How To Drive Traffic To Your Blogs From Facebook?

This is a Guest Post by Rafay baloch. Follow him on Facebook @Hacking and Cracking

DRIVE-TRAFFIC-FACEBOOK As we know that facebook has became the most widely used social networking site these days,its Alexa rank is 2,which means the second most popular website on web after Google,Hence bloggers are using it to drive a lot of traffic,but some of bloggers even after having all the resources struggle to drive traffic from Facebook,So i am writing this article for ones who are struggling to drive traffic using facebook. Below are some most important steps you need to take to drive traffic using Facebook:

Add a lot of Friends: 

friendsYes,you need to add a lot of fans friends in order to get traffic from facebook,i suggest you to make an individual Business profile,The more friends your status is seen by more people and hence more traffic.

Connect Facebook with twitter


As we know twitter is favorite micro-blogging tool,you can connect Facebook account with twitter for better productivity,Now whenever you will update your status on Facebook OR twitter it will appear on both Facebook and twitter and hence no need to individually update status of both Facebook and twitter Use Facebook notes applications:Follow the steps to interconnect Facebook with twitter:
  1. Log in to your Facebook account
  2. Now go to this url ""
  3. Add the 'Twitter' Facebook Application.
  4. Choose your preferred settings and click on"Add twitter"
  5. No log into your twitter account
  6. Allow and Authorize Access for Twitter to Facebook.

    That's all! Every time you update your Twitter, your Facebook status will update automatically!

    Import your blog with notes application

    Notes application is a very useful application in blogger. It imports all your blog posts and post into your friends automatically when ever you update your blog, Follow the steps to add Note applications in your facebook account
    2. Agree to TOS
    3. And start importing!!

      Use Facebook fan Pages

      facebook fan page icon

      I recommend every blogger to use it,this method is the most powerful one,Bloggers are using fan page to drive huge amount of traffic.Facebook Fan Page helps you into Branding, Socializing and more over sending a message to all your Blog or service Fans. Follow the steps to Add Facebook fan page to your blog:
      1. Follow this url:
      2. Write down your category and name of your facebook fan page which must resemble with the category of your website
      3. And Click create and see your new facebook fan page
      4. Just add it into your website and invite your friends to join it!

        Use Facebook share button

        facebook-digg-twitter-butto Like digg,twitter,stumble upon etc. Facebook has also a share button through which your readers can easily share with their friends. To add the Facebook Share button to your blog then follow these steps, 1. Log into Blogger > Layout > Edit HTML 2. Click the Expand Widget Templates box
        3. Now find this code,
        <div class='post-header-line-1'/>
        4. Now paste this code just below the code in step#3

        <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><span style="text-align: right;">
        <a name="fb_share" type="box_count" href="">Share</a><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

    5. Save your template and see a beautiful button hanging at the top right of your posts, facebook-digg-twitter-butto  I hope you liked this article!

    About The Author:
    Rafay Baloch is an engineering student. He is a techie Blogger, hacker and programmar. He loves to learn and share Ethical Hacking/Security Tips. He is the author of the blogs Learn how to hack and Make money online

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  1. Hello! Glad to see you're back!

  2. Thanks to Rafay and Mohammad for this valuable tip. God bless!!

  3. Thanks for the tips Rafay. You are great and I think you are too getting traffic from Facebook ;)

  4. @Anup
    Yes Facebook is my 7th traffic source,i almost get more than 4000 visitors per month from Facebook

  5. I really didn't knew there were so many ways of pulling Traff out of FB! Thumbs up Mohammad! you won me :p

  6. dude it is really helpful and check out my new blog

  7. @Manisha

    I have personally tried any method as yet but these methods look pretty interesting and I will surely give them a try!

    Rafay just told me that you will need to create a separate fan page for each of your website and this is how it works. Plus you can add multiple websites to notes by submitting your feedburner links. Try searching for a feed option in notes page in FB.

    Hope this helps! :>

  8. Hi, im new to blogging, also just having a personal fb account. Not familiar with fb fanpage. Im confused whether the link will be between the blog and my personal fb account or the fanpage i create for the blog or both?

  9. I tried to add the share button and it does not work.

  10. Nice one. I liked this very much.

  11. How can I place it to the upper right side of the post page?

  12. I liked your posts...please do updating...

  13. is getting a traffic from facebook depend on your social network?

    for example i have a facebook account for

  14. There are tons of ways to drive traffic to your blog and knowing Facebook as one of the most popular networking sites--wait, let me rephrase that--it is the most popular networking site, there are tons of opportunities that you can take advantage from. The more friends you have, the more people will likely go to check out your website. Other exciting opportunity you can make with Facebook is you can actually earn money with it. With its millions of registered users also comes millions of great money-making opportunities. Build a massive list of targeted buyers and you can be making easy cash in no time. Invest your time learning how to make money with Facebook and it will be a time well spent.Great post, by the way.

  15. FB is a key to marketing any small business. One can generate serious traffic thru Face book marketing and build a loyal customer base. Appreciate your thoughtful post.

  16. Thanks for the tips friend. i've applied this trick to my facebook a/c.

  17. Very useful information. I hope your info would help me drive some traffic.
    Thanks Mate

  18. Hi Mohammed , I tried to use notes to import but its say the url doesn't have any feed. What should I input in that box - my blog url right?

  19. Every one is running after social networking sites and we need to run after them to get a good and consistent traffic. Any thing is possible on internet.

  20. Hi - I am definitely happy to discover this. Good job!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Really nice information Bro.. Keep it Up !
