Related Posts Widget For Blogger - Optimized Version

related posts widgetDisplay thumbnails of posts having same labels or categories at the bottom of each blog page engages the reader more and increases the pageviews. By far we have two best related posts gadgets created so far one is by linkwithin which I am sharing in this tut and another one displays just links and I will share it in my next post. This widget Loads fast and you don't need to install any scripts for this as the widget codes are stored on linkwithin servers. This tutorial is the most detailed one ever written on linkwithin so kindly follow the steps carefully. Please see a demo first,

Live Demo

Add Linkwithin to Blogger

The steps are very simple:

  1. Go To Linkwithin
  2. Fill up the easy blanks and do as they say. The screenshot below will help,


related posts

  3.   Keep the width to three stories i.e three thumbnails if your post width is less than 500px

  4.   Hit the Get Widget button and then click the Install Widget link on the next page as shown below,

related posts linkwithin

  5.   Change the Title to Related Posts: or anything you may like as shown below,

related posts widget

  6.  Now Click the Edit Template Link

related posts widget

  7.   Replace the code that you see with this one:

<b:includable id='main'><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><data:content/></b:if></b:includable>

The above code will hide the thumbnails from appearing on homepage.

  8.   Next click the Edit Content Link and add the following additional code just above the code inside the widget,

<script>linkwithin_text='Related Posts:'</script>

Replace Related Posts:  with any text you want.

   9.  Finally hit the ADD WIDGET button.

  9.  Once you are taken to the Page Elements page of your blogger account, simply drag the widget to the bottom of your post body as shown below,

related posts

   10.  Click the "Save" orange button at the top-right corner and you are done!

Let me know if you needed any further help on this. I hope the slight customization may prove helpful to you. Peace.

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  1. I personally dont like this one coz you have to give a backlink to linkwithin at every page, instead use the related posts widget by blogger plugins, which id very similar to linkwithin's

  2. @amit
    I would disagree brother. The widget by linkwithin comes with three benefits:

    1) The widget loads fast as the scripts are stored on linkwithin servers
    2) It does not disturbs the loading of other widgets because it loads asynchronously.

    3) Giving a link to linkwithin is there right and same link on every page close to a script does never effect your PR and neither does it help Linkwithin a lot. Unless the link is mentioned in your Posts.

    All these things are opposite in the custom widgets created elsewhere as you mentioned.

  3. Hi,

    How long will it take for the widget to show up? I have tired to add Link within before but none of thumbnails shows up. So I had to switch to outbrain widget.

  4. @G
    I takes seconds G. Make sure you add an intro image at the start of all your posts. There service has improved a lot.

  5. Hello Mohammad,
    an excellent modification for not to display on home page.i was only suffering from that and now its solved thanks a lot bro.

  6. @Jeet

    Anytime buddy. This modification was one of the reasons why I posted this else it was all copy and paste thing. :>

  7. Great! It made my Home page load faster :)

  8. Thanks Mohammad, very clear and helpful guide.

  9. @Manuel Garcia PH

    Hey Manuel did you ever find out how to center it?I've tried to figure it out but had not luck?

  10. Thanks Friend. I like this widget so much. Thanks for providing such great tips and tools. God Bless You.
    With Regsrds,
    Gurjit Singh

  11. I have Linkwithin installed. but my problem is i DONT want it to appear on my home page. I am ok for it appearing at the end of my post but not on the home page where a summary is already being shown. Please help. my blog is

  12. Great site....I want to select links to must-read individual posts in a separate window. Recent and popular posts do not give me the ability to select particular posts. Can you help? Thank you

  13. Hi, I tried to use linkwithin but when I click on the related posts link, it redirects to a non-existent page. What should I do? :(

  14. This was professional. Thanks for the trick!

  15. @Amit M B - I don't like it because you cannot get support to help you. I need to go from a 5 post to 4 post widget and have been waiting weeks for them to change it. I tried to reinstall, but it keeps going back to the 5 post widget ... there is not much flexibility with this one, though it looks good when it does fit the post area correctly.

  16. Would an automatic read more script interfere with this? Because I installed this but it's not showing any related posts, it just says "Related Posts:" and then nothing.

  17. Hey Manuel did you ever find out how to center it?I've tried to figure it out but had not luck?

  18. thank you! it finally worked!

  19. it takes too much time to load dude why ? :\

  20. your posts are really life for me. i saved and bookmarked ur site. thanks

  21. bro, why my related post not related to another post with same label/category? just related to one label. help me please. syukron..

  22. Please help me, I switched domains, but the widget still links to the old domain. Any idea?

  23. Just used this tonight - fabulous. Thanks for the great instructions!

  24. i don't find that step 6. Now Click the Edit Template Link

  25. Thanks Mohammad.

    I have a problem with my widget. I appears above the post not below. How to i correct that?

  26. Hi, can you suggest anything for my drop down menu, at the top coz its always open when we open the blog or any page or refresh it, means whenever my blog page open its always open and need to be manually close it by hovering over it once

    So can you suggest a solution
    Will be very thankful



  27. Hey Mohammad, I first have to really thank you for the good work that you are doing on this blog. You have really helped me a lot in setting up my website through blogger (fortunately, I stumbled upon your blog just before I was going to buy a hosting plan lol and your post about staying with blogger really changed everything :) )
    My concern now is that I have implemented linkwithin but it went above my sharethis bar. How can I correct this? thank you very much. My website is


  29. Thanks for posting this, I was about to change my blog template because of the reason that related posts are appearing on the homepage. Thanks a lot...

  30. hey Mohammed, how can i make the title "Related Posts" from right to lift as my blog is in arabic <<this is mine..thanx bro :)

  31. I'm very thankful that MBT exist.

    Thanks for this

  32. Very nice, I was surprise at how this related posts widget increased my traffic and reduce bounce rate on my blog.

  33. Amazing Tutorial But (SADLY) It Didn't Worked Out For Me :( The Normal Linkwith in has worked for me the first time when i did it With Normal Settings But It's Appeared Just On The HomePage And WIth No Photos :(

  34. Hello Muhammad its working fine, but my post bg color is white so , the text color of the related posts(linkwithin) isn't visible in that bg color

    and i know there is two option while adding a link wihtin widget, for dark and light bg, but for bothcases the same problem?
    help mate.

  35. Do you have instructions to add this widget to wordpress theme?

  36. Hey i added this widget on my blog but I see this below in every post in my home page. Means if i have five post on my home page there is five times related post. What is the solution?

  37. It works really well

  38. hai mohammad
    My releated post is not working .
    I am using your template

  39. Hi,
    The lrelated post button doesnt work for me at all. Even the linkwith dint work. Please help!


  40. didnt worked. shows only one link without thumbnails

  41. How can i change the font patterns?

  42. Hi mohammad please help i am facing problem in adding this widget to my blog( ) ,i followed your each and every steps as you made and i add it successfully , but the problem is it's showing above the each post body instead of bottom, in other words it's showing below the each blog post title

    plz plz plz help me in fixing this issue

    thank you

    1. mohammad i will be visiting this page and desperately waiting for your response brother

    2. Try redoing doing the layout step I guess? you need to drag it down? below the post.

  43. You are doing nice work dear. KEEP IT UP

  44. Hi the widget works fine but i would be great if i could change the appearance of the widget like Thumbnail size and spacing between the images.Can you please help me with that.

  45. Hello. Thank for this useful post.
    I made it mobile='only' since I have related posts for desktop version.

    the problem is, it is a little wider than mobile version page. How can fix it?


  46. Assalamu alaikum va rahmathullahi va barakathuhu..first of all, u r doing a great job..congratz..since I m a new blogger, ur so many tutorials helped me to learn something in blogging..but can u plz help me on linkwithin gadget? I hav tried installing it for several times, every time it is installed correctly, but shows only a few images in thumbnails, n too that only for a few posts..but all my posts hav a lot of images..even the last tym I waited for 48 hrs after installing, but still the same no.of pics in thumbnails..plz help me to fix this problem..tnx in advance..
