What is Pinterest? How To Promote Your Blog With It?

what is pinterest for bloggersA feeling of anger can be easily observed these days among the Facebook fans due to the launch of its new timeline layout and forceful replacement of old profiles with it. We are curious to find out and predict the future of Facebook. Will the lovers of Facebook stick to it or they would seek a replacement for it now? What are the other options available?
One option is quite obvious; Google+. But when we dug more, we found another potential competent. This competent was launched as closed beta version on March, 2010. Yes, I am talking about the online pin board i.e. "Pinterest".

Overview of Pinterest:

It has found its place in the top 10 largest social networking service as the site has 11.7 million unique users. It has been awarded as the best new startup of 2011 by technology giant, TechCrunch. It is success rate is making a history. Some mobile applications, iPhone and iPad applications are also being developed.
In the world of pinterest; images are called ‘Pins’ and videos are called as ‘Pinboards’. Users can upload, save, organize and share their favorite pins so that they are easily seen by other people. You can easily use ‘Pin it’ button to add your favorite content to your board. You can use anyone’s content and “Re-pin”  it.pin boards in pinterest
You can register yourself by requesting an invitation from the website or if any of your friends invite you. Just like the newsfeed option of facebook , we have a pinfeed option here that shows chronological activity of the user. You can also tell your choice by using “TasteMaker” and that will lead you to pinboards of your interest.

Etiquettes of Pinterest:

Well, this was not planned to be included but when I received invitation from Pinterest , I was delighted to find these etiquettes. We find it another feature differentiating it from facebook .They do have a well defined set of “Terms of Services”; but still we received the following guidelines individually:
Pinterest Etiquette: Try to...

  • Be Respectful. Pinterest is a community of people. We know that individual tastes are personal, but please be respectful in your comments and conversations.
  • Be Authentic. Pinterest is an expression of who you are. Being authentic to who you are is more important than winning lots of followers or fans.
  • Credit Your Sources. Pins are the most useful when they have links back to the original source. If you notice that a pin is not sourced correctly, leave a comment so the original pinner can update the source.


Link Facebook and Twitter Accounts:

Another interesting feature is to link accounts .i.e. you can link your face book and twitter accounts with pinterest. This allows you to find your friends on Facebook and twitter. You can also unlink your account at any time. So any time you like something and pin it; you would also wish to tweet it or share it. Pinterest is aware of your need that is why you are provided with the options.tweet your pin

Frame Your Pins:

Since it is the pinboard and this game revolves around how good you are at pinning? So, be a little careful in placing your pins. When you want to add a pin; you have the option to add a description for it which is just like a caption. You can then select its category .As we have mentioned above, these categories help you to find out content of your interests.add a pin

How To Promote Your Blog With it?

In coming posts Mohammad will guide you how to integrate a Pin it button in Blogger blogs. This installation of this new plugin would be interesting if done with a separate post. So stay updated. He will guide you how to use Pinterest to increase blog traffic and let your content circulate on this new social media giant. Today’s post was intended to introduce visually appealing social networking site. Now, the question is if it’s all a glamorous touch which will fade out soon or it will kick out the one in power for so long? Will this “Pin it” button be able to replace the famous “Like it”?

What’s Next:

Well, we agree that if you are already using pinterest then there’s nothing new in this post. But , it was required to bring all respected readers at the same level so that everyone will be in pace with us .We will soon be writing posts on ‘Pinterest Tips and Tricks’ so that you can enjoy this colorful board and use it for promoting your brands, blogs or communities.
Stay tuned!

Guest post by Rahmeen Ahmad Khan. She is MBT"s Gold Star Contributor

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  1. Looks like Mustafa Bhai is a lot busy now a days :)

    But great post by You Sis .... Pinterst is awesome ....

  2. Hmm once again a master peace from you API....Yes i just got invitation from pintrust as i applied for it really awesome post

    @AFRIDI Bhai

    He is Busy in University Work Source:Rahmeen Ahmad Khan.

  3. I was setting this aside though I was aware about Pinterest. After reading this well explained features, I have gone ahead to request for an invitation.

  4. Sounds like ever using this tool

  5. I never used pinterest but now I will :)


  6. Assalamualaikum Sir..
    I have some problem regarding hiding widgets. I was succesfull in hiding the widgets but dont know how to make the actual content of the blog to full page please REPLY...

  7. @Haider Afridi
    are you already there?at pinterest?

    your comment contains some cute elements this time

    you are welcome dear

    @Brilliant Success
    well thats really an honor to hear

    yes, you should give it a try

    mohammad's post are always nice but this time its mine:-) thanks for the link

  8. @rahmeen yeps but i have not take it very seriously but it seems awesome .....

  9. Just started with Pinterest. Looks like they have a books category ready exclusively for me :P

    Lets see if it creates any difference for my books blog.

    Here is my profile:

    Follow me for good books :)

  10. Not going to replace the like button. It is just another Google wave

  11. Hey @Mohammad can you plz feel free to share how to customize our footer section like yours with Post thumb ?? Plz help..

  12. Thanks for this post man

    I would like to have feedback for my blog

  13. @openid
    Yes i agree with you Not going to Replace Google Plus and Like

    @Rounak Baral
    Mohammed sir is currently busy in university work so wait till he gets back :)

    @Abhishek Tilva
    LOLX bro this post is not by a men its women...you should say thanks to the gold medalist of MBT "Rahmeen Ahmad Khan" Our Latest API (SIS) :)

  14. @Faizan
    API??? ApPlicaTion PrOgraMming InteRface... :p
    Or does that mean something else??

  15. @Bhavesh Pamecha
    No Of course not thats too much technical sir in here Pakistan to give respect to our elder sisters we don't call them from their name we just add API next to there name to give respect so thats what i did there not that much technical sir :)

  16. OOOOHHHH! Im gonna check Pinterest out now!

  17. @Faizan
    I know "Aaapa" which is used for elder sisters. Didn't heard of API. Any full form of it??

  18. @bhavesh
    api is short form of aapa :p
    you can use many respectable words to call your elder sis like baji, api, apya, aapa,bajjo etc... as one finds comfortable
    but "aapi" is the sweetest one to me

  19. @Rahmeen
    Oh.. my bad.. was Short of knowledge there..
    Thanks for the details :)

  20. i need an invitation guys.. somebody can.. ty :)

  21. bro your blog is Awsoemee...I use all the blogging tips of yours on my blog

  22. @Anouar Sarout

    Bro invitation Sent Enjoy lolz :P
