Add Facebook Like Button Below Post Titles - New

Like buttonI previously shared a Facebook Like button that included a send button by default. One of the problems I noticed with it was the load time. I then shifted to this new like button which loads like a flash at my internet connection speed. If you wish to add this new like button code just below the post titles of your blogger blogs then follow these easy steps:

Adding Facebook Like Button To Blogger

  1. Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML
  2. Backup your template
  3. Click the "Expand Widgets Templates" Box
  4. Search for this,


    5.    Just above it paste the code below,

<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script>(function(d, s, id) {
  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
  js = d.createElement(s); = id;
  js.src = "//";
  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>

<div class="fb-like" data-layout="button_count" 
data-action="like" data-show-faces="false" 

     6.   Save your template and you are done!

To Enable share button just replace the value of data-share="false" to true

Visit your blog to see it working just fine just below post titles. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. 

If you don't want to get yourself into Serious Technical Trouble while editing your Blog Template then just sit back and relax and let us do the Job for you at a fairly reasonable cost. Submit your order details by Clicking Here »


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  1. thank you sam and abhishek for reminding that, I just corrected it. :)


    did you receive the template pal?

  2. Dear Mohd I think your comment form for" Blogger help" is not accepting the cursor.I can only type in the individual post comment box .I have few queries .Where can I write them

  3. hi

    I want the facebook like button for the blog and not for every post.
    How can i do that

  4. @Manisha

    Sis this is because I have closed comments on that page and it can be used as FAQ only. Feel free to ask me under any relevant post or if it is too off-topic then better email me.


    Then paste the code inside a HTML/Javascript on your homepage. Or may be you will enjoy reading this tutorial -> Show hide Widgets

  5. i added that , also i added meta tags , it do show likes when you like something in your profile , but it's not seen in the home page for people

  6. Yes Mohammad I recieved the template thanks for asking me brother.

  7. @shift

    Kindly read this to control the appearance of the like button -> Show hide widgets


    My pleasure buddy. :)

  8. Thanks for this, mine had stopped working for some reason. Really appreciate it.

  9. Hi,

    Thanks for this information! I'd like to add "like" to the end of my blog post, so people can "like" it after they've read it. How do I do that?


  10. Hi Mohammad,

    I'd like to seek your help. I have the facebook like button on my photoblog for a while already and it used to work just fine. This week though I found that when you click 'like' an error appears and i was told i'm missing some metadata and namespace declarations. I wonder why it was working just fine before and now it's not when I didn't tweak my html or settings anyway. Would you be able to help? Thank you!


  11. Great Stuff Mohammed. Just what I wanted!

  12. Hi,
    i hav a problm wid my like button.. it shows same number of likes for all my to fix dis..?

  13. @vivekI'm having the same problem too. Any ideas on how to fix? I just want the like button to be located at the end of each post and only work for one post at a time.

  14. i've tried it to my blog and it's working. but when someone likes the post, no notification shown in the facebook page about the like the post.

  15. thnks dude,, simple and useful

  16. how to create recommendations button? please reply!!

  17. how to get like button for comments

  18. Thank you! This was very helpful. One problem, though: On some of my posts, there is a line break after the Like button, but on some posts, there is none-- so the text starts directly to the right of the Like button. Why is it like this on some posts but not others? (I would like there to be a line break after the Like button on every post.)

  19. Hi Mohammad found this very useful but was wondering if you could help me. Basically I would like to have some control over the image that is used when something has been liked. At the moment when something is liked it just grabs a random image from the page. Can you help?

  20. this script is working 100%. point 4 is ok...

  21. learning a lot from your blog.

  22. Where I have To put my page link In the Program??

  23. Unfortunately I can't make this work. I have applied the code correctly in, also updated the meta tags and the html definitions, still to no success. I also tried the standard like button that gave me an error of not having fb:admins, however I do have it setup correctly - this is also confirmed when using the Facebook Debug site: - no problems at all. Could you please help me sort this out?

    Thanks a lot in advance.

  24. hai ,
    iam not getting facebook like button below the post , why ?
    please help me

  25. Hi i pasted fb like code as u said below every post(for users ti like post) and in top of my page in website(to like page)---------but unfortunately if somebody likes ANY ONE OF THEM EVERY LIKES ARE UPGRADED BY ONE............pls help me with it Thank You in Advance

  26. Mohamed is there any way to have the 'like' button for individual posts? that i mean for each post to be liked separately...i have the like button at the bottom of every post but it just shows the like count for the entire blog no mater what page or post you like, like one post and the count increases for them all and for the blog as a whole. Also, as it stands, once a person has liked one post they can't like anything there a way for each post/page to have it's own individual 'like' button so that it only registers the likes for that post...oh and i am using my own domain if that makes any difference @

  27. @Janice Carrington
    i have been pondering over the problem i mentioned above with regards the like button at the bottom of each post...i think it has something to do with using my own domain, i have tested this on a separate blog which uses the blogger address and it works fine but on my main blog which uses my own domain it does not work...i think the problem is getting the like button to recognise my domain in the post data url instead of the original blogger url...hope that makes sense and hope you can help...thanks in advance.

  28. @Janice Carrington even i am facing the same problem it has nothing to do with the url because few of my friends use that single code for three websites it works fine but they are using blogger templates.I am using a custom can check the problem at my site
    Hi admin if you the solution please mail me at peepmore[AT]

  29. i could'nt find
    is this because i have changed template?

  30. Fb like button changes to confirm.. Due to this people feel awkward and they dont confirm... How to fix this... Pls help me out... I googled the query... couldnt get the soln

  31. Thanx a lot :) working properly

  32. Hi there,

    My name is Essa. I am new to blogging. Its very good information you have shared with us here. I liked it .

    Thank you.

  33. its not work on my blog.... when I click on the button its ask me to confirm but after confirmation it does not apear on my facebook account or like counter

  34. There are 3 in my blog template :S where to paste the code??

  35. With this button, is it possible to know the persons who liked your post?

  36. i have this but why does it re set the likes on some posts. i had loads of likes on a few posts but when i check again there is none? why does it do this

  37. Awesome tips ... thanks for sharing :)

  38. I can`t find the Expand Widgets Template box
