editor both in compose and HTML view and straight away write Search description and click the publish button.

    Formatting is disturbed only when you click inside the post editor. :)

    My pleasure brother. Feels great that you found it useful. :)

    Always welcomed. :>

    Inside your template search for this text and remove the entire text along with the div sections. simple. :>

  13. Dear Mohammad,

    I had asked query above for which you replied but my concern is that I have a vast number of posts written earlier. I have used the hack where post title comes before blog title which makes each post different in eyes of google bot.

    Now if we apply your hack than the hack which places post title ahead of blog title will get removed for vast number of posts which have been published.

    So now I want your final authoritative answer that does the method which you have stated above affect the hack which has been installed earlier or shall we add description for all before undertaking the action recommended by you. Can you just have a look at our template and guide.


  14. @indian share tips

    I got your point buddy. The above tutorial just asks you to delete meta description and replace it with a dynamic one. We have not touched or edited the code for post title | homepage swapping and it will therefore remain there and work normally. Your post titles will still appear before homepage title. Everything would remain same, even your blog description. We just added an extra code so that our template may support metas for individual posts also.

    Your search rankings will surely get better with this tutorial. I hope you find this answer helpful. :)

  15. Thanks for a quick response. I appreciate your style of writing and it is very educative.

  16. I have 530 post, after that i need to add custm description to all posts ? Thanks !

  17. Wow great sir, thanx for sharing this, i use a custom template with my blog and i run into this problem.

  18. thanks.Thank you! I have never won anything. This is great, I’m so excited. I can’t wait to get the book. Inspiration is always needed.

  19. Very informative and well explained

  20. Thanks for the amazing tips for meta tags. very informative.Thanks a lot.html5

  21. As suggested by you I have deleted following code after adding suggested code by you. I have deleted below code:
    <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
    <meta content='YOUR BLOG DESCRIPTION MENTIONED HERE' name='description'/> </b:if>


    However I have something like this also appearing in template
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
    <meta content='YOUR BLOG DESCRIPTION MENTIONED HERE' name='description'/> </b:if>

    Now Pl tell me that is something need to be done also for this code or let it remain.

    Your response will be highly appreciated.


  22. @indian-share-tips.com

    Yes correct you need to delet both of them and replace them with the dynamic one.

  23. Dear Mohammad Mustafa : I have deleted code as suggested by you and have incorporated the code. However now I am seeing a peculiar problem in Google indexed pages.

    Recently we won an award as the best stock tips provider in India and now our all posts are picking the description of the post which we had given for the award winning post slider on the top of the page.

    Can you help me to rectify this problem by having a look at the template. Is it some change in Google indexing or we have gone wrong somewhere?

  24. I am waiting for your expert directions for my above comment. Regards

  25. After days of searching for info on the robots tags and sitemaps, you provided the best info on both. Many thanks. Maybe you can help me with something. Sometime back, I added meta something or other to my site - tweaking my template. Do I need to delete some of this - i've removed some characters b/c commetns won't accept html. Thx, jen

    meta content='text/html; charset=utf-8' http-equiv='Content-Type'


    meta content='who is Generation X, Gen X, Gen Xer, Generation Z, what are the years for Generation X, over-parenting, Oklahoma, jenx67, 1967, working moms, Oklahoma City, are you there God, 40-something,' name='keywords'

    -- cVy6ksp918M0WxZGPwBoiNv_dd8 --

    meta content='g11wBoYThD4wG9L6A9s476mc44u3BC72qirsZWa5jco' name='google-site-verification'

    meta content='IE=EmulateIE7' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'

    b:if cond='data:blog.isMobile'

    meta content='width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0' name='viewport'

    meta content='width=1100' name='viewport'



    meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName' name='description'

  26. Thank you. These tips really helped, though being what you call a 'noob' at some of these things, I hope I don't end up ruining my search engine rankings.

  27. Thanks Mustafa for this lovely post. I have been using blogger from ages but didn't know about this tip. Thanks again.

  28. Sir if we add meta tags just befor the title tag, and just below the b:cond if term, is it useful?

  29. how to put meta tag to my posts
    my blog id is www.23civilblogspot.in

  30. You saved my time Mohammad! Thank you again :)

  31. Just used your technique for adding metatags on my blog. But not able to see results on webpage yet. Please check my website:

  32. Hi Mohammad, please help me fix.Everytime I share my latest blog post on Facebook, the post title does not appear and only the meta tag description and the homepage title. Is there anyway that I can fix it?

    Your response is highly appreciated.

  33. Awesome article post.Really looking forward to read more. Keep writing. if you want about social media service, please visit: http://yourfollower.com

  34. Oh! Man that's damn awesome. I was using the traditional code, but, now its become lot more easier.
    Hey Mohammad can I know from where did you learn all the Blogger XML tags? Please help!

  35. Thanks for this tutorials, i will try this now.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. can you please tell me that we will have to change descript in this tag for our blog description or just paste code as it is


  38. Wow! Didn't even realize the description blogger option! Thanks for pointing its existence in this post MBT!

    Just a question, is the effect to the search engine takes time or is it immediate prior to change the meta html codes? I used custom templates and as you mentioned, there is a pre-set meta codes in the template.

    After removing those, my blog description as I wrote in the description option didn't show up in search results. Does this take time?

  39. mate .. i love u ! u saved my life :D thx alot for the awesome post !

  40. @Qasim, Can you please guide me how to display description of post in Google+? The description of our posts was not displaying in Google+.

  41. Hi, I am in need of some assistance. I am trying to write a description for my meta tag and it keeps telling me that my description is either too short or not long enough. Even if my words are within the word count range, it keeps telling the same thing. I have tried to refresh the page, but to no avail. Any suggestions please??

  42. Hello. I know its already 2016 but I'd just like to say thank you! All the while I was wondering why the blog summary is not showing when I share on facebook. Thanks to you I learned that I have to put/enable meta description, then add meta description for every post. Thanks again!
