About Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai

Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai
Mohammad is a young Entrepreneur running a number of sites from his living room and a clothing brand. He is an experienced SEO Consultant, Digital Marketer, Computer Engineer, Professional Blogger & an addicted Web Developer. He runs STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe.
STC Network was founded in 2008 and is currently the Country's First Registered company of Professional Bloggers. The company has introduced several new faces online and continues to motivate teenagers in Schools, colleges and Universities through workshops and seminars.

In 2019, Mohammad took his entrepreneurship dream to the next level by co-founding a clothing brand called JHONUM. JHONUM – is an emerging traditional fashion bespoke store that deals exclusively in custom tailored kameez shalwar, Balochi chawat, Peshawari Chappal, rings, cufflinks and waistcoat. JHONUM aims at promoting all cultures of Pakistan be it Baloch Culture Day, Sindhi Culture Day or Pashtun Culture Day. In 2020, JHONUM's first physical Outlet branch is launched in Panjgur, Balochistan and more branches are planned across Pakistan in coming years inshAllah.

The video interview below is recorded partly in English and partly in Urdu. For mbt readers, we have translated the interview and retold the story in a narrative form. For translated version please read: STCnetwork's exclusive interview by NES

Following is Mohammad's most comprehensive Nationwide Interview on Radio Planet FM 94.

Listen to full podcast below:

Country's biggest media house i.e. JANG Group, has also featured Mohammad's seminars and conferences on entrepreneurship and make money online.


Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on GEO NEWS On "Bloggers Community Conference"


Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on THE NEWS On "Bloggers Community Conference"


Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on JANG NEWS On "Bloggers Community Conference"

achievementsIn February 2012 Mohammad Launched his second blog on Smart Earning Methods which is now serving tons of quality articles daily to a much broader audience. In January 2013, he launched his third blog Project on Rich Income Ways which is indeed a great refreshment stop for people who look for practical inspiration. MBT being the Parent blog of STC Network, is counted amongst the most authentic resource site for Google blogger and has a loyal readership of over 100K regular readers AlhamdulillAh.
Blogging History
Mohammad started blogging in August 2008 just after completing his GCE A Level. After a US visa disqualification for higher studies, he started writing blogs to get rid of  the growing depression and thereafter his life changed dramatically. He started taking interest in tweaking Blogger Templates by thoroughly reading articles online. His thirst for learning and understanding latest web technologies like HTML4, CSS3, PHP and JavaScript equipped him with an excellent art of web designing. He is now a web designer and web developer by all rights without having taken any professional training.
MBT Purpose
The purpose of publishing MBT BLOG was to provide high quality Blogging tips, web designing tutorials, practical SEO tips and Online earning methods. Each post is published with a hope so that every blogger may learn the core basics to establish himself as a skilled entrepreneur, act as a rich resource to the online community and make a happy living online. MBT is not limited to Google Blogger alone, the keyword Blogger in its domain is referred to people who blog for a living.
Mohammad's advice to new Bloggers:
Advise To Bloggers" When you intend to do something innovative in life, people will tell you that you can not do it but when you prove that you can, the same person would ask you: How you did it? So don't give up and keep blogging humbly.
Blogging requires a little hard work but a lot of patience. It lets you to communicate with a multicultural online world of  2.2 Billion people, each of them is eager to find out, what have you got to share. So respect this opportunity and work hard with sincerity. Blog only to spread knowledge and love. Give more value to Quality content, respect Copyrights, your Readers and hate Blogging for money alone. I am blogging since ten years but I still feel like a newbie and this is what that keeps me pushing to do more.
Blogging is about building relations so remain humble and friendly to everyone especially to those who remained your first mentors. Ego will take you back where you came from. Treat Blogosphere as your family always.
Please remember to be thankful to GOD Almighty for gifting you with the ability to read and write. Everyone of you is a born genius, you just need to recognize your God gifted potentials. Wishing you all a happy Blogging career. Stay blessed and be happy always. Peace and blessings be upon you all. "


We have Zero Tolerance to Spam. Chessy Comments and Comments with 'Links' will be deleted immediately upon our review.
  1. Awesome job brother Mustafa, this is Belal from New York City, I'm very proud of you, quit astonished to see your excessive knowledge in blogs. Damn, you really are a fast learner I remember 4 years haha, let me stop. Anyways, just passing through showing some love on your page. Awesome job, not even sure if you will see this since your so busy! Shoot me a email bro.


  2. Salam belal,

    I am really flattered by your kind complements!
    Well web designing still not sure of :D just tweaking blogger's template and learning things through trial and error.
    I am really honored with your visit and expect to meet you in Pakistan soon.
    Love you and look forward to hear more from you. Thks for your precious comment


  3. Nice bio... You really a good person buddy not just because you are a blogger but I think in reality.

    I hope we could be friends. I also run a blogger tricks and tips blog but still I am on the process of learning. Like you, I am also thirsty of learning new things especially those things I love. If you don't mine you can have a view on it.

    I am hoping to learn more from you in the near future. Good luck to all you blogging and tweaking efforts. God Bless!

    Felix Albutra

  4. FLix I visited your blog. The articles potray your extreme knowledge about making money online using cyber space. With a little customization of your sidebar you can surely give a really neat and clear look to your blog.

    Keep up the good work!

    I am thankful for your encouraging comment.

  5. something what i know about you...you are a ....one word....



  6. Assalamualaikum.
    Hi,I'm your new readers from Malaysia.
    I'm just promote Your blog to my new post entry.
    Feel free to visit my blog,and maybe you can give some comment or advise,but my blog language is in Bahasa Melayu.
    Thanks for very great information that you give in your blog.

    p/s- sorry for my poor english written.

  7. @neo

    pal I visited your blog and thanked you for adding MBT to your preferred list. Thanks for the favour and yeh you are always welcomed here! :>

  8. hei there bro, good job. keep it up.I am a newbee in blogging.Looks like I have lots of things to learn from you. will visit your website frequently.

  9. I've stumbled upon here, stunned by beautiful works of yours.

    Qistina from Malaysia :)

  10. hi,

    i've learn a lots from ur tutorial. Thanks for sharing the info. Nice work. keep it up.


  11. Thanks Your Are Muslim I am Very Happy!!! http://www.mediafireclub.net

  12. thanks mohammed for all the great help :a

  13. Hi..

    Are you from Karachi, Sindh
    Asking because I see that many of my books are downloaded from this area...:)

  14. Thank you all! Love ya :D


    Yes I am bhavesh. :)

  15. Hey Mo,
    One more I just wanna say thanks for all the tips.
    Cheers mate.

  16. Assalam o Alaikum, Muhammad Mustafa. I am Jalil ur Rehman from Lahore, Pakistan. I am a muslim too. I also love blogging and wish to be a nice blogger like you. I have started blogging in the start of 2010 as a hobby. I am a Fan of your blog. I have subscribed your blog. Your article helped me very much in my Blogging. I have also a blog: freshtips.blogspot.com. Please visit. And don't forget to subscribe my site. I shall be very thankful to you.

    I am waiting for your response.

  17. @CB

    Thank you pal for that cheerful feedback. :>

    thank you hari!

    W/Salam brother jalil,
    I am glad to receive your kind and generous comment. Thank you for all the love and kindness. I have visited your blogs and am really proud of you. Keep working hard and keep reading more. If you ever visited Karachi just shoot me a mail. I will make sure you are served well. More power to you pal. :>

  18. السلام عليكم محمد

  19. Hi Mohammad,

    This is sunil and www.firstupdates.com is my website. Look into this and lemme know how could i improve it to look much better.

  20. Awesome job brother Mustafa, this is shubham from india, I'm very proud of you, quit astonished to see your excessive knowledge in blogs. Anyways, just passing through showing some love on your page. Awesome job, not even sure if you will see this since your so busy! Shoot me a email bro


  21. hii..
    Nice blog...it help me lot and provides more knowledge.


  22. You inspired me to do more with my blog as well my friend. More power to you!

  23. was just surfing on internet tired of writing..so just starting analysing different blogs :D ..Glad to know you are from Pakistan and more Glad to know that your blog has a page rank 4 :)..keep it up and good luck..

  24. Assalam o alaikum..
    Dear Muhammad Mustafa.....
    you r as sweet as your name ;)
    not buttering..really true...actually i learned alot from your blog.....so i thought its necessary to apreciate your work...
    Thanks Alot bro for sharing such a nice blog..
    Yourx Reader..Ateeb Malik 4m Pakistan,Karachi

  25. @shubhammehta
    I am so sorry that I am reading your kind and generous comment today. Thank you pal for all the love and motivation. :>

    Thank you buddy. :>

    My pleasure and I am already inspired by people like you. :)

    Its my pleasure to have a country mate at the blog. Thanks for the visit. Means a lot. :>

    I am honored. Thank you swetha. :>>

  26. wow you are Pakistani , i m proud of you!!

  27. @ateeb
    I have no words to thank you. God bless you brother. I hope we will meet soon on some tech workshop:)

    Glad to know you are too. :>

  28. Nice Sir your wonderful blessings always came you in your intellectuality and health. Stay in a good faith and patience...God Bless Bro

  29. Thanks a lot brother, I think you are from Indonesia!!!. your every article is my inspiration to build my blog and I follow your site in my dashboard profile.

  30. A salamualikum dear brother! I'm Maria and I'm also Pakistani. I've followed your blog, facebook, twitter and google + because I'm your big fan. I'm your regular reader.

    I'm also blogging about "Making Money Ideas". Besides that I've also added you to my link exchange list. Check out:


    I've messaged you for link exchange request, this is again a reminder message. I hope you'll reply to me soon.


  31. Hi MOHAMMAD this is Suresh from India.I'm your greatest fan.I love the way of your blogging and the articles in the blog are very informative.I'd bookmarked your blog very long back.Keep posting bro.All the very best.

  32. plz send me ur contact number or email id em also master in these things n em also a big hacker..
    ur last advise is 100% true and em glad to meet with great person :D


  33. Hi,

    Here is your Indian brother visiting you pal.....great blog...keep it up !!

    Apple.com theme guy (lol)

  34. amazing what you have done just within 3 years of blogging, the sky is not your limit.I am Emma from Ghana

  35. i m reading ur blog daily, and i am learning many new things..thanks


  36. haii.... i was read your blog. all about your writing and tutorial is very nice..
    ahlan wasahlan i am from indonesia :)

  37. Sallam My dear Brother Mustafa Ahmadzai!
    I read your bio with interest, you really struggled to gain this position and i am really proud. you have mentioned that you currently live in Karachi Pakistan but you didn't mentioned your nationality. All Ahmadzai Family are from Kandahar of Afghanistan you should mention it in your bio let all Afghan's be proud just like me. I am asking you again plz mention it in your bio that you are from Afghanistan.

  38. Hi Mustafa.
    I'm also a blogger like you and I really enjoyed your writing style and tutorials. you have such a great blog.

    I'm also a blogger like you and I run a blog about Online News and Web Tips. visit my blog about and read my bio. http://GuideAndNews.com

    I also learned about blogging in Karachi. I lived in karachi most of my life and then moved to Afghanistan. Now I live in Kunduz, Afghanistan.

    Thank you.

  39. assalamualikum...I used your above code for tab menu and its workd thanx alot.. can u please tell me how to use those tab menu as drop down menu

    thanx again

  40. thanks man,im anewbie in blogging. with your help i now improve my blog design...i include you in my bloglist..any advice on how to improve writing skills...thank you

  41. hi this is manohar i like your site and your profile......

    now i am following you on google+..........

    i had one website in google sites..


    i need to know more tricks & tips about sites...

    please try to add more...

  42. I have just started blogging 6 months ago at some points i feel lyk to give up, But loosers give up not fighters so, i will continue !!!!!!!!

  43. Dear for you only my website have been ranked 4 today thanks for all your tips for me :)

  44. Great Work.
    Great Blog.
    I am Also From Gulistan-e-Johur, Karachi.
    Some Of My International Friends Thinks That Pakistanis Can Not Build Any Thing In The Way Of Internet But You Are A great Example For All Peoples.
    I Am Also Founder EXEIdeas International.
    I Love Web-Designing And I Know HTML-CSS But For Blog You Did A Great Job For Me.
    I Have Also A Great Wings Over Internet Which Can Not Be Describe Here.
    I Have Nearly 5 Website, 15 Blogs, Social Media And I Also Design Others Website.
    My Official Website Is www.exeideas.tk
    And In End A Special Thanks To You From My Company.

  45. http://gprshub.blogspot.in/

    because of you this blog made

  46. Just Because Of you this blog is now Live

  47. Bro your contact form dont working because i wrote here!
    First I want to say that I like & folow your blog Mohamed. Please help me say how I can set in my sait border how that yours? please that is important!

  48. Assalam-o-Alaikum
    Mustafa Brother, How are you?
    Today, I was looking for a keyword "why the pagerank of my facebook is not increasing" through google. On the first page of Google, Your blog along with a small pic of yours appeared. I checked the blog and immediately bookmarked it as lot of interesting material were there in your blog.
    Brother! I need some help from you, if you could. Your reply is awaited. Thanks.

  49. Great work brother. You have awesome collection of blogger facts. I want to ask something from you, do you pay something for your domain name? From which website you have purchased( if paying ) this domain name?

    Thank you,

  50. Salam, I am Furqan Muhammad Khan from FE in your department. I was there when you presented in FAST. From you and an earlier workshop motivated me to start doing something. I have begun a couple of weeks ago. I want to but don't get a chance to talk to you in the university. Please have a look at my start. Should I carry on?

  51. glad to hear that your a pakistani

  52. hello.. sir..
    Your webpage is really helpful..
    I want to become a Web Designer like you..
    Sir,can you help me ??

  53. Hello, MOHD___...
    I'm beginner in blogging.. Really have got great experience with your articles...
    I would like to thanks for give amazing information which every beginner and also for professionals can take benefit..
    Here is mine beginner level blog.. http://www.getbest4all.com

  54. I like your blog, most of my blogspot tweaks i learned from here, its really useful, write more and more tips and tricks thanks Mohammad


  55. Thank you all for the overwhelming love and feedback! All praise goes to indeed God and then you buddies. Never expected how quickly will time pass, there was a time when I Prayed to see a single comment on this blog and today I have gone so lazy that I can't find time to reply at least these lovely comments. Means a lot for me and I would always need them to keep spirits high. Thanks a bunch for this needed motivation and kind words. God bless you all. :)

  56. HEY Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai I am from India i want to become author of your blog I will write for Css,jquery and html.

    My Blog-http://www.lordhtml.blogspot.com

    My email-"aumkarakhilesh@gmail.com"

    -Aumkar Thakur

  57. I don't have any hesitation to call you a blogging wonder boy. Much impressed by your advice to new bloggers and I am one of them. Just a month ago started my blog www.pollutionpollution.com after facing a fiasco in running an Urdu website on investment. Following the course of never-give-up started new venture with bit planning and working hard with hoping for the best. Would be much blessed if you simply once visit my blog and give me feedback of your birds eye view. I am demanding so much from you because of your considerate advice to new bloggers like me.
    God bless you.

  58. This is me Muhammad Hasnain creator of SCIENCE, Pakistan (www.pakchem.net) Blog.
    I also live in Karachi.
    I really appreciate your work. You are doing very well man.
    Keep it up.........

  59. How much does your blog earn per day?

  60. Assalamu Alaikum brother...Very nice and informative blog.More useful contents.I too own a blog and its name is http://www.grabtheknowledge.in/ you too visit it and give me ur valuable feedback.

  61. Dear Brother,

    i m from India...

    After visiting your website, i became a fan of u...


  62. Hi!

    Nice blog and I learnt how to put meta description right as well as putting description for search for each post in blogger.

    I would like to ask you one question that in my blog there is some gap between header and horizontal menu bar. How can i remove that?
    Please see www.quizmantra.com

  63. nice work . thid id otman, from morocco new reader ? blogger

  64. MashAllah :)
    Great Work..Keep It Up..!!

  65. HEY Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai I am from India i want to become author of your blog I will write for Css,jquery and html.

    My Blog-http://www.techming.in

    My email-"akashtech499@gmail.com"

  66. hi....@Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai pls help me .......

    i have created new blog and i added adsense but it get disabled...pls pls help me out

    my email id allsuryamovies@gmail.com

    And u have doing a grate job...

  67. Assalam-0-Alaikum Brother I am Impressed What a Nice & Genius man you are i like the way of your writing Superb nice to know about you ... Keep up the good work & keep sharing beautiful and usefull tricks :D

    Please visit my blog and give me some tips if any thing wrong in it



  68. Bhai assalamualaikum!

    Bhai MyBloggerTricks is just a amazing site!
    Best Site for bloggers!
    I love this site!
    I am a great fan of MBT!
    Keep it up BRo!

  69. I listed your website as a top source of Bloggers tips & tricks etc.

  70. nice sharing bro..
    i m encouraged by ur message...

    Ramesh Kumar Khatri

  71. at first thanks almighty god who creat us...and gives a beautiful life.I appreciate to your blog god bless you.....monjur hossain from ....Bangladesh

  72. Nice bio... You really a good person buddy not just because you are a blogger but I think in reality.

  73. Really I'm very much impressed from your words. You are really a good blogger and a good human being. And very well said "Everyone of you is a born genius, you just need to recognize your God gifted potentials", I really appreciate those words.


  74. Dear Brother Mohammad Mustafa,

    Very nice thoughts you have, i liked and impressed. Keep it up. I have interest in blogging since May 2011, so started and got a lot of knowledge. And now i found your blog and also thought myself that i should also share the things with others that i know from all over the surfing, so that these all knowledge will be available at one place like MBT. Thanks again. This is my blog, i need your kind guidance. www.bloggerzhelp.com
    Muhammad Faheem Usama

  75. Assalamu alaikum,
    Brother Mohammad please review my blog http://saftdatasolutions.blogspot.in/ and http://organicplatform.blogspot.in/ and suggest me to improve my blog.

  76. Dear Admin.!
    This is Salman from Pakistan.i am a student of 2nd year(medical).i want to create a blog to improve my living.i know it takes a lot of time but i'm ready for it.i want your kind suggestions in some matters.ok 1st of all
    >suggest me a good domain name,(and suggest me a site where to buy it):P
    my blog will be all about latest trending news,social media and of course blogging :)

    >suggest me a good theme too :P

    (SORRY for my po0r English)

  77. After hovering over your website ultimately I have come to know you properly :).

    Thanks Bhaiya Keep it Up !

  78. Hi Mohammad,
    This I posted it in one of your article’s comment column, I am sorry for the repetition.
    After posting that only I found this page, so I am posting it here with a bit of change. Hope you do not ignore.
    I started my web writing thru Google’s Knol pages and now it is dead and all my stuff at knoll pages migrated to Wordpress.com, since the death of knol, one of my web friend suggested to start a blog and I started one recently in English as well as one in my native language Malayalam. Here is a small doubt in connection with my blog writing. I believe that, at last I found a wonderful place to roam around and clear my doubts about blogging and web writing, Good to be here, I am here via my g+ page, I really missed this wonderful and informative page. Good that I am here now. These pages are really a great guideline/helpline to people like me a newbie. I would like to mention a small doubt here in relation to my adsense
    i am an adsense user since almost a year or so, i used to check my status too, the other day when i check to know my earnings the page is showing a different window ie about adsense itself with a video link, how can i know my earning status, whom should i contact? can you show some light on this line my blog page details are available at my g+ page

    Recently I joined in another add group and they are posting their adds too in my page, now both adds are appearing in my pages, is it because of this that the adsense earning page is not opening. Pl. advise.
    thanks in advance
    Best Regards
    Philip Ariel
    My email id pvariel at gmail dot come
    Blog page English http://pvariel.blogspot.in
    I am following your blog

  79. Its so unfortunate of me to have read these beautiful love letters just now. I am over joyed and surely can't thank you enough. Its your kind gesture and consistent feedback that is driving this little community. May you all have the best in life brothers and sisters and I just pray to keep updating you all as long as I can. Blessings for all! :)

    @P V Ariel

    You are always welcomed here Ariel. Thank you for the precious feedback and kind motivation. :)

    I replied the query in your first comment. The problem is linked with your browser. Please use both Safari, Chrome and Firefox to keep yourselves safe from these compatibility conflicting issues. Let me know if this solves your problem. Peace pal :)

  80. im very glad to share with you all that bloging is beauty when you learn an implement at thesame time.
    @Admin plz how can i get a similar widget you use for your about me please

  81. Hi, I'm very much impressed with the dynamic template of blogger, so started working on my blog through dynamic template only. Here are my couple of queries from you...

    Query 1. Dynamic template loading speed is really good when the blog is open for anybody (public). But when we give some restrictions such as "only blog authors" or "only these readers", the page (home page) opening speed become zero or it never open.

    And the same page suddenly open without touching any button if
    we change the option "any body" (for public)" from the blogger backend.

    Query 2. Can i buy this kind of dynamic template with the same features for my own site which i can upload somewhere in third party server.


  82. According To Me "Mohammad" Owner Of MBT Is Best Blogger. Because He Always Ready To Help Other Bloggers. :)

  83. Thank you for such a nice post was really happy to make such a nice page for my blog .


  84. hey great website, you have helped me with alot of things on my site and it looks way better. thanks for the help :) i would like to know how you do that at the bottom of your site. where it says subscribe, recipes.

  85. I am very proud that there is a moslem who reaches this high position to the extent that google engineers consider and appreciate his opinions.
    thank you very much.

  86. Mustafa aap pakistan ki shaan ho....wo jo kehte hain k pakistani kuch nhi kr skte un k liye aap ki zaat boht bara jawab hai......
    aap ki wajha se mai ne boht kuch seekha hai ....
    wese acha huwa aap ko amreka ka visa nhi mila , q k Allah ne aap se hum jaise nakmoo ko kuch sikhaane ka kaam jo lena tha

    bus lage rhu ,,,,,, best of luck

  87. Owsum brother...
    You are also from karachi...
    may Allah bless you

  88. i happened to stumble upon your site quite a few times in past but i didn't take pain to check who is publishing this awesome information on back end, i am so happy i found your site , it has given me new hope and urge to do something a bit different, thank you very much my friend.. May you keep crossing milestones of achievement, one after one .. Adil

  89. Your blog is fantastic! Thank you so much for all of this information, I've been learning a lot from you! This is so valuable.

  90. hi bro i want to ask you a question i am planning to buy a domain name from blogger or godaddy should i buy hosting or use blogger.com hosting and is your blog on blogger and have you hosted it on an other hosting account or with blogger kindly guide me please waiting for your reply

  91. I'm your fan MOHAMMAD.I always read your articles.

    Nuwan from www.bestmovietorrents.com

  92. Mohammad brother......i have no words... but thanks......

  93. Mustafa you are proud of us and we all love
    all of your articles help

    i want to become a man like you or that of amit agarwal in the future because i love my studies,computer and blogging.
    Hope in future if i have any difficulty you will help and guide me
    Once again i like your blogging articles

  94. bro i think i should follow you :)


  95. Hy mohammad, i wrilly apreciate your blog and your personal. especially because of your religion islam, hahaa. . .

  96. puuuurfect! cute guy with brain. awesome.. hehe

  97. Mustafa you are proud of us and we all love
    all of your articles help


  98. Hi Mohammad
    I just found your blog and I LOVE it. It's full of great information for a beginner like me trying to increase circulation to my blog.
    I'm still in the process of designing my blog...which posts on your site would you recommend for someone like me?

    Thanks in advance
    Emily @ UpstateCountryHouse.com

  99. @mary
    Mohammad is proudly Pakistani

  100. assalamu alaykum
    dear sir (mohammad and mybloggertick staff also company)
    great work

    the great mybloggertrick
    i am graphics deginer also beginer web deginer..
    i lots of learn of your this site
    you are great teacher
    thank you
    allah bless you always you success
    realy great pray for you
    thank you

  101. Ohh great! What to say? I was stopping by here, proud of you.

  102. Hi I am very impressed about your life history. Specially on how you make your online career without caring other profession. I love it...

  103. I am agree with your advice to new bloggers. Can you tell me in 2013 is blogging is good i mean there are some rumors that in 2013 getting traffic in blogs are difficult.

  104. nic work ... keep it up bro......

  105. Hi Mohammad, just wanted to say congratulations for the amazing blog! You really have some great tips, which are helping me a lot with my blog!

    Thanks and keep it up!
    Kind regards from Australia,
    Cler Faraone

  106. He MOHAMMAD MUSTAFA AHMEDZAI I Download Your Template And In The Post Your Photos Insert In my post PLZ..... Help Me I Want To Show My Photo......

  107. he mustafa give me more help about my blog i want a famous blogger ...

    visit my blog

  108. Hey Mohammad,

    Although I am not that much of a blogger as you see guys in this comment forum, I am just a System Engineer and an Android Application Developer, but I recently just read some of your posts and I must admit, your work is motivational and worth appreciation, I hated blogging until now because no one guided me correctly, but I am starting to like blogging after reading your posts.
    Keep it up bro,
    May God bless and bestow his blessings upon you.

    Hussain Raza

  109. I got inspired by him and created this blog

  110. MOHAMMAD MUSTAFA AHMEDZAI thank you for your articles. So much for themselves found and used. I have a very interesting project to make money on the Internet. Earnings are not ogranichen. If you write me at vitali.grechuhko@gmail.com I'll tell you and explain. Dreams come true.

  111. visa rejection .. hmm probably i am the next mbt in the making

  112. Asslam o Alaikum Brother.
    Nice tho see you and really we pround of you that we have talent like you here in pakistan. i am from mirpur azad kshmir. i start blogging just few days before i dont how i can make it attractive for my audience. i am alwayas trying to make it help full for visitors but i dont know i am always think i cannot do it. so if you please guide me for make it up. you are brilliant and i like you post here. i try to learn from you posts. but please guide me little.... thanks
    my blog: Mirpurview.blogspot.com


  113. Assalaam o Alaikum! Everyone.
    I have been trying for years now to create such a platform online as Mustafa did which can help people around the world to earn handsome money on the internet even launched the whole thing

    (Here you go: www.wealthtram.com)

    but due to some schedule related problems i am unable to make posts timely.

    If any one of you is willing to participate with me please feel free to add me on skype (ID: ali2644) or muhammadalisaleem786@gmail.com

    @Mustafa, I have been researching and doing development for years now but nothing amazed me this much as your work really did. As an appreciation gift of all your efforts i will soon start the development of an Android Appilcation Version of your website, this way i am quite sure that we can help more people.

  114. assalammualaikum..
    Thanks for the template ya akhwan.. i'm a beginner of blogger.. i hope your advices to me keep learn and moving forward to be better in the future.. i'm from Indonesia..


  115. Great post about Author how can i create like this is there way to create About Author??? I want to create like this please let me know ho to?????

  116. i love all posts on mbt..
    please visit on my blog digitcrop.com
    and give me some advice...

  117. Actually i would say..i got inspired from this blog ;)

  118. Ur the king ... ur the king maker ... i'll visit daily and collect all ur links and read ... awesome information.... i starting my profile as seo, but my friends, family friends and relatives are laughing about my profile. I want to prove my self ... what i am and who i am..

  119. Assalamualaikum..
    I'm from Indonesia, i follow MBT since one year ago via Google Reader (and now using Feedly). It's very useful and informative, so HUGE THANKS for helping me create my blog. Good Luck! :)

  120. Asalm-o-Alikum

    I am new in blogger and I like your blog very much and I found it one of the best blog ever.

    So I want you to take a look on my blog and give me advise to improve it I f you don't mind

    Blog URL

  121. i am so impressed by your writing skills and the in-depth knowledge.You are doing excellent job.all the bloggers like me are getting useful information from your blog..i have a blog http://www.webcodeexpert.com/ to share technical knowledge and getting benefits from your blog regarding SEO and design.

  122. Hey,you are a real genious of blogging world .I would like to salute your for the way the story of your article flowed.Post these kind of articles always..

  123. I am so glad to be here! Thanks I found this blog.... I celebrate you!

  124. wish your developing all the time Mr Ahmedzai..

  125. Thanks to your template ..

  126. Nice! As i consider, you should be no.1 blogger of pakistan. You are doing good keep it up!

  127. You're one of the great bloggers I've seen.

  128. Mustafa bhai aap ki site tricks k liye dunya ki sab se best site hey.

  129. This is one of my best blog that i follow for blogging and to gaining many type knowledge......i always resolve my problem after reading your blog....if i have any problem in my blog "www.technotrickies.com" then first of all i find the solution in my blog only .......because i trust your blog.....thanks for doing this all the things........


  130. I am inspired, your motivation for blogger is very pure like diamond, you do blogging due to willing to help many people. that's inspiring me so much.

  131. You are a Legend Mohammad ! Love You <3

  132. Hey you look so cool :)

  133. you are great man.tnx for crating MBT

  134. how can you did it mustafa? your blog is amazing.. thanks for inspiring me.. i wait your next blog tricks.. greeting from indonesia..

  135. Thanks man, thanks for everything! you really are one passionate teenager. We've got much talent here in Pakistan! though I'm still real young to give compliments but mayn you're damn awesome!. A teenager who's spending his time in the right way..
    I'm a little blogger too.. and I look forward to choose the same field for the future. Stay blessed! Allah Hafiz!


  136. Hi Mustafa !
    I'm Ivan...
    Thanks for every post in this site, you always help me to edit my blog, even i'm a newbie blogger and even me just a senior highschool student.
    Hope the best for you, me, and the others.

    sorry my english is not enough good, i'm an indonesian


  137. Assalaamu'alaikum...

    Yet one month, I became an affiliate amazon. I only make one product - 1 page. Can be counted on the fingers of visitors to my blogspot. I need criticism and suggestions from you. As a beginner, I was in desperate need of your help.

    This, my blogspot to sell Amazon products:

    (sorry, my english if there are not polite. I use google translate)

    Thank you for your attention and your wisdom

    (Noviar Andriyan)

  138. Mashallah Man. I wish the best for you!

  139. Awesome!!
    First time read someone's bio, infact a big article, umm may be cox I too wanna be an Entrepreneur.
    Great thoughts, Good start and Ofcourse Gud Work
    Keep it up!

    May you have great future ahead! And Me too!


  140. I would like to learn more about blogging and Internet Marketing from you

  141. Hello Mustafa
    Nice Site all article helpful thanks for sharing your knowledge then you

  142. AOA. I am Muhammad Usman Rashid founder of a blog named www.appsnotebook.com and a new blogger. I am too much inspired by your stories and I have created top bloggers of Pakistan list so please have a look at it http://www.appsnotebook.com/top/top-pakistani-bloggers-2015/

    1. W.salam dear Usman,

      Thank you for the honor. Means a lot =)

  143. hi admin i saw ur post very honestly i reads all ur article which provided for the new bies .i need your help just check out mywebsite whether my blog or article is it ok or not.

  144. Wow!
    Bro you are inspiring me.
    I started blogging this year two month back to overcome my economical problems.
    Good news is its approved by Adsense .

    Bad thing its hard to get visits,
    Also can't find authors.


    1. Kindly don't focus on revenue for at least 6 months in order to drive smoother organic traffic which may long last. Revenu will come by itself the sooner you start focusing on quality content.

      When you saturate a blog with ads at early stage, you loose trust and credibility in robot's eyes. Be E-A-T buddy. =)

  145. That was so good to read about your struggle and devotion. You are really a true motivation of many people.
    Stay blessed

    1. May Allah bless you even more brother suleman for showing your love and respect. Thank you for the precious feedback. =)

  146. Salam Mustafa bhai,

    I wish you lots and lots of success in 2016 and beyond!

    Keep growing, InshALLAH!

    ~ Adeel

    1. W.salam Adeel,

      I wish the same for you buddy and wish to meet you this year at least. Do come office someday! =)

      Thank you for always being there.

  147. W.salam buddy. Thank you for the kind feedback!

    Sure you may ask for any help needed at our pubic forum which is created solely for helping people like you. =)

  148. You're a great inspirational blogger, Following you since 2012 and getting more and more useful great tips.

    God bless you
    Pro Tech Mate

  149. Liked your blog very much! It gives me push to keep blogging seeing people like you.

  150. Mustafa bro I wanna ask you something about my carrier in Software Engineering field. I am a studen of
    Software Engineer in Aptech Computer Education in Pakistan.
    My Questions are:

    1. A web developer Can Earn mare than a Software Engineer So is it not better to be a web developer instead of wasting 4 years of graduation?

    2.I want to be web developer, web and mobile based application developer so is it necessary for me to be complete Software Engineer?

    3.is this question asked to a web developer at interview time" Are you Graduate or Intermediate"indeed he/she is a addicted web developer ?

    4. What is Software Engineer scope who are from Aptech(if you know about this IT Institute) Computer Education's diploma holder in our country/abroad(USA & Canada)?

    1. Glad to see your amazing blog, Mustafa.
      Greetings from Indonesia! Your blog inspired me, keep it up.

      The KOKLoo

  151. انت فخر للشباب العربي مش مثل اخونا امين رغيب هههه

  152. It is nice to know you sir... i get a lot of knowledge from you article...and it is help me so much...thanks and may god bless you...From Indonecian National Police Officer...

    1. I'm astonished by your tutorial and blog, you're amazing, how I wish I can meet someone like you...

  153. You are indeed a great blogger


  154. Assalaaamualaikum from malaysia

    thanks so much for all of your impressive articles i've been reading until today

    really inspired by your "from zero to hero " biography

    thanks again

  155. Blog yg sangat bagus.. Mudah2an bermanfaat buat saya..

  156. I am really proud of dear Mohammad sir

  157. Hi Mohamed,

    I studied your blog, it is awesome to read and understand. Keep posting more like this. I am trying to implement those strategies.

    Thanks for the wonderful posts!!!1

  158. Aoa. Muhammad Mustafa bhy very amazing , i was smiling while reading about you, i feel its not you, its i am.i am very very happy to have the opputunaty to reading your blog and also motivated .

  159. Hello Mohammad, I just wanted to say that your blogging ability to captivate readers is amazing. I have enjoyed reading your posts all day. I am never engaged so job well done and keep up the wonderful work.

  160. Assalam O Alikum ...
    My name is taimour sahil i want to say something for you that you are one of the best not in just pakistan you are the best in the whole world...i really appreciate your efforts and your love for others....
    i am also a blogger i have also some knowledge about blogging and wordpress..i made this website on local server then i move from local server to online server.
    please visit my site and tell me how to improve my blog and wordpress....



    in wait .......

  161. Man, you are the best.

    Such a nice quotes, boosting new bloggers.


  162. assalam alaikum ahmed bhai. i want to earn money using blog. but i dont have enough knowledge and no one give me satisfied detail. can you please help me?

  163. Assalamualaikum wow very nice bro
    I'm from indonesian
    I'm very happy visit your blog
    I'm a begginner
    blogger it seems like I have a lot to learn from you
    Please help him thanks

  164. Not a single answer after jan 2016, quite a bussy person. I just wanted to thank you that you have made so many informational posts. I just have started blogging. Wasnt aware that blogging also requires knowledge of language and computer.
    I just thought that its easier to convey your passion to a large commiunity without any hassel. But now i m just thinking otherwise. I dont know the abc of language how could i do and reach a large population. Sorry that i have started my own story but you are great and helpfull too. May god help you too so you will always help others.
    Here is my blog address
    If you could please help me in telling me what are the areas of improovements.
    And how can i follow your blogs.

  165. Seeing your this post gives me the courage and ability to work online and never to give up in life
    and thanks for the advice and words of encouragement
    my blog are as follow

    i create many blog just to earn my self penning since 2013
    and once again thanks
