Why Google Indexes Only 26 Pages Of Your Blogger Sitemap? (1)

multiple sitemap submission for bloggerThis post marks part of our new series on "Blogger SEO PACK 2012". Due to integration of Yahoo's algorithm at Bing webmaster tools, sitemap submission has become much easy and valuable now. Previously we only need to submit links to Yahoo site explorer and would need to just Ping MSN search engine, and you had no advance webmaster settings page where you could monitor your progress report but now things have pretty much changed. Just like Google webmaster account where you submit your blog or website sitemaps, you will follow an exact similar approach at Bing and yahoo. This part would discuss the reasons on why only the latest 26 pages of your blog are indexed upon sitemap submission at Google but not your entire post pages. We will also offer a solution to this. Lets kick start Part-1 of Blogger SEO PACK for 2012.

UPDATE: Please read the updated series: Why Google Indexes only 150 Links of Blogger Sitemap?



Part1: Blogger Multiple Sitemap Generation and Submission   Don't Forget to use our PHP TOOL For this!
Part3: Reduce Crawl Errors- 
           i.  Optimize Links in Blogger like Comments Archives and Labels
           ii. Correct VS Wrong SEO Techniques For Blogger Blogs

Note: Our series on Pro blogging will continue parallel to this new series.

Purpose of This Series:

This series is the only thing you will need while starting new blogs. It will include every single SEO detail required to set your blogs go viral. From sitemap submission to crawling errors, you will find solution for all your problems. I personally apply this technique for my blog and blogs of my clients. I will share how to add noindex and nofollow link elements to categories and archives correctly because a lot of miss-information is hovering in blogosphere related to these terms. I am sure this series will play an important role in making SEO no less than a fun.

Why Does Google Indexes Limited Pages?

When you submit your sitemap at Google webmaster account, you might have observed that only 26 URLs are shown to be indexed and not the remaining URLs on your blog. If you have more than 26 posts on your blog then Google wont be able to index the older posts correctly. Though Google crawlers are becoming efficient day by day with auto detection of webpages but still your posts can go neglected due to growing numbers of pages uploaded daily.

This problem is related to blogspot blogs alone. Blogger though free but is highly un-optimized platform in comparison to wordpress. Google uses Atom feed in xml formats to store a backup of your posts instead of the rich RSS feed format. The sitemap is generated automatically whenever you create a new blog at blogger and displays a list of only first 26 pages of your blog. This can effect your crawl rate and traffic because not all your pages are indexed. Therefore to let Google access every single page of your blog we will need to submit multiple sitemaps. The procedure is really simple as discussed below:

Multiple Sitemap Generation For blogger

We will break the entire blog posts into small segments comprising of 500 posts each. Its better to submit 500 posts per sitemap for better indexing. To generate sitemaps for your blog follow these steps:

  1. Go and check your blogger dashboard to see how many posts have you written so far.

blogger post count

     2.    Count total number posts. The count is visible just below your blog title on your dashboard.

      3.   If your total post count is less than 500 then you must submit the following sitemap:

For Blogs with posts less than 500


             If your post count is more than 500 but less than 1000 then submit the following two sitemaps instead:

For Blogs with posts less than 1000




For Blogs with posts less than 1500

Similarly if your post count is greater than 1000 but less than 1500 then you will submit the following sitemaps and so on...




You have now successfully generated or created the sitemaps. Lets know submit them to Google.

Submit Sitemaps You Just Generated

  1. Go To Google Webmasters
  2. You will see list of all blogs that you created at blogger. Choose your main blog
  3. You are now on the Dashboard page where you can see reports related to crawl errors, search queries and sitemaps.
  4. Click the More » Link just under the sitemaps report.
  5. Towards top right side, click the ADD/TEST SITEMAP button
  6. In the empty blank paste your first sitemap and then click "Submit Sitemap". Repeat this step for remaining sitemaps until you have finished submitting all the sitemaps that you generated.


submit blogger sitemap

      7.   Now Google will take at most three days to crawl and index every single page of your blog. After 1-3 days you will find that all URLS that you submitted are successfully indexed. Following is the report for MBT.

multiple sitemap submission for blogger




As you can see in the screenshot above that I have submitted three sitemaps instead of two. The last one which contains 26 URLs is an optional one because we already contained our first 26 URLs under the 500 limit. Since the total number of my posts plus pages are 614 therefore I submitted the following two sitemaps accordingly



Need help?

You have now learned how to generate multiple sitemaps and submit them correctly. Our coming parts will be even more specific. If you are encountering any problem just let me know so that I could help. Stay tuned for upcoming parts. Peace and blessings pals! :)

If you don't want to get yourself into Serious Technical Trouble while editing your Blog Template then just sit back and relax and let us do the Job for you at a fairly reasonable cost. Submit your order details by Clicking Here »


We have Zero Tolerance to Spam. Chessy Comments and Comments with 'Links' will be deleted immediately upon our review.
  1. i created my new site and submitted my feed and it still dont index any page even the 26 and there is no errors and i leave it for 2 days
    please help

  2. Thanx i created My new sitemap and submitted it i will let every one know what will happen after 3 to 5 days if any thing goes wrong then i will contact you Muhammad. in the same place.

  3. http://www.indiacoupons4all.com/search?updated-min=2012-01-01T00:00:00%2B05:30&updated-max=2013-01-01T00:00:00%2B05:30&max-results=27

    I am getting 15 such crawl errors in restricted by Robots.txt

    Plz guide me what to do bro.


    1. Once crawl error restricted before solve it... this is the best methods for cure your crawl error...



  4. Good Work and Thank for you's sharing.

  5. Thannks, your tutorials are mind blowing and definitely Indian-Share-Tips.Com owes a lot to your perfect tutorials.

  6. Hey Bro.. At least I am somewhere ahead from you :p
    I have 1110 books on my blog :D

  7. Thankyou SOoooo SOoo oSoooo Sooo Sooo Sooo Sooo Sooo Sooo Sooo Sooo Sooo Much Brother :) Love You

  8. You are Awesome MAN as YOur Blog...loved it!!!!

  9. thank you very much For this usefull information

  10. thanks Mohammad this is what i asked you in my email.thanks for writing
    an article on it.
    Saif Afridi

  11. @Ahmed safwan

    Give it at most three days. Also go to Blogger > Settings > Basic. And set the options to yes where you are asked if you wish to add your blog to bloggers directory and want search engine sto find your blog.

    We will be waiting to hear from you then! :)

    Request recorded! :)

    Most of these errors are caused when you let crawlers to index your labels and categories. Once I reach part 3 you will find asnwers to your questions. do not bother about these errors too much because no matter how much optimize your blog may be, spiders still face problem crawling it.

    I am really pleased to see that almost everyone found the tutorial helpful and useful. You are all most welcomed buddies. =) Stay tuned for tonight's post!

  12. Cool Brother :)

    Kindly check little design change of my blog


  13. I guess you know me.. Do you??
    Just changed my name to original..

  14. @haider
    Nice color variation haider. I would advise that you add the like box to sidebar too. :)

    Of course I do young man. And your post frequency will surely remain always high. =)

    This name is much better!

  15. @Mohammad

    Well I think Google wanted me to keep this name :p

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. thanks for this tutorial bro, i have that problem too, i got only 26 indexed by google, now i already re-submit my sitemap to google and the result was very cool.. all post was now indexed by google.. thanks a lot bro.

  19. Hi Brother..
    Iam Raju... I read Your articles regularly.. your tutorials are much useful to all...
    Kindly Help me for the following error
    My Blog <a href="www.eenadueducation.net" target="_blank">www.eenadueducation.net</a> is appearing proper in Google Chrome and Mozilla firefox, But When I opened it in Internet explorer and Opera It is not appear properly. Lay out problems occur...
    Please help me.

  20. Mohammad I have 3220 posts total so how many sitemaps should i submit please help thanks

  21. I loved your Blog


  22. Thank you very much! very useful!

  23. great,so where are the rest of blogger seo pack 2012?

  24. thank you very much for this tutorial... i always wonder that why google always index only 26 pages of my website.

    now its clear

  25. yesterday i read your post and used your tutorial and in one day google indexed my 809 pages from 814. thank you very much

    here's the screenshot of my indexed pages


  26. Thanx a lot Mohammad.
    Plz have a glance of my blog and please let me know wt should i do to improve it. I have taken some guidance from your site too. Plz reply as soon as possible.


  27. hello mohammad, i am still waiting for your reply. Plz reply soon and my adsense account is not approving. Please help me.


  28. I just submitted the sitemap of my blog www.amusing-n-funny.blogspot.com I hope it will work

  29. hye mohammad.. i've got some question to ask. before that, let me show you my list of sitemaps that i submit to google :

    1. www.akidazami.com/atom.xml
    2. feeds/posts/default
    3. feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
    4. rss.xml

    i'm using blogger.com. this four sitemaps is directed to my feedburner, not to the original feed blogger. 26 urls from each sitemap is fully indexed.

    Then yesterday i read this post and decided to submit this sitemap because my blog has 919 posts :


    after i submit "atom.xml?redirect=false" sitemap, suddenly today "atom.xml" sitemap shows 22 url indexed, not 26 anymore. What does that mean? Do i need to delete "atom.xml" sitemap? What happened if i deleted "atom.xml" sitemap?

    *I'm just afraid by deleting "atom.xml" will effect spider's crawl rate. Just for you to know, any new posts published in my blog will be on google SERP around 5-10 minutes.. I don't want that advantages vanished if i delete "atom.xml" sitemap.. Hope you can help me.

  30. woooooooooooooooooooooow best post
    realy its very useful

    please visit my blog

  31. Assalamu alaikum...I have used your tutorials 7 days ago at that time my post number was 446 and google has index first 434 post after 3 days. and yesterday indexed rest of 12 post. But Now i have total 519 posts.so i want to know that google will index 500 post automatically or i have to put the code in google webmaster again. Thanks you. Kindly email me at vidzprohd@gmail.com and my site is http://www.vidzpro.com

  32. hello still i didn't get my answer. please reply me. untill today my total post is 527. but according to your tutorial i have applied and google has indexed 446 post. so why not google is indexing rest of the post? plz plz reply me. my email address is vidzprohd@gmail.com & website address is http://www.vidzpro.com/

  33. Hello Mohammad,

    I want really appreciate your work and effort by saying a big thank you for your SEO Series. After reading this post, I was amazed at how Google indexed 492 pages out of my total 519 pages in just LESS than an Hour.I was expecting 3 days as you said but saw it happen in less than 1 hour.

    The next day I checked again 518 had already been indexed out of 519.

    Thanks so much for this tutorial. I made a post on that and gave you the credit:


  34. I was just wondering what my sitemap should say in the new search preferences for blogger under robots.txt enabled. I had the old sitemap and used one of yours. so,i change it to the following. Is it OK or should my site map say something else. I want robots to crawl my site.

    User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /search
    Allow: /

    Sitemap: http://www.jenx67.com/atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500

  35. Thank you very much for this article! It makes things a lot easier.

    I've got one question: say if i submitted a 400 articles sitemap, what if i will post new articles after that? if after one month i have 430 articles, shall i re-summit my sitemap to Google?

  36. Sir,

    Thanks for your post,but for me it has some problems,when i submit the above code to webmaster tool,it only indexing 365 pages insted of 817,pls help

  37. Hi, Mohammad,

    I have a blogger blog on some product review, which is doing file on SEO since 2 minths , but suddenly 3 days back all my link in google search disappeared, i dont understand what went wrong. my blog addres is premiumwordpressthemereview.blogspot.com, every thing was fine with blog and i didn't made any change, content are organic and not over optimization of spam links. I have submitted sitemap again as u have suggested here because it was showing 26 in google webmaster, will my all link come again in search engine ? please review my blog and suggest me solution or advise.

    Thanks & Regards

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. thanx a lot ......this was really helpfull i used this sitemap when only 26 of my 30 posts were being indexed....but then i added about 10 new post total 40....& i checked webmasters to see if all are indexed but only precious 30 were indexed so i tried submittig this sitmap again but this time it just not takes any time as soon as i submit it shown 40 as submitted & 30 as indexed withn 10 seconds....there is no pending or processing option shown to show its in process....pls help me Mohammad i am really dependent on ur site a lot for everything...i dont way why its not even taking time to process ...as soon as i submit the sitemap ...it shows 30 indexed immediately...i hope u understand waht it means...pls help...would be greatly thankfull

  40. I just wanted to know that how frequently should i resubmit my sitemap because in a day i post at least 2 posts.
    and in webmaster tools it shows old data only please help me Mohammad

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Great blog an really nice tip. Thanks
    Feel free to visit http://www.free-seo-tricks.blogspot.com

  43. hello Mohammad..thanx for the tutorial. iadded my sitemaps again to WMT , atom & rss both , but atom worked well , but there is some warning showing on rss like too many tags( parent tag & feed flare.)

    I would be gretaly thankfull if u help me in solving any of the above problems & would love to follow u.

    here is my blog


  44. hello Mohammad..thanx for the tutorial. iadded my sitemaps again to WMT , atom & rss both , but atom worked well , but there is some warning showing on rss like too many tags( parent tag & feed flare.)

    I would be gretaly thankfull if u help me in solving any of the above problems & would love to follow u.

    here is my blog


  45. Dear author @ it is worked fine in my blog.Nice information for who are in blogger.com platform.I am really salute you for your tips.

  46. Thanks so much, Mohammad! I just submitted it, so it'll be a while before I actually see any results, but the sitemap test was successful and showed me *exactly* what it was supposed to. The "26 submitted" was driving me crazy. I'm so glad I found this!

  47. What a good content it is!
    I have lot of content and pages on my blog,but I dont know how to make them all indexed by google,
    I'm already browse to all site that provide this kind of information but their tips do nothing to my blog,
    When I'm using your tips,waiting for 3 days,and Wow,it really works!

    thank you,I will always come to your site to find out about your SEO tips,

    my regard,

  48. oh yes!
    now all of my pages already indexed by google,
    thank you,your articles really really help me,
    I will be glad to be your blog friend,
    Here is my blog,


  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I have a question, if not all posts are indexed, how come they still appear in search results?

  51. Thanks Dear
    But i have a question
    can i submite all serch engine sitemaps on my site?

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  53. My Blog Having 5000+ Posts. How To Optimize?

  54. Ok, my blog is new... I have used your trick but out of my 33 posts only 26 are indexed. Does it works only if you have a premium domain name. I mean I have .blogspot.com as my blog address, will it work? Please let me know.

  55. .yesterday i read your post and used your tutorial is very usefull..

  56. Does this sitemap also include Blogger Pages (/p/abc.html) or Just Posts only?

  57. As far as I know, bloggerdotcom has generated sitemap for each blog (I know it by tapping robotsdottxt on my browser), should I add it too?

  58. your php tool is outstandin. i have a blogger blog of 28 posts, i have generated a sitemap using ur php tool and submited it once. should i resubmit this sitemap frequently or not? under the google webmaster tool it is shown that no crawl errors and also shows that total 29 urls are submitted and 28 urls are indexed. the main problem is when i view the index status under the health tab they shows total indexed 0, not selected 0 and blocked by robots 0. i think google search engine does not index my pages this is the problem please help.

  59. Hey at last. Thank you so much!

  60. hi after submitting they are showing errors as;



    We encountered an error while trying to access your Sitemap. Please ensure your Sitemap follows our guidelines and can be accessed at the location you provided and then resubmit.


    General HTTP error: 404 not found
    Sitemap: /%20%20%20%20%20%20atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500
    HTTP Error: 404

    please help me

  61. Oh. you are so awesome. Helped me after searching for a long time. Thanks


    I am having the same error. Please advise. I do not understand why everyone is going crazy for this technique, it does not appear to work at all.

  63. Why go with such a long url, when you can simply do,


  64. what is ;amp in your sitemap ??
    why this is not in mine blogger sitemap?
    and what is the advantage of this sign?

    these are the question i want to ask so please help me !

  65. thanks for this post. i am also facing this kind of problem.

  66. Mohammad, thank you for the help on this - I had no idea how to get into the html code for my blogspot template! Now set up with Bing!

    Many, many thanks!

  67. after submitting sitemap , how to update sitemap for my news posts

  68. assalamu alaykum

    great thank you

    i love myblogger trick realy rockking

    allah aapko bahot kamyabi de..bahot bahot sukriyah

  69. very nyc it will help for newbies

  70. I have some draft posts which are not complete yet. Do I include these in the count? Will Google omit these anyway?

  71. Thanks for shared tips and trick why 110 post?

  72. Im glad that i found a site like this very helpful even a fresh bee
    dear Mohammad i having an issue while i am trying to submit my site i got this error

    General HTTP error: 404 not found
    HTTP Error: 404

    kind;y help me dear

  73. Thanks for sharing

    is the sitemap is resubmit frequently?

    my site is babynameslist.in

  74. Mustafa Brother if my index is stopped on 500 pages so again i will paste the another link which has 1000 page capability. Please answer I am waiting

  75. yupieee now i got 26 index to directly 163 index pages

    its really very useful trick
    thank u so much

  76. Thank you very much for this post. Very useful.

  77. Wow this tutes are totally amazing.. Keep posting i'm addicted to your blog.

  78. Mohammad Sir Will you Please Suggest Changes(sitemap H1 and H2) to my Blog

  79. Don’t worry any one about indexing, just ping to search engines your Post/Articles will get indexed within 12 hrs for more information visit:


  80. Assalam...why when i add/test sitemap, the description is "Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page. Please use a supported sitemap format instead.", and the type is error. it's normal or i do in wrong steps? plsss...

  81. Nice informative post sir , I have two small doubt my sitemap is not getting updated daily i had submitted total 65 urls but indexed only 56 urls and in the main dashboard it was showing dec 12 2013 ....Have image look http://oi41.tinypic.com/5cngn7.jpg please help me .

    Thank you sir ,
    have a nice day

  82. Am I using Atom? I subscribed to RSS. Can I still submit the site map containing the Atom link?

  83. Thanks for your help Get more http://kudantown.blogspot.com

  84. I am really pleased to see that almost everyone found the tutorial helpful and useful. Nice article as well as informative post and helpful for other people who want's to gather knowledge about of website and search engine optimization.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  87. very useful, thank you for your help

  88. http://hackkrig.blogspot.com/

  89. it really helps me :-) fenkew :-)

  90. Assalamualaikkum Br.Mohammad, jazakkallah for an efficiently useful blog help you are providing. I am a visitor who occasionally seek help for my blog probs from ur site. I apologize in advance to be off-topic, but I must say, unlike most blog-helpers out there, I have noticed and highly appreciate that u don't find any uneasiness to use islamic expressions and greetings in the midst of ur explanations, which I find quite heart-warming, coz so many so-called techno-muslims feel ashamed to reveal in their speech common islamic words n phrases that's so naturally merged into a muslim's daily life. Having said that, I noticed on the right sidebar of ur site the 'make money while u sleep' ad. Normally I never click on any such lucrative sounding ads, but placing my trust in u that u being a gud muslim, wud never put up an ad that can be misleading or unislamic, I clicked and even went to the extremes of inputting my phone number, which I have never done before since using internet for more than 8 years. But, I was highly disappointed to see the requirement for a payment. I was not at all thinking to get free money, rather I was sure to find a job which paid me. The bottom-line of my message is that, as a muslim, any kind of payment u do which is not based on any solid and guaranteed work, but rather a forecasting method or the likes of insurance policies, where u r paying regularly or once seeking protection from possible future mishaps....which in islam amounts to being the same as riba, where u r required to pay extra, which is unethically deceptive and so, have been forbidden by our Lord. So, if u think that's ok, then I have just shared what i felt obliged to. Once again sorry for the off-topic & long post, and many thanks for ur relevantly helpful posts.

  91. Thanks, this post was helpful. I finally did it right :)

  92. Thank you very much for this valuable post !!!

    this helped me to index my site properly in google.


  93. i've posted 1040 posts,
    my posts are not indexing,
    can anyone help

  94. I submitted my sitemap and I got this error Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page. Please use a supported sitemap format instead.
    Please any advice?

  95. Assalamualaikum
    Why my site still index just 26, whereas i have put "atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500" on google webmaster ?
    Any idea sir ?
    Please take a look to my site for a while http://tapike.com

      The above method is outdated now. Blogspot sitemaps are updated and they now include only 150 pages per sitemap. I have created a tool for it and explained it in this updated post:

      Blogger Dynamic Sitemaps Updated

  96. Thank you very much for this valuable post !!!

    this helped me to index my site properly in google.

