Step#6 has been updated. Repeat that step to get it working just perfect.
I had published a post on how to add a multi tab widget to your blogger blogs and how to customize it to suit your blog layout some months ago. The only problem with that widget is that it is not fully widgetized i.e you can not add archives, labels, author profile or other blogger official widgets to it unless you have their separate code with you. I just came across a beautiful and a more flexible and advanced tabber widget stylized by Lawny Designs and scripted by Barelyfitz. I have modified lawny’s tutorial and have made some changes to the code so to make it even more simpler to newbie bloggers. You can view this widget hanging on my sidebar.
To add this cute multi tab widget to your BlogSpot blogs follow these steps.
- Go to Blogger > Layout > Edit HTML
- Search For </head>
- And paste the code below just above it,
<script type='text/javascript'>
document.write('<style type="text/css">.tabber{display:none;}<\/style>');
function tabberObj(argsObj)
var arg;
this.div = null;
this.classMain = "tabber";
this.classMainLive = "tabberlive";
this.classTab = "tabbertab";
this.classTabDefault = "tabbertabdefault";
this.classNav = "tabbernav";
this.classTabHide = "tabbertabhide";
this.classNavActive = "tabberactive";
this.titleElements = ['h2','h3','h4','h5','h6'];
this.titleElementsStripHTML = true;
this.removeTitle = true;
this.addLinkId = false;
this.linkIdFormat = '<tabberid>nav<tabnumberone>';
for (arg in argsObj) { this[arg] = argsObj[arg]; }
this.REclassMain = new RegExp('\\b' + this.classMain + '\\b', 'gi');
this.REclassMainLive = new RegExp('\\b' + this.classMainLive + '\\b', 'gi');
this.REclassTab = new RegExp('\\b' + this.classTab + '\\b', 'gi');
this.REclassTabDefault = new RegExp('\\b' + this.classTabDefault + '\\b', 'gi');
this.REclassTabHide = new RegExp('\\b' + this.classTabHide + '\\b', 'gi');
this.tabs = new Array();
if (this.div) {
this.div = null;
}tabberObj.prototype.init = function(e)
i, i2,
if (!document.getElementsByTagName) { return false; }
if ( { =;
this.tabs.length = 0;
childNodes = e.childNodes;
for(i=0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
if(childNodes[i].className &&
childNodes[i].className.match(this.REclassTab)) {
t = new Object();
t.div = childNodes[i];
this.tabs[this.tabs.length] = t;if (childNodes[i].className.match(this.REclassTabDefault)) {
defaultTab = this.tabs.length-1;
DOM_ul = document.createElement("ul");
DOM_ul.className = this.classNav;
for (i=0; i < this.tabs.length; i++) {t = this.tabs[i];
t.headingText = t.div.title;
if (this.removeTitle) { t.div.title = ''; }
if (!t.headingText) {
for (i2=0; i2<this.titleElements.length; i2++) {
headingElement = t.div.getElementsByTagName(this.titleElements[i2])[0];
if (headingElement) {
t.headingText = headingElement.innerHTML;
if (this.titleElementsStripHTML) {
t.headingText.replace(/<br>/gi," ");
t.headingText = t.headingText.replace(/<[^>]+>/g,"");
}if (!t.headingText) {
t.headingText = i + 1;
}DOM_li = document.createElement("li"); = DOM_li;
DOM_a = document.createElement("a");
DOM_a.href = "javascript:void(null);";
DOM_a.title = t.headingText;
DOM_a.onclick = this.navClick;DOM_a.tabber = this;
DOM_a.tabberIndex = i;if (this.addLinkId && this.linkIdFormat) {
aId = this.linkIdFormat;
aId = aId.replace(/<tabberid>/gi,;
aId = aId.replace(/<tabnumberzero>/gi, i);
aId = aId.replace(/<tabnumberone>/gi, i+1);
aId = aId.replace(/<tabtitle>/gi, t.headingText.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]/gi, '')); = aId;
}e.insertBefore(DOM_ul, e.firstChild);
e.className = e.className.replace(this.REclassMain, this.classMainLive);
if (typeof this.onLoad == 'function') {
}return this;
};tabberObj.prototype.navClick = function(event)
onClickArgs;a = this;
if (!a.tabber) { return false; }self = a.tabber;
tabberIndex = a.tabberIndex;a.blur();
if (typeof self.onClick == 'function') {
onClickArgs = {'tabber':self, 'index':tabberIndex, 'event':event};
/* IE uses a different way to access the event object */
if (!event) { onClickArgs.event = window.event; }rVal = self.onClick(onClickArgs);
if (rVal === false) { return false; }
return false;
};tabberObj.prototype.tabHideAll = function()
var i;for (i = 0; i < this.tabs.length; i++) {
};tabberObj.prototype.tabHide = function(tabberIndex)
var div;if (!this.tabs[tabberIndex]) { return false; }
div = this.tabs[tabberIndex].div;
if (!div.className.match(this.REclassTabHide)) {
div.className += ' ' + this.classTabHide;
this.navClearActive(tabberIndex);return this;
};tabberObj.prototype.tabShow = function(tabberIndex)
{var div;
if (!this.tabs[tabberIndex]) { return false; }
div = this.tabs[tabberIndex].div;
div.className = div.className.replace(this.REclassTabHide, '');
if (typeof this.onTabDisplay == 'function') {
this.onTabDisplay({'tabber':this, 'index':tabberIndex});
}return this;
};tabberObj.prototype.navSetActive = function(tabberIndex)
{this.tabs[tabberIndex].li.className = this.classNavActive;
return this;
};tabberObj.prototype.navClearActive = function(tabberIndex)
{this.tabs[tabberIndex].li.className = '';
return this;
};function tabberAutomatic(tabberArgs)
i;if (!tabberArgs) { tabberArgs = {}; }
tempObj = new tabberObj(tabberArgs);
divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
for (i=0; i < divs.length; i++) {
if (divs[i].className &&
divs[i].className.match(tempObj.REclassMain)) {
tabberArgs.div = divs[i];
divs[i].tabber = new tabberObj(tabberArgs);
return this;
function tabberAutomaticOnLoad(tabberArgs)
var oldOnLoad;if (!tabberArgs) { tabberArgs = {}; }
oldOnLoad = window.onload;
if (typeof window.onload != 'function') {
window.onload = function() {
} else {
window.onload = function() {
}/* Run tabberAutomaticOnload() unless the "manualStartup" option was specified */
if (typeof tabberOptions == 'undefined') {
} else {
if (!tabberOptions['manualStartup']) {
4. Now search for ]]></b:skin> and just above it paste this code,
/*---------- Tabber Start-------- */
border:1px solid $tbbxbrcolor;
.tabbernav {
padding: 3px 0;
border-bottom: 1px solid $tbbxbrcolor;
.tabbernav li {
.tabbernav li a {
padding:3px 0.5em;
border:1px solid $tbbxbrcolor;
.tabbernav li a:hover {
.tabbernav li.tabberactive a,
.tabbernav li.tabberactive a:hover {
border-bottom: 1px solid $tbbxcolor1;
.tabberlive .tabbertab {
border:1px solid $tbbxbrcolor;
.tabberlive .tabbertab h2,
.tabberlive .tabbertabhide {
.tabbertab .widget-content ul{
margin:0 0 10px 0;
.tabbertab .widget-content li {
border-bottom:1px solid $tbbxbrcolor;
margin:0 5px;
padding:2px 0 5px 0;
/*------- Tabber End--------*/
5. Don’t save your template. Now search for Variable definitions and paste this code with other variable definitions,
<Variable name="tbbxbgcolor" description="Tab box Background Color" type="color" default="#f8f8f8" value="#f8f8f8">
<Variable name="tbbxbrcolor" description="Tab box Border Color" type="color" default="#dcdcdc" value="#dcdcdc">
<Variable name="tbbxcolor1" description="Tab box Color 1" type="color" default="#ffffff" value="#ffffff">
<Variable name="tbbxcolor2" description="Tab box Color 2" type="color" default="#5588aa" value="#5588aa">
If you can’t find Variable definitions then search for #navbar-iframe and paste this code below #navbar-iframe { Some text here }
/* Variable definitions
<Variable name="tbbxbgcolor" description="Tab box Background Color" type="color" default="#f8f8f8" value="#f8f8f8">
<Variable name="tbbxbrcolor" description="Tab box Border Color" type="color" default="#dcdcdc" value="#dcdcdc">
<Variable name="tbbxcolor1" description="Tab box Color 1" type="color" default="#ffffff" value="#ffffff">
<Variable name="tbbxcolor2" description="Tab box Color 2" type="color" default="#5588aa" value="#5588aa">*/
6. Now the final part. Search for <div id='sidebar-wrapper'> and paste this code just below it,
<div style='clear:both;'/>
<div class='tabber'>
<b:section class='tabbertab' id='tab1' maxwidgets='1'/>
<b:section class='tabbertab' id='tab2' maxwidgets='1'/>
<b:section class='tabbertab' id='tab3' maxwidgets='1'/>
<b:section class='tabbertab' id='tab4' maxwidgets='1'/>
7. Finally save your template and visit Layout > Page Elements to start adding widgets to the tabs! It will look something like this,
The widgets are arranged number wise. Starting from Tab-1 and ending at Tab-4. To add a gadget/widget to any tab simply click the link Add a Gadget and start adding whatever you want.
8. Finally view your template to see it hanging!:)
Customization Guide To Multi Tab Widget
Here we will discuss how to change the Look and position of this multi tabbed widget.
Changing Position:
To shift this tabber widget to the bottom section of your sidebar rather at the extreme top, do this,
- Paste the code in Step#6 just above </div> and not just below
<div id='sidebar-wrapper'>
As shown in the image below,
- Save your template and go to Layout > Page Elements to see if it has shifted to the bottom.
Changing Look and Feel:
- The background colours of the widget can be changed by editing the code in step#5. I am rewriting the code here with some description.
<Variable name="tbbxbgcolor" description="Tab box Background Color" type="color" default="#f8f8f8" value="#f8f8f8">
<Variable name="tbbxbrcolor" description="Tab box Border Color" type="color" default="#dcdcdc" value="#dcdcdc">
<Variable name="tbbxcolor1" description="Tab box Color 1" type="color" default="#ffffff" value="#ffffff">
<Variable name="tbbxcolor2" description="Tab box Color 2" type="color" default="#289728" value="#289728">
This code has four main sections amongst which the sections tbbxcolor1: and tbbxcolor2: are the most important. I will describe each one in detail.
Important Sections:
tbbxcolor1: This is an important section. It defines the background colour of this multi tab widget and also the colour on mouse hover. The default colour is white i.e #ffffff
tbbxcolor2: This refers to the background colour of the tabs and the text inside the tabs. the default colour is green. You can change the value #289728 to a different colour value using our color chart
Change these only if you wish:
tbbxbgcolor: This section refers to the background colour of the tab box. By default the colour is grey. If you wish to change it to a different colour simply change the hexadecimal colour value #f8f8f8 to something different using our Color Chart
tbbxbrcolor: This refers to the border line color across the tabs and the box.
That’s All!
I hope this widget will help a lot in giving a clean and neat touch to your blogs. Any question is welcomed :>
If you don't want to get yourself into Serious Technical Trouble while editing your Blog Template then just sit back and relax and let us do the Job for you at a fairly reasonable cost. Submit your order details by Clicking Here »
Hey this is cool thanks for the widget~!
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for this wonderful widget
This is great!! Thanks for sharing Mohd.
ReplyDeleteMohd, how to use CSS Sprites for fast loading site??
ReplyDeleteCoz I've added too many of ur codes and it doesn'y does normally in IE. But loads in any other browser. since more use IE, visitors r having problems. Please advice about fast loading
ReplyDeleteFor Fast loading kindly read this post 12 useful tips to reduce load time
Any further help is welcomed. The widgets I share are often used on my blog but they work pretty fine.
Image sprites tecnique have been used by us in this post
Sreejesh but this technique can not be applied in most cases because managing the alignments are a bit difficult. One needs to be pretty good in CSS to use them.
ReplyDeleteMohd, My real need is to create a CSS sprite for 3 images. as you know I don't have any knowledge about the web editing or CSS. I just want to get 3 links in one image. for the below screen shot.
I want those 3 icons like the the social networking icons like naeem noors which hovers on mouse over..
( social networking icons by naeem noor you gave me the link earlier -->> )
I created some image and code from but I don't know how to implement it in blogger template.
Here is the image-->>
I'm struggling for this since I don't know CSS or web design. finally i gave up!!
Now you are the only hope. Please help!!!
My blogs'link is
if posible please send it to
Also please advice me for the stability of the page in IE.
By the by the "12 useful tips to reduce load time" was wonderfull I've tried to implement all them in my blog.
ReplyDeleteWorking on your image. Give me some time like 4-10 hours. And yes I will kill you if you asked off-topic questions again :D Just kidding, you are most welcomed to ask any off topic question via email else my blog will become a forum :>>
ReplyDeleteI guess I am a bit impatient. Created your code in just 5 minutes.
Copy paste the following code in your HTML/JavaScript widget,
.mbt-bookmark a {
padding:0 8px;
background:urlundefined no-repeat;
.mbt-bookmark a.orkut {
background-position:-99px 0px;
.mbt-bookmark a.orkut:hover {
background-position:-99px -48px;
.mbt-bookmark a.twitter {
background-position:-48px 0px;
.mbt-bookmark a.twitter:hover {
background-position:-48px -48px;
.mbt-bookmark a.facebook {
background-position:0px 0px;
.mbt-bookmark a.facebook:hover {
background-position:0px -48px;
<div class='mbt-bookmark'>
<a class='facebook' href=" " rel='external nofollow' target='_blank' title='Share This Blog On Facebook :>'/>
<a class='twitter' href=" " rel='external nofollow' target='_blank' title='Share This Blog On Twitter :>'/>
<a class='orkut' href=" " rel='external nofollow' target='_blank' title='Share This Blog On Orkut :>'/>
Have fun!
HELLO SIR i m having a blog at my blog there is a label or catogories named FUNNY SMS (8) having 8 posts
my problem is that when i clcik on this this label {FUNNY SMS (8)}
all 8 posts shows on whole page. is there any trick for this to show only certain no of post at a time. i mean if someone clicks on that label only one post must be visible and other will be visible when clicked on older post similar to a site on a private domain
please find a way to solve my question
i have searched hole web but i can't find it one of my friend suggested me to ask you about this. he said you will find the solution here so please help me sir
@Eric Jones
ReplyDeleteYour question is answered on this page -> Blogger Help
Hi Mohd,
ReplyDeleteWhen we apply this widget ,it gets on the top of the page,I shifted it to the sidebar where as it has taken again the top place .How do I shift this place if I want this widget to be in between the sidebar ,more widgets above or below it and this one some where in between the sidebar but not on the top ? Hope I can do this?
Thanks I'm very delighted!!! you are superfast.. You did it in 5 minutes thats great!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't know how to express my happyness!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am glad it worked for you. Note that I have mistakenly not enclosed the background url with brackets replace that part with this,
background:url( no-repeat;
For off-topic questions post on this newly created page -> Blogger Help
ReplyDeleteSend me your Blog URL I will let you know the exact location to paste your code
Excellent!!! it worked great!! You made it look and understand the code simple. superb coding!! I was struggling to get this for more that 3or 4 days and you did it within 5 minutes. That's Mohd and MBT!!!!
ReplyDeletecan i add more than 4 tabs ????
ReplyDeleteIf yes pls heelp me how ??
ReplyDeleteTo add another tab simple add this code above </div> in step#6
<b:section class='tabbertab' id='tab5' maxwidgets='1'/>
To add another add this,
<b:section class='tabbertab' id='tab6' maxwidgets='1'/>
and so on
Thank you i really enjo surfing your blogger!i hope i can do this.
ReplyDeleteCan you tell me how to adjust the height of the tabs AND allow for a title (per tab) that is two lines such as:
ReplyDeleteOne more thing. With these tabs at the top of my right hand sidebar, it is running into my category header- see my blog:
Can you tell me how to drop it a bit.
Second, I seem to be getting an error since adding the above code, right when this multi-tab widget is loading- any suggestions?
Thanks so much for all of your help..
@Savvy Guy
ReplyDeleteYou can increase the height by adding height="15px" to .tabbernav {
But then this will look cluttered.
For adding a space between tabs find and edit this,
.tabbernav li {
Chnage margin:0; to margin:5px 0; 5px will add a space of 5px between the tabs at top and bottom. Try reducing or increasing the value 5px to suit your preferences.
Suggestion:- Summarize your titles as Comments , Posts Archive Featured
The widget will load after all blog content have loaded. So it normal. You can Add it a bit lower. Just like mine so that readers may not observe it while loading.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all of the suggestions. Very helpful. Two more things and I should be good to go. 1.) The line on the left boarder inside the main border won't show up for me- any suggestions? 2.) How do I move the widget down a spot or two, so it doesn't run into my menu OR how can I add a space between it and the grey menu?
Thanks again....
ReplyDelete1. I can see both borders. May be you have troubleshooted your self. Use a different browser to see it.
2. To shift the widget try reading the last of the tutorial carefully. I can not explain better than that :D
An easy way to give a gap between this widget and other widgets in your sidebar is to remove the out border from the widget and give the out background the same colour as that of your blog. To do that find and edit this,
border:1px solid $tbbxbrcolor;
To remove the border delete the border line i.e border:1px solid $tbbxbrcolor; and to change the background color replace background:$tbbxbgcolor; with this background:#DFE3E6 Use my color code generator for changing colors .
Hope that would be helpful :>
Hello Mohammad, I'm visiting your site since last several months. Find several good tips. some hacks now using in my 2 blogs. This multi tab is really GOOD.
Thank you very much!
Hello Mohammad
ReplyDeletei have not found "Variable definitions " & "#navbar-iframe { Some text here }"
so any other option for my templet i m using ur old multitabber
i want to replace that tab
@Prabhat's Books and Comics
ReplyDeletePleasure Dear! thanks for your Feedback.
Dear find this code instead,
.navbar {
display: none;
And paste the variable definition code in the above post just below this code
ReplyDeletethis is nice Post For me
Thanks Mohammad
how can i move it on left with other elements as in your blog?
ReplyDeleteHi there. Is there a way to make tabber load while the whole page is loading and not when the page has fully loaded? I'm using it on my blog ( and it needs some seconds more the page has fully load to display tabber. Can we make tabber load while the page loads and not at the end?
ReplyDeleteThanks in advance and congrats on a great Blogger hack!
ReplyDeleteTo move it to left search for this code in your blog,
<div id='sidebar-wrapper-left'>
And paste the code just below it.
If you could not find this code then share your blog URL.
Bro unfortunately at present I haven't find any way out. The best would be to place the widget at 1/2 portion of your blog so that users may be able to see it appearing while they crawl to the bottom.
i resolve the problem after i ask..but thankyou for assured me the corectitude.
ReplyDeletei think i will understand these codes like you.
just kidding
xoxo,mary ^^
I have two questions...
ReplyDeleteFirst, is it possible to make any part of this transparent, or have varying % of transparency, rather than having a solid/opaque background color?
Second, I changed the position so that my widget is positioned at the bottom of my page. When I click on a tab it opens below the viewing area of my screen. I have to scroll down in order to see its contents. It does not automatically push the page up as it opens, to display the whole tab. Is this how it is supposed to work, or is mine not working properly?
ReplyDeleteGreat going mary! :p
At present we can only add opacity effect to backgrounds in CSS and I am sure the transparency effect will surely be added in new versions of CSS3 or 4 but unfortunately this effect is not possible with present available Styles on current versions of browsers.
For your second answer I will simply say that if your multi tab is working just the way it is working on my blog then nothing is strange on your side :>
Hey Mohd!
ReplyDeleteThank you for all your great tutorials, I've applied quite a few to my mommy blog
I have a test blog, for trying out new widgets, and figuring them out properly before installing them on my actual site. I tested this multi-tabber there, and have encountered a problem: after having followed all the steps, I go to layout-> page elements, and it ALWAYS says "ready with errors" (in my browser), even after reloading a dozen times. Also when I try to click on the numbers to include widgets in each tab, it doesn't do anything (and my browser says "javascript void" in the lower left corner). I've restored the old template, and tried to install it again from scratch in case I made a copy/paste mistake, and the same happened again... What could I be doing wrong?
This is the url of my test blog: Please tell me what I can do to make the tabber work, it would save a lot of space on my mommy blog, I don't like blogs with 'forever scrolldowns', and have found a tabber to reduce page length...
Thanks, kind regards!
Hey Mohd,
ReplyDeleteForget it :) I tried again, and it finally worked! Thank you so much :D
Kind regards,
hi where i can add step 5 and 6??
ReplyDeletemy blog is
Plz help me
@Amor Maternal
ReplyDeleteI like readers like you! =D
@Adil Farooq
Please read the previous comments. You will find your answer there
hello Mohammad
ReplyDeletefirst of all thanks for this widget. i have try it out at my test blog but it does not show it up. i am using a 3 column temolate and want to have this widget at the bottom of right column. Here is link for my test blog were i try this widget but its not shown so help me.
ReplyDeleteDear you have successfully added the widget but it is appearing below your top search box because you have mis-positioned it. Do this now,
1. Search for this code in your template,
<div class='sidebar section' id='sidebar-right'>
2. And then paste the code in step#6 just below it.
3. That's it.
@Mohd: And I seriously love your blog, tricks and gadgets. Really clear and useful tutorials :) Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteThanks Mohammad
ReplyDeleteI have found it but the code was you said was not present.But some how i manage to get it but as i wanted it to be in right column but it is not coming there and can i change width of it.
i have paste the code just after this section
and it is not working when paste above
Thanks for your fast reply.
sorry has i try to put the section code but it does not work
ReplyDelete1. Section
Dear Mohammad
ReplyDeleteyou can delete abovve two comments as i cannot paste the section so how do i contact you to tell the code.
That's wonderful ! Thanks for great post !
ReplyDelete@Amor Maternal
ReplyDeleteYou are always welcome here bro! :>
Send me your template at I will do it for you and will return you the template. I believe this will be easy for you :)
Different templates have different coding and the xml code is often not visible through the source code unless I see the main template coding.
Where can we see this widget in action. Rgds Indian-Share-Tips.Com
ReplyDeleteYou can view this widget hanging on his sidebar.
ReplyDeletehow do i change tab from numbers to names?
This Works Completely Perfect
ReplyDeleteThanks Mohd.. !
dear frnd,
ReplyDeleteYou have advised for 4 or 5 tabs suppose i have 12 - 15 tabs then everything get jumbbled. i cant check which tab is showing me which info. i am using the first code!!!!
Can you how to give atleast some gap in two rows of tab or focus/highlight on the selected tab
Thanks in advance.
@Michelle Stanley
ReplyDeleteDo you really feel the need? :>
Dear 12-15 tabs would of course look bulky and complex! Do you think you really need 12 tabs? Brother the widget is a tabber widget and it is used only to give space to some important sections/widgets of a blog. Usually we dont add more than 5 tabs. If you need 12 tabs then I believe you should go for a navigation menu instead. I have written detailed posts on vertical and horizontal navigation menus.
I hope you got the point! :>
cool tab...
ReplyDeletei like it...
visit n se on
ty.... :)
This is totally brilliant and easy to install ~ THANKYOU :D
ReplyDeleteJust two things:-
1/ your variable defintions need a forward / at the end of each one, before the > (well at least with the newest blogger they do)
2/ Is there any way to have the text inside the tabs a different colour to the tab background colour. I would like to have the whole thing transparent apart from the tab-text. Alternatively I don't mind having some colour on the tab itself and then having the text another colour, but I'd like to keep the backgrounds transparent. Hard to explain! Take a look at my blog and see how the tabber looks just now. I'd like to be able to see the text in the tabs before hovering, but I can't work it out. Do I just need another 'variable definition' ?
My blog address is;
And again ~ thankyou SO much :D!!
ReplyDeleteI am glad it worked for you too. :) Here are my suggestions:
1. I will look into this. Thanks for suggesting mam!
2. Well to change and edit colours simply edit the colour codes inside the code in step#5. I visited your blog and found that the reason you want the tab to be transparent is so that it could match with your background colour. Well unfortunately this can not be achieved with the present styling.
A short advise: If you remove your background image the load time will increase by 30%! :> The choice is upto you.
I hope the answer would be helpful. Feel free to ask if you have any other query. :)
Thanks for your great widget. I installed your widget.
ReplyDeleteI need your help. How can I change text font and size. Because it looks oversized. Especially in the 2,3 tab
ReplyDeleteDear find and edit this code,
.tabbernav {
padding: 3px 0;
border-bottom: 1px solid $tbbxbrcolor;
you can reduce the value from 12px to anything you prefer.
Hope this was the answer of your question :>
ReplyDeletecan u plz tell me how to place this multi tabbed widget in between the widgets present at my sidebar, just like yours.
plz reply soon.
I am also waiting for my off-topic question.
plz email me the answer at:
Thanks for this tuts, very helpfull.
ReplyDeletehello admin, did not work in can seen the 1234 in page elements, but if you view your blog, nothings happen..
ReplyDeleteGood night already signed the feed from your site, I liked the template tanzanite and would like to send me the download link to my email. thanks
That's great! It's the widget I've been looking for . Good job.
ReplyDeleteBut I've followed your instructions several times in a blogger template, I can't get it work. In the layout -> page elements it only appears a list of 4 "add a gadget" instead the "1 2 3 4" multi tab. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Any help would be appreciated.
ReplyDeleteYou did everything correct so no worries! Just click on the number and then on add a gadget to add a new widget to that tab. The tabs are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 so when you click on a particular number then you are inside that tab. Hope that was clear. :>
Thanks Mohammad,
ReplyDeleteThe multi-tab widget works fine, but what it is strange is that the numbers 1,2,3,4 doesn't appear in the page elements only the four add a gadget boxes. May be I missed something but the widget it is working as you can see here:
Thanks, I put on my blog and look great.
ReplyDeleteThanks again and I do not speak and write English! rsrs
Look great, but it's not work on my ads theme blogger..
ReplyDeleteSo sad..
Hello Mohammad,
ReplyDeleteI put this on my blog a few months ago and it was working fine, and now it is not. I went back over your instructions and everything still looks the same in the HTML, so can you please take a look at my blog and tell what to fix?
My email is hopester777(at)gmail(dot)com.
My blog is
Thankyou very much!
i have a bit problem,
ReplyDeletestep no 5- everytime i paste the code to variable defination this word will appear-Invalid variable declaration in page skin:
step no 6- i can't find---> div id='sidebar-wrapper' in my template.
ReplyDeleteI think you have removed the widget? What exactly is not looking fine? Kindly explain it a bit.
Dear can you see some Variable definitions already declared in your template. Note:- Make sure to add step#5 after you have added the code in step#4
For sidebar-wrapper kindly look for a similar code in your template or allow me to visit your template for it is restricted.
Thanks for the great tutorial! Everything worked to perfection on my blog. Not only does implementing this widget help with loading times but it also prevented a video I had embedded from auto-downloading! Sweet!
ReplyDeleteI did not remove the widget, I did not change a thing. When Blogger "updated" to a new form of doing templates, my widget stopped working. I did not even use the new stuff Blogger had put in, and I went through everything to make sure I still had all of the same HTML that you have here, and nothing has been changed.
ReplyDeletepal the only problem that I observed is that now the multi tab is rather aligned vertically due to some bug which is making it difficult to click and edit individual tabs. Blogger often play here and there and this makes our job difficult. I am looking to figure some way to solve this problem. Thanks for informing.
wow...nice entry..
ReplyDeletebut ts so compicated for me to did it...
too many coding...huhu
later if i free i'll try it..huhu
I cant find your step 6 in my blog.......
ReplyDeletediv id='sidebar-wrapper' PLEASE HELP
Also I cant find div id='sidebar-wrapper'
ReplyDeletevery helpfull post, thank you...
ReplyDeleteBut, is it possible to add two such tab widgets, one on the top of sidebar, and another to the bottom?
@Cute girl, @Gaus Rahman
ReplyDeleteI had a simillar problem with my template, but instead of div id='sidebar-wrapper', I had a div class='rsidebar-wrapper' for right side, and div class='lside-wrapper' for left side bar...
I hope it'll help..
hello mohammad have you seen all the blogger templates
ReplyDeletesome templates does not follow the wrapper concept of page development
because of that some new does not have "sidebar wrapper"
may be they r using column technique or what ever i din't get the right word for that
so pls give us a solution also on this.
and great job and this truth you also know about your self.
I solved my problem and again thanks for the code guide.
ReplyDeleteIt appears at the top of sidebar in my case after loading , how to change its postion
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWork good, but i have a question. How if i want to add some description when hover at tab title, example at your is Latest News. I want when hover it suddenly popup some text, example like... Sport News or World News. By the way thanks for the code.
ReplyDeleteHi It works!!
ReplyDeleteIt's great, Thanks for all your work.
See it on my Blog :
I follow your instruction step by step over 10 times but no result, i cant see the number 1,2,3,4 in Page Elements but 4 "Add a gatget" boxes, i test this trick with Blogger sample template, Minima. Here's a pic i take from my blog
ReplyDeleteIm waiting for your help, or anyone have any idea with this bug?
Thanks all so much!!!
ReplyDeleteI tried many tutorials to get this widget..all failed but this one worked perfectly at first try.Thank you.!!
Check it out
Thank you so much. What a fantastic and EASY tutorial to follow.
ReplyDeletehi Please tell me what to do as in my blog template there is no {div id='sidebar-wrapper'} So what should i do?
ReplyDeleteHere is my blog URL:
thanks bro... Look great..
thnx dude worked 4 me ::::
Hello Mohammad,
ReplyDeleteYour Article is too good,and its really very hrlp full but i have one problem is that when i try to find the code
div id='sidebar-wrapper' its not in my template so i am not able to use this but i reall want to use it and i want to add it in my blog bottom right side. i also tried this code
div class='sidebar section' id='sidebar-right' but the problem remains the same.plz do help me.
thank you.
My blog :
Apologies for the late reply. I got free from exams some weeks ago.
You can either paste the code below <div class='sidebar section' id='sidebar-right-1'> for right sidebar or below <div class='sidebar section' id='sidebar-right-1'> for left sidebar
And thanks to everyone who found the widget worth trying.
Hello mohammad,
ReplyDeleteyour blog is so nice and its so helpful to me and really tks for that.i hv downloaded your MBT CRUNCH theme template and i was trying to add this multi tabbed widget all code correctly inserted but when navigate to page element it was showing like these...
plz help me.
i want to make this type of two tabber but i am unable to do please help me my brother
ReplyDeleteHello Mohammad,
ReplyDeletei done with my previous problem but i have my blog on this i have to add this multi tabbe widget but whene i insert the variable definition code its shows the error like "Invalid variable declaration in page skin: The skin variables could not be parsed as they are not well-formed. Input: " and also in my templare there is no code like <div id='lowerbar-wrapper'> and also not like <div id='sidebar-wrapper'> actually i want to add this widget in footer right side,so please help me out i really want to add this widget.
look at this where i really want to add
ReplyDeleteGo to Edit HTML and find the following two codes:
[b:section class='tabbertab' id='tab3' maxwidgets='1'/]
[b:section class='tabbertab' id='tab4' maxwidgets='1'/]
And delete them and save template and its all done :)
Note: Replace '[' with '<' while finding the code.
Thank You
@Jeet Dholakia
ReplyDeleteThanks for the appreciation. I have updated the code. Kindly repeat step#6.
@Shubam Kumar,
Sam is right. kindly Do as Sam says. And yup I loved it when you called me brother :)
How many times shall I thank you? :P
ReplyDeleteCome on...
At one end you say that you loved when I told you bro and at the other end you ask how many times to say thank...
There is no need for it when you think that what I said I mean it..
I hope Shubham's problem is solved now.. :)
Hello Mohammad,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your reply but my main prolblem is that in my template there is no code like <div id='sidebar-wrapper'>
so where do i add it and i want to add in bottom right corner of my blog.and when i add variable code it shows the error like this "Invalid variable declaration in page skin: The skin variables could not be parsed as they are not well-formed. Input:" so look into it.
please help me out for this.
@Jeet Dholakia
ReplyDeletebrother find this instead
<div class='sidebar section' id='sidebar-right-1'>
and paste your code below it and let me know if it works.
I got you bro. Really appreciated that :)
Thank You Mohammad,
ReplyDeletefor your replay, brother this <div class='sidebar section' id='sidebar-right-1'> code is also not there and what should i do about that variable problem?
@Jeet Dholakia
ReplyDeleteThat is impossible that you don't that code too..
I checked your site and it is there..
Did you checked "Expand Widget Templates" in Edit HTML while finding..
If not then try finding after checking that..
Thank You
ReplyDeleteSamsexy is right. please check the Expand widget templates box and look again for both codes or else look for class='sidebar section'
@Samsexy and @Mohammad,
ReplyDeletethanks for your advice i will look into it and let you know.
Hello Mohammad,
ReplyDeleteI find that code but another problem is that when i try to insert variable defination code it shoes the error like this :
Invalid variable declaration in page skin: The skin variables could not be parsed as they are not well-formed. Input:
please please help me about this error.
ReplyDeleteDude where are you pasting the code? Paste it just under
/* Variable definitions
If it still didn't worked then leave variable definitions and paste the following CSS code instead,
/*--------Tabber----------- */
border:1px solid #DDD;
.tabbernav {
padding: 3px 0;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
.tabbernav li {
.tabbernav li a {
padding:3px 0.5em;
border:1px solid #DDD;
.tabbernav li a:hover {
border:1px solid #DDD;
.tabbernav li.tabberactive a,
.tabbernav li.tabberactive a:hover {
border-bottom: 1px solid #ffffff;
.tabberlive .tabbertab {
border:1px solid #DDD;
.tabberlive .tabbertab h2,
.tabberlive .tabbertabhide {
.tabbertab .widget-content ul{
margin:0 0 10px 0;
.tabbertab .widget-content li {
border-bottom:1px solid #ddd;
margin:0 5px;
padding:2px 0 5px 0;
If you use the above CSS code then you don't need to insert variable definitions. Let me know.
hey mohamaad,
ReplyDeletei have the same problem as faced by jeet:( know that i use tanzanite templet in all my blogs and they all already have this tabber widget but it dose not accpect anything other then html/java in this case how do i add my lables,archives,tags ect????
Mohd .pls reply SOOOOON:)
<3 and blessings
ReplyDeleteI have replied your query at Blogger Help page.
Hi! I am trying to change the font size within the part called, About" so it matches the rest of my nursing blog. Changing font-size:12px; only changes the font size for the tabbed widget titles.
ReplyDeleteYou can see this at my test blog:
Also because my sidebars are so narrow is there a way to drop the tabbed widget to the bottom of my blog.
Take Care,
I love this code!! I'm using it now on my blog to free up some sidebar space! Thanks so much, Mohammad!
ReplyDeleteHi Again! I now understand that I have to format the text (HTML) to get it the way I want. Still, how do I move the tabbed widget down to the bottom where you see the widget I called macca?
ReplyDeleteYou can see this at my test blog:
Thanking you for your time,
Peter McCartney
Hi Mohammad,
ReplyDeletethanks for this amazing tweak. I've just tried it on my testblog and it worked like a charm.
I installed it on the main section, looks great both at the end and at the beginning.
I need it on just certain pages, where I've hidden the main widget (Blog1) and I have only widgets as content.
My question is: is it possible to show this tabbed widget only on certain pages, just like we do with individual widgets?
Thanks in advance.
Sorry Mohammad, that from before was a stupid question; once hidden, a widget stays hidden.
ReplyDeleteI installed it on a designer template, at first I couldn't save it "page skin not well formed", it just needed a trailing slash at the closing tag of the variables.
It looks acceptable on my archive page where I wanted it but I have an ugly box on my other pages after the posts(without the widgets). I could blend the box with the background but the tabs are visible too.
I know it has nothing to do with this code, it is not made to be hidden occasionally. The problem is with my template but I don't think I can fix it without your help, which I would appreciate very much.
This is the blog in question, if you could look at it: and the tabbed widget it on the archive page (from the main menu).
I'm trying to use it on
ReplyDeleteI get an error about variables in the page skin.
And I want to put it up at the top in place of the kickstarter, chipin.
Also can I somehow have it so it has the video part next to it.
Add these above if you are using it:
ReplyDelete.tabbertab {
.tabbertab .widget {
margin: 0;
ReplyDeleteSeems Followers widget fails if I put it in there but works in other places, even if I drag it after it's up.
ReplyDeleteLOADS OF LOVE :)
hello sir... i did this job properly.. but my added gadgets did not show on tabbar when i brows my site. my web :
ReplyDeleteHey Mohammad,
ReplyDeleteI like your website very much.
I used this widget before and it work smoothly.
However, recently I changed my blog template with the blogger template designer (launghed by Blogger) and found that I had no idae about how to add this widget again.
Step 1~5 are ok. But I can't find "div id='sidebar-wrapper'" and there is no code like "div class='sidebar section' id='sidebar-right-1'".
Thanks for your help.
Hello Mohammad. your widget is really great but i have one question.this widget will lessen the speed of my blog?
ReplyDeleteHi Mohammad,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tips, i really like it and really appreciated your work. Unfortunately i am having difficulty to add code at step 6. I unable to find "div id='sidebar-wrapper'". I used custom template crated with Artisteer.
Please help me and thanks a lot.
ReplyDeleteThank you all for finding the widget so useful. I humbly apologize for no replies. I recently recovered from an operation. Please give me a day so that I could fully reply each query.
is it possible to add this multi-tab widget to page or post ?
ReplyDeleteI am afraid no dear because the widget section tags can not be embedded inside the body of the posts. Hope this was clear :)
ReplyDeleteThe best tutorial on the web. I've visited 8 sites ranked higher than you and the directions are terrible and the widget, just as bad. You have helped me tremendously. Wonderful job!
ReplyDeleteI am flattered :)) Thank you Lauren and you are always welcomed here.
Thanks for this tutorial!
ReplyDeleteI had a question about it though -- When I moved my Google Friend Connect widget into it, all of my followers disappeared. Anyway to take care of that?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy widget is not showing up in Internet Explorer. It works great in Firefox. Any ideas?
Site is
ReplyDeletePal It shows up just fine upon compete page load. It doesn't work well with IE6 but works just fine with IE7 and IE8. No one uses IE6 anymore btw :>
Thank you so much!! This Widget is awesome and I've been looking for ever since I saw it on another blog.
ReplyDeleteI have one problem and I hope you can help me... I have it testing on my test blog and as you can see I'd love to have a space between this multi-cool Widget and the next one.. I tried changing the paddings but somehow I didn't do it right.
Would be AWESOME if you could help me with this!!!
(P.S.: I also added the three Column footer section and I love it! You are incredible thanks so much for sharing all this)
Hello Mohammad,
ReplyDeletei have tried all option that u have suggested but any of them is not working,i need this widget badly and i want it in my footer left side so plz help me out.
this is beautifull tab. i like it
ReplyDeleteThanks for the widget. Is there any way to add another on the left side? My blog is I would love to get all those drop down menus into a tabbed widget so it looks cleaner.
ReplyDeleteApologies Apologies for the late reply. Had exams! :(
Thanks for all the feedback. Where exactly do you want to add space? Please explain a bit I checked your test blog and it looks just ok.
The other widegt it working just fine on your blog so where exactly you facing problem. Did you followed step# 6 correctly?
yes sure you can. simply replace the code in step#6 with this,
<div style='clear:both;'/>
<div class='tabber'>
<b:section class='tabbertab' id='tab1' maxwidgets='1'/>
<b:section class='tabbertab' id='tab2' maxwidgets='1'/>
<b:section class='tabbertab' id='tab3' maxwidgets='1'/>
<b:section class='tabbertab' id='tab4' maxwidgets='1'/>
<b:section class='tabbertab' id='tab5' maxwidgets='1'/>
Hi Mohammad
ReplyDeleteThank you for the wonderful tutorial. I have 2 questions I was hoping you can help me with. Please see my testing page
1) How do I get rid of the "inner box" that holds the tab content? How do I increase the width of the multitab "outer box"?
2) Is there a way to have the multitab gadget in between other gadgets?
Thanks for your help!
ReplyDeleteYou are welcomed dude!
1) Replace
.tabberlive .tabbertab {
border:1px solid $tbbxbrcolor;
with this
.tabberlive .tabbertab {
border:0px solid $tbbxbrcolor;
2) We are already adding it inside a HTML/JavaScript widget and further insertion is not supported by Blogger.
I hope this helps :>
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tutorial. I am having two problems:
1 - I couldn't find the code div id='sidebar-wrapper' but found a position where I thought it should fit and entered your code there. Not sure if this was correct?
2 - My major problem is that in the layout view my 'tabs' are appearing on the right side with my posts; however, I would like for the tab widgets to appear on the top of my left column. Could you advise where to place the code so that this will change.
Thank you!
Hi Mohammad,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tutorial. I am having a problem with the width of sidebar .i have send you a detailed Email.Please replay
ReplyDeleteHi megan, I visited your blog and guess you figure it out yourself. Apologies for the late reply. Congtax :>
The width is auto adjusted. No work required on your side. I will check your email too. If I didn't reply within two days kindly resend the email.
Thanks Bro for your next lesson i need that of my sitemap of, my site is, Google cannot update the sitemap after i use the seo generator
ReplyDeletevery good but i can't find theis code <div id='sidebar-wrapper'> in my blog help me.
ReplyDeletenot also this
<div class='sidebar section' id='sidebar-right-1'>
i also check my EXPAND WIDGET TEMPLATE option
this is my blog URL
reply As Soon AS Possible
This is for those who are struggling with <div id='sidebar-wrapper'> code
ReplyDeleteEven I struggled with this nearly 3 hours....i didnt get code <div id='sidebar-wrapper'> in my blog,,At Last i concluded that that was not there in my blogger template.Then <div id='sidebar'> and <div id='lowerbar-wrapper'> both are there.
I installed Step#6 After <div id='sidebar'> and it is working fine on my blog
So finally my advice is, If <div id='sidebar-wrapper'> is not there, then search for <div id='sidebar'> and paste the code after that........
Hey! its wonderful as always. but how to add one more section like that? i mean not another tab, the whole bunch?
ReplyDeletenow i have a section of four tabs, i want one more section of four tabs(5,6,7& 8) below it. can you please help me?
codes given in point no.5 ,the close end (/) is missing. this has caused may correct this. THIS IS REALLY REALLY GREAT WIDGET MAN. THANK YOU THANK YOU...i am from bangalore-India. thanks a lot.
ReplyDeletegreat have many GREAT TIPS in your site than any other ones. i have recommended to many in the last 5 hrs. thanks. one request. is there possibility for "blog post in two columns (splitted based on number of words) like in the newspapers (there it is 8 columns..but i need two columns in the blog post area. i dont find anything like this in web. there is something like splitting while writing it in the post window itself. but that is not feasible and it looks awkward...thanks Mohammad.
ReplyDeleteAnd in this multi tab widget i added feedjit but it does not show up. why?
ReplyDeleteand also followers widget if i add it shows zero members. have i done any mistake. thanks Mohammad
ReplyDeleteu cant any widgets underneath the tabbed widgets help????!!!
ReplyDeletehi mohammad..nice widgets thanks but i have a little problem with it.! how can i rename the tabs? or change the names of appears 1,2,3 and can i change it into words that i wanted to? help me pls.thanks..
thanx now hehehe i have a nice blog now thank u :)
there is no div id='sidebar-wrapper'> in my template
ReplyDeleteplease help me..
Thanks a lot Buddy Keep up your good work... :]
ReplyDeleteNot Working Please HELP!
ReplyDeleteworks great :)
Hello I cannot find div id='sidebar-wrapper in my html text!? I followed the instructions!
ReplyDeleteWhy cant you create these widgets with just one click "add to blog" type easy setup ? I have these spider web like codes to paste and search and paste it on template code. Most of them wont work if the template is customized for any other widgets or features or that.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm unsure if this is still active or not, but I'm having difficulty in understanding how to change the tab titles from 1,2,3,4 to any sort of word. I'm hoping someone might help?
ReplyDeleteWorked like a charm! Thanks for sharing this.
ReplyDeletePlease visit my blog
And let me know what do you think about it.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewow... thanks for posting and helping
i coud't find this two codes in my blog :
<div id='sidebar-wrapper'>
pls help me
ReplyDeletei am having a problem in finding this code in my template
"div id='sidebar-wrapper"
it not der in ma template
Assalam-O-Alaikum Brother
ReplyDeleteI have not found "Variable definitions " & "#navbar-iframe { Some text here }"
So Any Other Option For My Blog Templete
How i Change the Name of tabs '1'2'3'4'.. Plz Help?
ReplyDeleteHow Sad. (T.T) I Can't find this code <div id='sidebar-wrapper'>
ReplyDeletePlease help me Mohammad I love this widget and I want to see this on my sidebar...
Hoping that you will help me again please...
Here's my Blog:
Thank You!
Hi, I cant find the in my code. Any alternative? Thanks a lot!
ReplyDeleteHi Mohammad
ReplyDeleteI have add this widget on my blog and it's really nice ... the only problem is i want to put it in the middle not on top or bottom ... i'm really confused in this i hope you can help me ... here is my blog
bro, is there anyway i could change the tab title like something else, say word(s) instead of 1234? i can't seems find an answer on the comments? i am trying to figure it out now but i only know basic html and my knowledge is not that advance.
ReplyDeleteHellooo, I have a Popular post widget in the sidebar. Now I want to add a Recent Posts Widget in tab style But don't want to change the design of the widget. So adding the html and script will do the job or not??? Or Do I have to add variable part too.
ReplyDeletegreat widget. thax for sharing
ReplyDeleteThe widget appears latter than the others. And it is positioned to high. Could you help me? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteGo to Blogger > Layout > Edit HTML ( wrong )
ReplyDeleteGo to Blogger > Template > Edit HTML ( Fix it Bro )
The tabs suddenly stopped working. It appears how it is supposed to but when you click on the link for tabs 2, 3, 4 it just reloads the page. Hovering over the link shows javascript:void(null); in the bottom left of the browser. So something is wrong with the java in the coding because I haven't touched the original coding. I even went so far as to redo the coding in case I had.
ReplyDeleteAwesome !!, it works at my blog ( ), but it's not show at my post page and all of the static page. Kindly help how to make it show at all of my page and blog post, etc. Thanks and warm regards